First match up is Rico/w Miss Jackie in her hearts suite which Al and Coach like very much........they show what was up with Test on Raw when he went after Trish and Christian made the save.......Rico starts the match out with goofy gay type stuff......again great moves by Rico ........Test walks over and steps on Jackies fingers which the fans seem to think was pretty rude.....Jackie gets on the apron and almost gets hit by Rico.......Jackie shows Test her goods.....her boys......her get the picture..... and Rico rolls up Test for the pin
Back we go to Raw....RVD/Booker T win the tag belts.....Randy calls out Mick and the 95 1/2 minutes they use up to beat on Mick
Next up in the French dude/w Rob vs Val/w it's the French dude vs Val.....the fans chant
.Al and Coach wonder why the USA chants since one is French and one is from the great white can hear humming.......Al says it's low flying air-o planes.........the French dude wins after Val gets knees to the gut from a money shot off the top rope
Sting of the Night was Kane beating on Trish and Chris.....Ha.....Christian is one funny dude he takes of with Chris' Rose for Trish and what not.....Christian can be pretty funny when he wants to be.....Chris thinks he is going to take Kane "Downtown to Chinatown"....what does that mean?......Kane beats up on Jericho's knee........Ref calls for the bell and Kane tossed Jericho out of the ring....etc.....etc.....etc......Kane gets on the Mike and poo poos that Undertaker is not the one who is bugging him.....he says
Kane:"The Undertaker is nothing to me!....he is Dead......Dead....Dead"...
On the way up the ramp here comes the purple light that the King dislikes so much......then the coolest thing happens and it starts raining only on Kane.....Ha......Neat-O!!!!!
Rewind was Uncle Eric wanting to beat up Vince some years ago...back to Raw we go and Eric saying he could beat up Vince.....Vince is standing beind Eric and hears this....oh God.....I feel a Vince vs Eric match for Wrestlemaina.....
Next match was Hurricane without the S.H.I.T. vs John Ride Your Bike......hmmm......Al sure hypes up Ride Your Bike............Squash match.....blah......that was just wrong......
Wrestlemaina Recall was the Gimmick Battle Royal
Back to No Way out and Brock and Goldburg's work........Eddie wins the Belt......hee hee
Next match is a 6 man tag match......out first is is Cade and Jindrak.......vs The Dudley Boyz.......Coach is worried about the Boyz.........Ugh......I have never liked 6 man tag matches.....and this one didn't let me down.....gee.......Jindrak/Cade/Matt win..........ummm......yea.....