Sunday Night Heat 6/1/03
Your Webmaster Wayne-O!@#$%^* Reporting
Don't forget to watch Raw(or hope you watched Raw this week) Rock will (or was) be Jerico's special guest on the Highlight don't forget (hope you din't miss it)
Anyway the first match is 3 Minute Warning vs Dreamer/Maven
By the way......Rock.....Highlight Reel......Raw!
Al: Do you smell it Coach?
Coach:It's not me.....what Al is trying to say is that the Rock will be in the house on Jerico's Highlight Reel this(editors note:last monday if you are reading this on Tuesday-Sat).....Monday on Raw
As the match is going on Coach says
Coach:Why have you and Tommy been in the same closet today?
Al:Well today it was Dark in the room this morning
Coach:That is too much information
Editors note:Again.....what in the blue hell are these two talking about again???
Rosie goes crazy in the match when he finds out the Rock will(has) on the Highlight Reel and takes off his shirt which lands him into a DDT by Dreamer and Dreamer and Maven win the match......Tommy is shocked.....Al is shocked...everyone is shocked
Don't forget......Rock....Highlight Reel
Teddy and Jazz are seen walking in the back
Teddy:Jazz tonight is a big night....Jacquline thinks she is going to be the one it's not going to be happening....there is going to be alot of Thuggen and Buggen
Teddy:The Ladies title is on the line tonight.....championship
Jazz:Oh Yea
Slam of week is the Jazz vs Jacquline match from last week
Hightlight Reel......Rock......Raw
As we come back Teddy is in the ring and takes the Mike from the Fink(Teddy to the Fink)
Teddy:You let me take care of this Player.......I do it alot better then let me Holler at you Player....I'm going to send a little message to played Whities game....this week Jacquline the womans belt is on the line and there is going to be alot of Thuggen and Jacquline you get out here and meet the Baddest(Beep!).....belive that!
Spike TV will not be about painting rooms red.......and tell everybody.......Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
They then hype Freddie's book
Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
Oh and make sure you don't(didn't) miss.....Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
Jacquline tapes out
Hey.......Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!............
Rewind is Nowinski backing the Mack
Al:He's Whiter then White Bread.......he's whiter than the sheets on your bed......oh I shouldn't have said that
Hey! know what?????......Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!......
Al:He used the Negro College Fund to get into Harvard
And something about skin Fungus......but Nowinski has this big red "H" on his face mask....HA!....too funnie
Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
Spike gets the mask off and worked on Nowinski's nose.....but in the end Nowinski used the mask against Spike to win the match
Hey if you didn't know......Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
Anybody ever play with one of them Astrojax's???
Whats this"The mood is about to change" thing?
They hype up Flair turning on Shawn and what not.......but don't forget!......Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!
Last match after some nice Upskirt shots from Stacy was Big Papa Pump hitting Lance Storm with the Novacaine........
Yo!......Yo!.....Yo!.....Highlight Reel......Raw........Rock!.......
Al:Bye Bye
Now it is dark