Day of the Dead:

From left is Gary Klar (Steele), Lori Cardille (Sarah), me, and Joe Pilato (Rhodes) of Day of the Dead.
This moment was one of the biggest thrills of my life!
They were all so sweet and wonderful! It was definitely a dream come true.

Reggie Bannister:

On the left, I was talking about something to Reggie,
but I can't remember what, and on the right is me and Reggie! What an incredible guy!

Tom Savini:

This is like the goofiest picture of me in existence! He said something to make me laugh, and that's when my mom
snapped the picture! And Tom just looks insane in the pic with me! On the right is Tom signing a picture of my cat Savini.

Linnea Quigley:

Leonard Lies:

He was the machete zombie in Dawn, what a cool guy!! He was sooo nice.

Ken Foree:

What a sweetheart! He made sure my mother took another picture of us so that they would come out. He was so friendly.

Brinke Stevens:

She was such a doll. She has such a cool voice! I really tried to fiddle with this picture to make it darker, but I couldn't do much.

Michael Berryman:

He was so nice, I felt so comfortable around him.

Bruce Campbell!!:

On the right he is signing my Evil Dead 2 jacket I had made back in 1992.
I always swore I'd have him sign it!! Below is an old snapshot of the jacket:

Clint Howard:

Clint Howard was soooo cool, he had us follow him back to his table to sign
several things for me (for Raven & my Mother too!).

H.G. Lewis:

H.G. Lewis (on right with me) was the sweetest man!

Kane Hodder:

Me and Kane Hodder (he's really choking me!!!!)

Ann B. Davis:

Yes, that's Alice from the Brady Bunch!! Met her in 1994 and she was sooo cool!!!

Wendy and Richard Pini:

Of the Elfquest comoic book series, the only comic book I ever read.

Stephen King:

Didn't actually meet him, but went to a reading and question and answer period that he did.

Faith No More:

Saw them in 1990.

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