"Just wanted to say that I've enjoyed reading your reviews of the show."-Scott of Tough Enough Three
Hey, all..Welcome to the night we have all been waiting for..the Season Finale of Tough Enough 3! What a fantastic black and white opening featuring all the finalists..wow. Really inspirational. And I'm serious. The coach welcomes us to The World, 'In the Heart of Times Square', dontcha know. Long shot of the packed audience, and the luminaries seated therein. JR comes onstage, welcoming us all, and talking the blah-de-blah...He then introduces The Coach and Ivory (looking fabulous, by the way), as our hosts for the evening. They say a few words, then invite the remaining contestants up onto the stage. A review of past contestants--both quitters and those cut--is then shown. Coach stresses the 'even though you don't win tonight, you can still make it' schtick--and shows 'ol Harvard Chris in the audience as proof. They remind us that the online polls are 'just about closed', and then on to a spate o' commercials. Back from the break, they show Justin seated in the audience, and then tell us all the the voting is OVER. (And I voted; yes, indeedy..) Coach introduces our Al (to his classic music and a goodly pop)--and he is looking mighty fine all in black and a tan (suede?) jacket. They are actually gonna do a *live* 'Walk of Doom'..a live cut. The contestants stand trembling before him, as he delivers a solemn and heartfelt speech..'This night and (gesturing to the audience) all these people are for all of you. No matter what happens next, you all have earned this, and deserve this, and I am proud of each and every one of you. Please never forget..that your dreams can still live...that all roads will take you where you want to go, but for some of you tonight, it may just be a longer journey. And you're gonna have to make the decision on whether or not you want to continue on that journey. So, why don't we do this?' He begins the dramatic pacing back and forth (with appropriately tense music) as one by one they are told to, 'Sit down', until only Jamie and Eric remain. He pauses in front of each, but when he stands before Jamie---it is Eric who is told to, 'Sit down'---and Jamie is cut! (Ooops..DIVA.) The crowd goes ballistic. 'Big' leads her offstage..and the camera actually follows her backstage as miserable boo-hoo music accompanies her. 'Big' gives her a hug, and it is Buh-BYE away to her family (who must have been clued-in beforehand) awaiting. Coach and Ivory come back, and Coach asks Ivory if she thinks that the voting was correct (thus effectively passing the buck). Ivory thinks that the WWE has smart fans, and that Jamie just wasn't quite ready yet, but hopes she will be back, blah, blah. They decide to move on..and look at the 'Long and Winding Road' (yes, he actually said that), that led us all to this night. A package is shown featuring all of the contestants---the training, the insults, the injuries, the ribs..the drama-rama. Iceland, Smackdown!, and thankfully, no hot tub. Ahhh..Scott..those were the days. And yes, Good 'Ol Boy Bob Holly restates his innocence. The four remaining guys are shown, and then on to another commercial break...with promises of the first winner to be announced when they return. Back again, they have Josh Matthews interview a crestfallen Jamie. Incredibly, he asks her how it feels knowing that it was America that made the decision to cut her. Wise guy. She recovers well, and says that it was a tough decision for America (Uh Huh.), and that she will have to come back and prove that she is, after all, tough enough (in that sort of feral jungle voice..). They then show packages of the final four--and it is truly difficult to decide, as they are all put over pretty well, with comments by the trainers and the contestants themselves..and smartly cut footage of each in the ring. Again, each is impressive. The guys are shown sweating it out in their seats..and hey! They lied! They don't announce a winner, as they said..but send us sailing off to another adfest. Back again, and the crowd is getting restles s..as am I. Kelly is shown in the audience. More blah-de-blah..and then Nidia comes out (chomping that gum, haha) to announce the first winner. She goes on (in a NYC accent, no less) about winning, etc..and then opens the envelope. It is...JOHN! Whoo-hoo! How could they NOT pick this kid? He accepts his award and makes his thanks, and his family and the crowd go nuts as he holds it aloft in triumph. Good job. The remaining guys are shown, and it is off to another break. They come back, and Scott is shown in the audience. In accordance with his appearance..the 'Bloopers Reel' is shown. Mishaps and merriment, and the '29 'Dudes' '...the most used word in the show, apparently. Interspersed with 'Operation Snowstorm' and the endless ribbings is an extreme closeup of Al and his cohorts who stress that, 'You thought youth and enthusiasm would win out? Uh uh. No, I don't think so. Age and experience will always win out.' (With lots of maniacal laughter)..Well said, Gentlemen. Afterwards, Coach tells us that it is time to award the second contract. Up to the task is Maven, who gives us his little blah-de-blah (although a class act, as always)..and then thanks the trainers..each is shown, except Bill, who is working Smackdown! tonight. Al's eyes just twinkle at the enormous pop from the crowd in his behalf. Then, with a drum roll..the second winner is announced as....Matt! You D*MN right! (Yes, both my picks, thank you.) The audience goes crazy (and so do I) as he makes his way to the stage. He thanks Jesus (seriously showing Rebecca up BIG TIME), and assorted others; and his mother (I guess) is shown crying in the crowd. Al interviews Jonah, asking how it feels, and if he is going to pursue his dream. Jonah shows a bit of class, and congratulates them, and assures us that 'The Chooch' will be mixing it up in the ring with both of them soon. Eric, however, is not such a good loser. When interviewed by Josh, he says that he is 'p*ssed' and that it 's*cks'. Um m..okay. He vows to return, then closes with half-hearted congrats to his betters. (Even Josh looks embarrassed..) Coach rounds it up, thanking us..and the winners are shown in some huge mob (family members?) onstage, holding their trophies high in a storm of tickertape. Great season. Great winners. Thanks for joining us...Until next time..Fade to black.
Tough Enough 3 Live Season Finale!