Dinosaur Type Zoids


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The Death Saurer
The Apocalypse


Another dino extinct

Charge Particle Cannon
The Charge Particle Cannon

This Section Is For Non-Flying Dino Types
Death Saurer
Defense-- *****
Strength-- *****
Fire Power-- ***** heck ill just put in another star ******
Agility-- look right down
Speed Rating-- 1/2 star
Weapons--Zoid melting Sheild Breaking Lava Making Charge Particle Cannon,Electro Magnetic generator Missles,Nose Gun,Tail Cannon
Combat Mode--Long Range
Info:The ancient zoidians builded this great zoid then it turned on them and came on a rampage to destroy plant Zi.It's C/P/C can destroy any sheild except for Van's Blade Liger Shield with Zeke, and Dr.Toros's Hover Cargo's Shield trust me I know my info.
Costs: $13,000,000,000.00
Beserk Fury
Defense-- *** with shield--*****
Strength-- ****
Fire Power-- **** and 3/4
Agility-- *** and a half
Speed Rating-- ****
Weapons--Triple Charge Particle Cannon,Twin Laser Cannons,Drill Blades
Color--Silver, Black
Modifier--Hover Boosters
Combat Mode--Long & Close
Info:He's an Ultimate X that means he has an organoid system it's not quite like a real organoid.It has 3 C/P/Cs one on the left drill,one on the right,and one in it's mouth.It's hover boosters let it hover to places well like 8 ft. thats how it reach's it's max speed.
Costs: $200,200.00
Geno Breaker
Defense-- *** with shield-- ****
Strength-- ****
Fire Power-- **** and a quarter
Agility-- *** and a half
Speed Rating-- ****
Weapons--Cutter Blades,Head Blade,Charge Particle Cannon, Leg Mounted Laser Guns, Hyper Energy Shield
Color--Red, Black
Modifier--Flyer/Hover Boosters
Combat Mode--Long & Close
Info:I've heard that it could be as strong as the DEATH SAURER! It's an organoid transformed Geno Saurer from Shadow the organoid.Raven pilots it.It's boosters can make it fly.
Costs: $200,000.00
Geno Saurer
Defense-- ***
Strength-- ****
Fire Power-- ****
Agility-- ***
Speed Rating-- ****
Weapons--Extendable Razor Claws, Pulse Lasers, Charge Particle Cannon,Nose Gun
Color--Purple+Navy Blue, Blue, Navy Blue+Red
Modifier--Hover Boosters
Combat Mode--Long & Close
Info:This incredible zoid was a miniature clone of the DEATH SAURER by minister Prozan given to Raven as a gift cause his old zoid got destroyed.
Costs: $70,000.00
Spinno Snapper
Defense-- *** and a quarter
Strength-- ***
Fire Power-- ***
Agility-- **
Speed Rating-- **
Weapons--Laser Powered Saws,Double laser Guns,6 missle pods
Color--Bone White
Modifier--Super Tough Armor
Combat Mode--Long & Close
Info:If u ask me its a fossil dinosaur.In 1 episode a gang used them for stealing parts.Naomi had to shoot it THREE TIMES for it to fall down and she used her Gun Sniper's sniper rifle!
Costs: $50,000.00
Gun Sniper
Defense-- ***
Strength-- ***
Fire Power-- *** and a half
Agility-- ***
Speed Rating-- ***
Weapons--Wild Weasel Unit---(optional),Sniper Rifle,Twin Gattilng Guns,Missle Pods
Modifier--Ion Boosters
Sensor--Heat Sensors
Combat Mode--Long Range
Info:Naomi is the best at the Gun Sniper.Leena puts 2 weasel units on her's and that my friends is why she never uses her sniper rifle like Naomi.It still one of the best zoids around.
Costs: $65,000.00
Rev Raptor
Defense-- ** and a half
Strength-- ***
Fire Power-- ***
Agility-- ** and 3/4
Speed Rating-- ***
Weapons--2 Cutter Blades,Twin Laser Guns
Combat Mode--Long & Close
Info:It's pretty average strengthed zoid.It's the most seen zoid in
season 3 u know the one with Bit Cloud.
Costs: $30,000.00
Defense-- *****
Strength-- *****
Fire Power-- *****
Agility-- *
Speed Rating-- *
Weapons--4 Giant Mega Cannons,Tail Gun,Force Shield,Gravity Cannon
Combat Mode--Long Range
Info:It's a very powerful zoid.It's used zoid as a fortress for the zoids asccioation thing.It has a strong shield.It has enough room in the cockpit for like 17 people even more maybe.It's Gravity Cannon is very powerful.
Costs: $4,000,000,000.00
Defense-- ****
Strength-- ****
Fire Power-- **** and a quarter
Agility-- half a star
Speed Rating-- *
Weapons--2 POWERFUL Cannons,6 Chest missles
Combat Mode--Long range
Info:It was created by the republic and in season 3 it is used as a police zoid/car.It has 2 very powerful cannons.
Costs: $90,000.00

Defense-- ***
Strength-- ***
Fire Power-- ***
Agility-- *
Speed-- **
Weapons-- Twin Side Cannons, Short Chest Cannon
Color-- White
Modifier-- none
Sensors-- none
Combat Mode-- Long Range
Info-- This zoid is possibly, maybe weaker than the Rev Raptor. If you dont remember this zoid was seen in the episode called "Raven" this zoid was used by Raven to destroy a military base and got destroyed cause it coudn't handle all that power.
Defense-- *** and a quarter
Strength-- *** and a half
Fire Power-- *** and a quarter
Agility-- *
Speed-- **
Weapons-- 60 mm Twin Laser Guns, 2 twin miniature Laser Guns, TwinTail Laser Guns, 2 tail missle launchers
Color-- Green, Gold
Modifiers-- none
Sensors-- none
Combat Style-- Long & Close
Info: This zoid is very flexible. It was first seen gaurding a fortress in Chaotic Century episode #3.
Defense-- *
Strength-- *
Fire Power--0
Agility-- *****
Speed-- *****
Weapons-- none
Color-- Torqouise, Light Red
Modifiers-- none
Sensors-- none
Combat Style-- none
Info: This zoid is the fastest land based zoid. It was only shown in the old 80's toys.Though this zoid can go 500km and hour it is incredibly weak but not the weakest.
More Dinos Comin Soon!

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