ANKH—ancient Egyptian staff of life
CADUCEUS—two intertwined serpents representing healing
CIRCLE—completion, wholeness
CORNUCOPIA—abundance, plenty
CROSS—Christianity, intersection of heaven and earth
DOOR, GATEWAY—transition to other realms
EGG—new beginnings, regeneration
EYE—inner life, inner light
FEATHER—unity with Creator
HAND—creation, power, blessings
KEY—opening inner realms
KNOT—bonding, cohesion, unity
LADDER—ascending from earth to the heavens
PENTAGRAM—five-pointed star of harmony and balance
PYRAMID—ancient mysteries, revelations
RAINBOW—connection to the Creator, oneness
SPIRALS—movement of energy and the universe
SQUARE—solidity, foundation, earth, order
STAR—the heavens, great attainment
SWORD—truth, clarity, focus
TRIANGLE—divine trinity, path toward higher unity
WHEEL—movement, change, endless circle of existence