"Twas our 25th Reunion Year - 1997

'Twas Tuesday 1996 on the seventh of May
When the planning of our 25th got on its way
Tom Gennis planned the first meeting at the Greek Church with care
In hopes that classmates from 1972 soon would be there
Within minutes we were seeing old friends and new
It was like a small reunion getting reacquainted and recognizing a few
When all of a sudden there arose such a clatter
The 25th Reunion was the next point of matter
The addresses of the classmates were the most important to get
We worked to find more and more every time that we met
Away to the Arlington Town Hall every month we flew like a flash
Our Selectmen Stephen Gilligan and Jack Hurd booked our meetings in a dash
There was so much to do and there were so many ideas being said
That we want you to know that with this team the Class of 1972 had nothing to dread
More rapid than eagles, the thirteen of us came
And we would like to praise and call them by name:
Now, Tom Gennis! Now, Linda Anderson! Now, Ellyn Geremonte!
Now, Sal Tassone! Now, Jack Hurd! Now, Diane Colozzi!
Oh, John Healy! Oh, Jane Giuffre! Oh, Joanne Grande! Oh, Patti Carlan!
Oh, Lynette Azanvourian! Oh, Ruth Freedland! Oh, Stephen Gilligan!
And now in a twinkling, we will tell you what was done
Sharing and working together was quite fun
And Tom with his green folder and Linda with her pen
We created a reunion which was a perfect ten!
Ellyn our treasurer collected and saved all the money
While Sal collected and brought memorabilia for all to see
A bundle of mail from the P.O. box, Stephen brought in a stack
We opened each piece to read and place in a pack
Ready for John to process and type all our classmates' data
While Patti whipped up another of her chocolate chip batter
Our eyes how they twinkled! Our ideas were so great!
We couldn't wait until the reunion date!
We were all nestled snug and listened to ideas that were said
While visions of videos and picture name tags danced in our heads
Together we worked to get pictures ready and copied
So that Diane could finish the video and name tags for all, yes indeed
Jack helped with the video equipment
Which helped keep our budget down and make less of a dent
Ruth provided that sound practical advice
And Lynette did the advertising and publishing of books quite nice
Jane and Joanne worked on the menu, flowers and decorations
Everything was precise from colors to spices to even red carnations
Tha last thing we did was the wine bottle souvenir
Which Joanne, her husband and the team held so dear
We scraped, washed and re-labeled each bottle with glee
Ellyn made the labels for our classmates to remember our 25th gratefully
As the days got closer, the time did fly
It was finally Thanksgiving morning and you ask why?
It was the first annual  Pancake breakfast put on by the Class of '72
John and Jack were flipping pancakes for the early bird crew
Tom's idea was for the thirteen of us to raise money with care
For the John Asinari Scholarship and give you a dare
To help us donate to one of our classmates who deserved a better fate
Many thanks to you all who participated, donated and came
With the Class of 1972, we plan to carry on his name

In a wink of an eye, it was Saturday night
The team was ready and high as kites
The posters made by Ellyn were hung with care
And the red and gray M&M's made quite a pair
With great care by Linda the room was all set
Even the D.J. was a sure bet
It was already 6:30 and the Burlington Marriott was filled with noise
Of all of the classmates' voices, both girls and boys
Everything was outstanding and we all had a blast
Talking and reminiscing about the present and the past 
The Class of '72 how they kept dancing
Until the last song they were still prancing
And finally it was over at quarter to one
We didn't want to stop because we were having so much fun!
As we all said good-bye and drove out of sight
We all left exclaiming that it was an outstanding night
A special thanks to Linda and Tom and the rest of the team
It all came together as we had dreamed
We can't wait to do it again as the 30th nears
We will see you all in 2002, just in five years!

The Arlington High School Class of 1972 25th Reunion was OUTSTANDING! The Reunion Committee lead by Tom & Linda made quite a team.

Oh, What a Night!

The Burlington Marriott was hopping with classmates from 6:30 to 1:00pm and then until the wee hours of the morning for those who stayed at the Marriott.

Alphabetical for 4 years! Ronnie Collins, Linda Colozzi, John Healy, Diane Colozzi, Rich Collins. Hey, wait a minute what's Huck doing between the twins?