Tough Enough Two Show 3 Recap

Show 3 Recap

Tough Enough 2 --03/21/02

Writen by Indigo

Hey, all, and welcome to another episode of Tough Enough 2...It is a real doozy, as we are shown the one holiday that Hallmark forgot...Of course, the show begins with a re-cap of last week and the cuts..

Hawk is featured predominantly in the re-cap, so something is definitely up with him..They start off with bumps at Trax West, and the contestants expressing their surprise that Aaron was cut..and wondering just what the producers are looking for. Al says that cuts are a 'necessary evil' and that you got to think quicker, and learn to adapt..We then see him demonstrating a quarter-Nelson, and learn that each trainer definitely has their 'favorite'--thus bringing us to the Hawk/Holly drama...Hawk thinks that Hardcore likes him, and Hardcore is shown saying that he does NOT like Hawk..and will NEVER like Hawk..

We then are privy to Jake's opinion of a word: 'bizarre'..and then see a few demonstrations of this..Hawk's apparent insomnia, and nightmare of killing someone..and the 'Hawkwich'---Two blueberry Eggo waffles smeared with 'a slab'creamy peanut butter...Much to Hardcore's disgust...

'Big' then says that the schizophrenic poster of Austin from 'Unforgiven' reminds him of Hawk everyday when he has to look at it...yikes.

They are then shown doing more front bumps, and the focus is switched to Alicia, the 'White Trash Princess'..she seems to be in genuine pain, as she complains to Al about her lower left back..he says that she will have to see a doctor..and you can all but read 'Big''s mind: 'Thank God they signed a waiver..'

The doctor says that she has a muscle strain..and that it can take anywhere up to twelve weeks to heal completely..she can take a few days of bedrest, and start therapy--but it all boils down to how much she can take..She says she wants to get back out there. He gives her some meds for the inflamation, and home she goes..but not before complaining that they never know what they are going to have to do next..Aww, Alicia, now that would spoil the surprise..

It is on to Optimum Fitness, and we see them doing the course, and hear Kenny's take on Rafael...that he is a 'mean man' who never takes off his sunglasses--they don't believe he has any eyeballs...only deep, dark sockets that breathe fire and evil..Hahah..

'Big' then tells them that their conditioning is important, but that they have some homework to do when they get home..a little exercise.

Before we get to all that, we hear Danny on the phone to whomever..proud that he not only was NOT cut, but that Al had no warning on what to improve on for him...Now, let's not get cocky..

But on to the exercise..It turns out to be a questionnaire. They have to describe themselves, and their personalities..just a little fill-in-the-blank sort of takes Matt about three minutes...

Hawk is another story altogether. He writes and re-writes his answers..his paper is a jumbly mess..and after getting ribbed by the others to the point of frustration---he gets p*ssed and just rips it into pieces! Um...okay.

The others are dumbfounded and tell him to get it taped back together..Kenny gives him a hug..Jake laughingly tells him that Bob is going to hear about this, as Hawk says that he is not himself tonight...Hawk is coming apart at the seams, as we hear him on the phone to his mother, telling her what happened...and that something 'wretched and horrible is eating away at him'...

After the commercial break, we see him dragging Kenny and Danny out of bed by six am. to go to the copy make a new copy..And actually 'copies' a few of their answers, as well...

Next, they go to the Sam Christensen Studios, for a little 'character development'...and the guy doesn't even collect the papers! Instead, they do a lot of exercises on their personalities and self-perception..and how others see them...It is interesting, as they tell stories about themselves and the 'meanest thing they have ever done'....they are pretty much par-for-the-course 'I picked on someone' stories (with them all laughing at Danny, as he had to go all the way back to fourth grade to find something 'mean' that he did---good for him..), until we get to Hawk..and find out that he accidentally RAN OVER HIS MOTHER AND BROKE BOTH OF HER LEGS! Seriously...Alicia says that it was a horrible story and all..but then she realized that it could only have happened to Hawk....

We also get to see them write things about each other...and Sam (I guess) says that sometimes that one thing that we don't see about ourselves---that other people see---is what can make you a star..

Back at the house, we see Jake showing off, lifting the bed with three of the other contestants on it..and Jackie being all amazed..blah, blah..Some of the others shooting pool..blah, blah..And see Jessie and Alicia talking abouther injury---and hear that the others think that she is milking when they go out, she seems fine, and has a fine old time...

We then join them at 'Saddle Ranch'---a western club, where they have a mechanical all seems like innocent fun...'Big' offers them a wager: If Kenny and Hawk can ride it without falling off, they get two days off Op Fitness...sounds good, right? Alicia is somewhat against it...Kenny does fine, and stays on the entire ride..but Hawk, of course, has a terrible time, and gets 'lowblowed'..and falls off..which brings us to the new national holiday: "Jock Strap Monday"!!! Since they lost the bet, the contestants all have to show up at Trax in either a jock strap or a bikini...Naturally, they are all angry at Hawk..and naturally, he wants another shot at the bull..TOO LATE! Alicia says that this will make her have a 'p*ss-poor attitude for the entire day', THERE'S a surprise..The girls don't want to wrestle and hence, touch the guys in their private places..

They all show up---all long faces and white as ghosts---at Trax West in said required attire...Al and the other trainers just about laugh themselves sick--especially Ivory, who has a field day...I would say that it was quite a sight, but MTV SAW FIT TO CENSOR OUT ALL THE BUTT CHEEKS! NO FAIR!

They actually make them run up a public street, to an audience..Al remarks that it is 'the middle of the day and there's all kinds of full moons out', haha..Matt has a sense of humor about it, and says that people came out of their office buildings and applauded, and people honked their car horns..

We then are treated to them doing calesthenics like this, including squats--with Jake looking fixedly at the ceiling, hahah..and Ivory (I think) saying that Danny's buns are 'so white they are transparent'..They also have to get into the ring..and it is not quite so funny then..Matt falls on his back, and Al covers his eys...he then says that there was '*ss here, *ss there...hairy *ss, fat *ss, dimply *ss..lots of *ss...I was pretty grossed out.' (Me, too...after the initial novelty wore off)...Alicia says that she was grossed out the entire day...Al finally tells them to stop, as he 'can't take it anymore'...

Next up is a stormy day at Op Fitness, and they are blessedly clothed..Alicia begs off..and the others lambaste her for it..She then says that it is 'bootcamp training', and 'who wants to do that?'...Hmm...

'Big' then says that they can have some time off (two days) from Op Fitness if they jump in the cold ocean...the others say 'No way'...but our buddy Hawk volunteers to go first, as Al says, '..I guess, to be the hero, to make up for losing the bet in the first place'...makes sense.

We then see poor 'ol Hawk running gamely into the Pacific, and the others follow his lead...Alicia dead last, and grudgingly so..Rafael tells her she has to get wet from head to toe, and she finally falls in...Al is on the beach laughing..

Danny goes on about Alicia's poor attitude, and we hear 'Big' say that Hawk 'is unique, and for that uniqueness, I love him'---but he also thinks that Hawk has some INNER DEMONS that we haven't seen yet...DA DA DA DUM...Tight close-up on Hawk The Ticking TIme Bomb..and that is the cliff-hanger of the week...That's the show, folks...fade to black...