Your Webmaster Wayne-O!#%* with his HEAD in diguise as Harry one Eye the Teddy Bear
Wayne's Profile
Handle: nofredm/Crazy Wayne/AL SNOW'S
Date of birth: Aug,11 1954(send me money)
Siblings:1 bro,two sisters
Pets:1 cat
Love interest:My Wifey Poo Rosey
Hobbies:I have been into many things,Baseball
comix,Butterflys,Human Freaks,Witchcraft,Watching Pro Wrestling,being webmaster of AL
Future plans:To make it to next Tuesday
Person you would most like to meet:Been there done that,but would like to meet up with him some other day again Al Snow
Fondest childhood memory:I had this favorite spot on a pile of Rocks next to the busy street in which I lived,I would sit there for hours thinking and watching the cars go by,I remember some crazy cult said the word was going to come to an end on such and such day,they even know what time,so I made sure that day that on that pile of rocks is where I wanted to be when the world came to an end,so I sat and waited,the time passed and nothing happened,it was a very depressing day Best advice ever received (by whom): my sister once said....if people didnt pick on you it would mean they dont like you..
Pet peeve:Making AL SNOW'S HEAD THE best web site on the internet
Three wishes:Ah,can't get me on this one,I seen that Monkeys Claw movie
Biggest thrill in life:Rosey and My Indian Wedding, hmmm...there used to be
wrestling in seattle and I meet playboy buddy
rose....he said I was his only true fan but then
he turned face and I had to dislike him...I made
signs that said things against him and he would rip them off the wall for fun like..I also met
bob backlund at the seattle library,meeting Al
If you could have done it differently: I learned
allot from the things I did so I would say I
would not change anything
Sport to watch: WWE wrestling/Baseball
Sport to play: candyland
Athlete:Al Snow
Style of music: anything but rap or jazz
Song:"Shut up!" by Kelly Ozborn and "She Fuk'en hates me" by Puddle of Mudd
Television show:Any good Indie Movies on IFC or Sundance/WWE
Movie:Mars Attacks(1996),Blue Velvet,Rivers Edge,Man Who would be King,Wizard of Oz
Actor/Actress:Glen Close, Owen Wilson,Dennis Hopper,Brent Spiner,Harvey Keitel
Car: 1992 TRACKER
Full name:Wayne Gibson
Name: Robin Beatty
Age: 6/13/? If you guess I'll still tell you …good guess but no
Handle: with care…I do have an emotional side On line screen name: Bite your tongue
Siblings: 2 Brothers and 2 Sisters
Pets: 2 cats and 1 bird now…Sandi and Albee…Herbee is the bird's name
Love interests: Men <----- that's plural….just kidding… I think.... could that
be why I'm not married…
Hobbies: surfing the web, this website, pool halls (I only drink a lot but I
never drive), watch T.V., play Sports.
Future plans: get off this medicine to try to take over the world… People I would like to meet up with: Al Snow and the Big Show Fondest childhood memory: Hummm………….yep that's my memory for ya'll Best advice given to me: Mean people still suck! Helpful knowledge in life: KEEP BREATHING! Pet peeve: People talking on cell phones while their eating, checking out in line, or ANYWHERE I CAN HEAR THEM. I don't want to know about what time you got off from work…..what time you left…or where you have to go next Best thrill: My daughter imitating wrestlers and roller coaster rides Sports: Everything but golf. Music: anything 80's Actors/Actress: All WHO make fewer than 100 million a year. Food: Mexican….etc…. Car: Kia Spectra
Co- Webmaster Robin
Siblings: 2 half-sisters/1 half-brother (NEVER MET 'EM!), 2 younger brothers.
Turnoffs: Irresponsible people who cannot take birth control and pop out babies... traffics everywhere, especially in Seattle... majority of hearing people remain ignorant about the deaf culture worldwide *grr*... smoking... drug addict losers, careless drunkards... people who bully others, sure they need help!
Rosey Production Manager
Pets: 1 female cats.
Love interest: YOU GUESS WHO?!!!!!
Hobbies: Reading sexology/natural healing books, drawing
pictures, chatting. I like to find different
educational stuff which most anthropoids aren't
cognizant of. No questions asked, spang!
Future plans: To meet some baseball players in the darkside
of the Pacific Northwest, get out of the longevous
sequestration I'm going through.. And
work on longevity, ect. SPANG!
Person you would most like to meet: George Carlin, the number one comedian... umm, and either Chris Jericho or Brady Anderson. Ah.
Fondest childhood memory: **Shaking her head no, expressionless** I couldn't
recollect any.
Best advice ever received (by whom): "Your body is a divine temple. The
doctor is not its caretaker. YOU are!" --Dr. John R. Christopher. **Bowing to
him** Rest in Peace.
Pet peeve: Anthropomorphics who fear me for who and what I am!
Three wishes: 1.) Dwelling the the country where nobody finds me! 2.) Wipe
off all kinds of mortal discrimination from the planet! 3.) No human breeding in the next 25 years!
Biggest thrill in life: Oh, yes! Oh, yes! Oh, yesssss! I read and discovered
that females have THREE g-spots! I did find mine
already! Ohhhh! Oh, and men have ONE! I know where it
If you could have done it differently: Help reducing the damn overpopulation! **Snarling silently**
Sport to watch: Baseball
Sport to play: Playing with myself? **Demonical tittering** Hee hee hee hee
Athletes:Randy Johnson, Curt Schilling, Ichiro Suzuki, and few other ballplayers. And WWE's Chris Jericho. Kiss my ass, Wayne!
Television shows: The Simpsons, That 70's Show, FOOD 911 (the host Tyler's so hot! Take that, Wayne!) and The Larry Sanders Show reruns,OZ(from HBO)
Movie: Addams Family or Mistress of the Dark
Actor/Actress: The fictitious character, CryptKeeper of TALES FROM THE CRYPT?
Food: Fresh fruits! MMMMM!
Car:Astro Van