"Don't change that channel all that flippin' around! You're about to see the hottest show in town. The biggest stars and the biggest brawls, the biggest hits and the biggest falls. Non stop action no messin' around, pretty soon we're comin' to your town. The way you like it way it used to be...Smokey Mountain Wrestling's on TV."
The Dynamic Duo, aka Al Snow and Unabom, were not scheduled to be a tag team in Smoky Mountain Wrestling. In January 1995, Eddie Gilbert and Unabom (Glenn Jacobs) debuted on Smoky Mountain Wrestling at a television taping in Sevierville, Tennessee. Jim Cornette started a program with Gilbert & Unabom vs the Rock and Roll Express. Eddie Gilbert no showed the Super Saturday Night Fever show in Knoxville and left to work in Puerto Rico. Gilbert died two weeks later. Al Snow was brought in as a replacement for Gilbert. At this point, Al was known for his line in UFC, "I am going back to the dressing room to have some sex." Al tried to use that on his first television interview in SMW, but the fans in the south didn't get the joke. Al Snow debuted at the February 1995 television taping in North Carolina. "Simply Sensational" Al Snow's gimmick was to be the smart ass that would be protected by his giant tag partner Unabom. Snow would leave the ring during a tag match to do the color commentary with Jim Ross. Snow, who hadn't been on a weekly wrestling show in his career, gained more confidence and became one of the best interviews in the territory. Snow will be remembered for his characterization of Ricky Morton and Unabom as Robert Gibson in an interview in March 1995 with Jim Ross. Both Snow and Jacobs donned wigs and acted like retarded versions of Morton & Gibson. Snow & Unabom won the SMW tag titles at the Bluegrass Brawl in Pikeville, Kentucky in April 1995. This was a classic coal miner's glove match which aired on SMW TV. The following night in Johnson City, Tennessee, another memorable angle took place when Snow gave Morton three pile drivers to send Morton to the hospital. Morton came back one month later in Johnson City to face Snow in a cage match. Morton was about to win the match when Unabom popped up from underneath the ring to annihilate Morton. Two weeks later at the Volunteer Slam in Knoxville, Morton and Snow battled in the first ever scaffle match in Tennessee. Snow was ready for the most defining moment in his career, but Ricky Morton had other ideas. Morton refused to take any chances and refused to give or take any bumps for Snow. Snow dropped twenty feet to the ring to do the job. Tracy Smothers and The Dirty White Boy defeated Snow & Unabom at a television taping in Clinton, Tennessee in July, 1995. By this time, it was evident that Jacobs would be going to the WWF to be Dr Isaac Yankem. Jacobs lost the fall in a loser leave town match at Freedom Hall in Johnson City during Fire On The Mountain. Snow's departure came in September, 1995 after a television taping in Cookeville, Tennessee. Snow's last match was against Robert Gibson in Morristown, Tennessee. Tommy Noe Ring Announcer for Smoky Mt.Wrestling The HEAD thanks you Tommy
The Dynamic Duo-By Tommy Noe
J.R.:Ladies and Gentleman....... Al:What do you want?...what do you want??? J.R.: I was going to interview you,we interview athletes here Al: I'm good at that too Jim,I'm good at that J.R.: Well we'll find..... Al:If I'm this good at wrestling I'm that good at doing interviews.....Shut up and pay me the respect I am due people J.R.: Well I see your..... Al: Come on Jim you are taking up allot of my time here J.R.:What are you...why are you here???..what is your motive??? Al: Well I'm here to win,I'm here to beat people....why do you ask such stupid questions?.....give me the mike,I want to make an announcement,I have someone who is a dear special friend to me that I would like to introduce,and the man is right here,Unabom why don't you come right out here J.R.: What is Unabom doing out here? are you...so I guess now????..are you guys going to be tag team partners???....is that the deal? Al:Ohhhh.....Jim your pretty quick.... J.R.: Yea I'm pretty quick uh? Al:Oh yea,your fast....that's right me and the big man are going to be new tag team partners,why are we going to be partners?,because Eddie Gilbert went crazy and hit a Smoky Mt. Wrestling Official.....which I know from the ones I have meet I wouldn't blame him,I saw the ultimate killing machine standing around doing nothing and I thought,hey the ultimate wrestler should take the ultimate killing machine and make a true tag team,and that's what we are doing,so Eddie Gilbert he is gone he is History,Al Snow is now here,with the Unabom J.R.: What about the Rock and Roll Express? He has a big problem with the Rock and Roll Express you know! Al:What about the Rock and Roll Express?....sure he doesn't have a big problem because he is a big guy,I now have a problem with the Rock and Roll Express,what ever problem he has I have them,and Rock and Roll Express your a legend,and I am the legend killer,and we are going to take you out,is that right???,we got places to go,people to see,things to do. J.R.:Where are you going? Al: Where do you think I'm going????.....I'm going to the back to have some sex! J.R.: Sex???????
Al and Unabom become Teag Team Partners
Jacobs didn't know how much his six-month stint with Smoky Mountain Wrestling would change his life. It brought him to Tennessee, where he met Maurisa, who would become his wife. They were introduced by WWF wrestler DeLo Brown. Jacobs also gained a contact: Jim Cornette, who took him to the World Wrestling Federation in August 1995.
With Smoky Mountain, he assumed the name "The Unibomb" and wrestled with Allen Sarven, better known as the WWF's Al Snow. Cornette's eye for talent took Jacobs and Sarven to WWF and stardom.
Terry Morrow for News Sentinal March 26,1999
Al Snow and Unabomb
Al:Where you going to?Your going to trust me Jim,I took it on myself to come out here,and to tell the truth about what the Rock and Roll Express are really feeling in their hearts,you know we have been Wrestling these guys on different shows and they have been running from us,they have been scared,they have been terrified! Jim;I havent seen that,and how would you know whats in their hearts? Al;Jim buddy(pats J.R.on the back)It's all right,anyway,save it up,your delirious with fever Al;Rock and Roll Express,I know whats in your hearts,and I'm going to show these people whats really in your hearts! Al has a bag in his hands and pulls out a brown haired wig..See Photo Al;We got some demonstrational aids because we know the people out there are so stupid! Al;First we got Robert here(Al takes the brown wig and puts it on Unaboms head)See Photo Al;There we go!See Photo Jim;Oh thats Robert uh? Al puts a blond wig on... Jim;Oh let me guess,your Ricky? Al;Heak,heak brother,Im Ricky Morton,heak,heak,Rock n Roll forever,heak,heak!What you think uh?Heak! Jim;I think it's ridiculous! Al;Boy if you ever had an original thought it would die of lonelyness!See Photo Al:Well brother all I got to say is,Al Snow,Unabom,please don't hurt us no more.please you beat us up so bad,we can't take it anymore,in fact you beat us up so bad Robert Gibson's mama even wrote us a note,has'nt she? Unabom kind of grunts and pulls a note out of his tights and hands it to Al Al;Thank you Robert,thank you very much Al opens the letter Al; Robert you dumby,your mother wrote it in sign Language Webmasters note;Robert Gibsons mother is deaf and if you ever watch Smoky Mt.Wrestling tapes you will see Robert and Ricky signing as they come to the ring Al;I can't read sign language that well! Jim;Oh please stop,show some respect! Al;I am,I'll try,Dear Mr.Snow,and Unabom,thats that other big guy Al flips his hair Al;Rock n Roll! Al;Dear Mr.Snow and Unabom,please don't beat up on my boys anymore,don't hurt my Ricky Morton or my little EEEERRRRRR any more,please sir(Unabom points to himself)signed Mrs.GibsonSee Photo Al;Who's EEEEERR? Unabom points at himself and says EEEEERRRR! Al;Thats right,thats you Robert,thats what your mother used to call you because you could'nt talk! Al and Unabom take the wigs off Al;Ricky Morton... Jim;Thats sick! Al;Ricky Morton,Robert Gibson,Ricky your so skinny they have to tie knots in your legs just so you have knees,and Robert Gibson your so crossed eyed when you cry the tears run down your back,if you think for a minute that we are going to be happy just taking your stinking belts your out of your minds because we did'nt come there just for a belt,we came there to kill a legend,the Rock and Roll Express are going to be dead real soon!!! A Little History from Jason Campbell I'm sure you've seen this parody of the Rock-n-Roll Express when Al was in SMW. I rode with him for his first full weekend in the territory (he'd done a few shows in Ashland and a TV taping). We were at Forest Fair Mall just outside of Cincinnati. He was working that night in Erlanger, KY. Trivia note: Dan Severn beat Candido for the NWA Title that night. It was not a good match. Anyways, we were talking about things he could do so that he would get over quickly. We walked past a wig shop and both got the same idea. Due a parody of R-n-R with wigs on. We came up with so much stuff to do that it would have taken four weeks worth of interviews to do it all. The two things I remember coming up with were that the letter was written in sign language and that Robert's mom called him her little "ununuhh." Most of the jokes assumed that everyone knew about Robert's parents being deaf. Several fans ended up sending letters to the office complaining about him. Sandy Scott would pass them onto Al and we'd read them in the car. There was one he was going to read on the air from a 15 year old girl. And it may have ended up being funnier than the wig interview. Unfortunately he lost the letter.
The Death of the Rock and Roll Express
![]() Les:What is this?....a Coffin? Al:You got it right on the first try Les Les:I forgot to say you are the Tag Team Champions...sorry Al:A though came to me after I ended Ricky Morton's career that we were missing three things at Fright Night.....first a Coffin to stick him in...a piece of chock to draw an outline in the ring....and a nail and a hammer to drive a nail in that Coffin to seal up his stinking career Les:Well before we go any farther with this lets go to a Video tape of Ricky Mortons injury at Fright Night....lets take a look.... Al:Please do...... The tape shows Al jumping into the ring with a chair in which he uses on Ricky's back.....Al then hits Ricky with a Pile Driver which is against the Law to use in Smoky Mountain Wrestling.....the Ref. does not see what just went down......Al hasn't has enough....he picks Ricky up and gives him another Pile Driver.....Al beans Ricky in the noodle with the chair.....Al sets Ricky up for a 3rd Pile driver....and down he goes for the 3rd time......Al takes the Coal Miners clove off of Ricky and puts it on Unabom.....Al rolls Unabom on top of Ricky......out runs Robert Gibson who is stopped by Al outside the ring......Mark Curtis wakes up and gives the 3 count to Unabom They then show the Pile Drivers again in slow motion They then go to a chip of Ricky Morton's girlfriend crying as they play"American Pie" in the background Les:You talk about getting out of control,it's devastating,this man is going to be out for some time Al:If he is lucky he well come back...but I hope he doesn't because the was the idea behind the whole thing to keep Ricky Morton from ever coming back....I'm so sick of hearing "Rock and Roll" that chant goes on and on forever. Les:Well you know he is going to be back. Al:Oh he's not going to be back,and if he does I'll put him out again and this time I will make no mistakes about it.....and Robert Gibson you will be next on my list,but we are not here to talk about Ricky Morton in a bad way.....I am nothing.....Unabom is nothing if we are not compassionate and respectful men. Les:Compassionate? Al:Yes of course Les:Ok Al:So what we thought we would do is we will Eulogies Ricky morton.....so what I want you people out there to do just like you do very Sunday....I want you to come near to the TV set and I want you to put your hands on it....if you want put it on the back so you can really feel the power in this sermon I am about to lay down on you.....in fact if you put your hands on the right spot on the back of that TV you might really feel the power and go sailing across the room!..... Al:What I want to do is to let all you people know who Ricky Morton really was and in order to do that I need to throw some things into the coffin to bury with him and his career.....First off the thing that simplified Ricky Morton more then anything else....the thing that disgusts me more then anything else,our tag team championships....you would have to agree with me Les....wouldn't you???.....come on pick it up Les Les:The Rock and Roll Express are synonymous with the tag team titles Al:So the first thing that goes in the Coffin is the tag team championship Al takes the belt off of Unabom's shoulder and starts to set it in the big box aka the Coffin Al:I don't think we will throw that in there.....the second thing that symbolized Ricky Morton was that God damn enterance music I had to listen to night after night Unabom is holding a bag and as Al is taking he pulls a 45 rpm record out of the bag.... Al;Thank God....(Al breaks the 45 and tossed it in the Coffin)....we don't ave to listen to that any more......the next thing I remember the most about Ricky Morton was the Bandanna that he used to wrap around his thighs to stop the flow of Blood so that they would swell up to normal size(Al blows his nose on the Bandanna,turns and tossed it in the Coffin).....thank God we don't have to see that anymore...maybe we'll catch up with the 90's and get into some real fashion for a change. Al: Now but not least and I know it will come as a shock to some of you people..it may even put some of your childern into therapy,but I figure hey what am I risking?some of you people live down here so therapy is a given.....I want you people to really know what you brought your childern out to cheer for I want you to know what kind of man you were idealizing as a hero and do to that you must understand what that man wore under his clothes Al holds up a red Nightie.... Al:And as you can see Rick Morton was a closet Transvestite...you people brought your childeren out for a man who wore womans clothes....but now be it...... Les:Oh come on Al your taking this too far... Al:I heard that Ricky Morton looks very attractive in High Heels and Pantyhose.....but you people are sick enough to worship a man that wears things like this.....however it is tastefull(Al turns and puts the Nighty in the Coffin) Al:He will need to look good wherever he goes from now on.... Out runs Robert Gibson who attacks Al Les:Oh!....wait a second Robert Gibson's on the set.....come on you guys lets......ah oh they are double teaming this guy here Al finds a chair and whacks Robert in the guts with it.... Les:Come on Al Snow....take a break....come on you guys Unabom beans Robert in the noodle with the chair Les:Come on..... Al and Unabom pick up Robert and lay him in the Coffin Les:They are going to put the lid on???......come on.....hey.....hey!!!! Al has found a hammer and nails and is nailing the Coffin shut Les:This is a little too much....come on man.....come on Al take a break The camera pans over to a little Black girl in the stands with a frightened look on her face Les:Al!....come on!....come on!.....what are you doing?????? Out run Tracy Smothers and Dirty White Boy to save Robert Les:Get him out.....come on get out Smothers and White Boy Help Robert up.....Robert looks dizzy and rips off his shirt Les:Are you alright? Robert:Let me tell you something Al Snow,Unabom what you did to Ricky and what you just did to me boys payback is going to be hell.....your times coming Chip:Les can you blame him? Les:No you really can't Chip..this is taking it too far,Snow and Unabom have gone off the edge we're going to have to get out of here Chip:(stiff as ever)....Ok...we'll be back with more right after this........ A few notes on that feud. Many of the angles were from Al. The piledriver that "put Ricky in the hospital" was one. They did it so well (stopped the show for 45 minutes while they pulled an ambulance into the arena) that it was reported on the internet as real. There were even girls crying at ringside. He was so proud. credit: Jason Campbell
5/19/95 Smoky Mountain Wrestling Volunteer Slam/Scaffold match Al vs Ricky Morton
![]() Al and Ricky are outside the ring Ricky has a neck brace on,Al sends Ricky across the room and Ricky slames into the guardrail,Al kicks Ricky in the tummy and walks Ricky to the other side of the room and slams Ricky into the guardrail again,Al picks Ricky off the floor and slams Ricky into the guardrail there! Al hits Ricky in the face,once,twice,Al opens the guardrail gate and out into the fans,Al picks up a chair and swings it a Ricky,Ricky moves and the chair hits the guardrail!Al has the chair in his hands,Ricky kicks the chair,the chair comes up and beans Al in the head,Ricky grabs Al by his hair and moves Al back towards the ring,Ricky slams Al's head into the ring post! Al starts walking around the ring,Ricky hitting Al on the back as he goes,Ricky beans Al's head onto part of the scaffold,Al grabs another chair,Al and Ricky fight over the chair,Al drops the chair and runs away,Ricky comes after Al with the chair,Al starts climbing the scaffold! Ricky drops the chair and goes after Al up the scaffold,the lights go out,Al gets to the top and turns and starts to hit Ricky who's trying to get to the top,Al bangs Ricks head onto the board at the top,Al hits Ricky in the head,once,twice! Al and Ricky are now in the center of the scaffold,Ricky is laying on his tummy,Al hits Ricky in the back of the head.one,two,three times,Al kicks Ricky to the head,Al grabs Ricky by the hair and slams Rick's head to the ladder,Al tries to pull Ricky off the scaffold,but Ricky gets on his knees and grabs Al by the hair and slams Al's face to the ladder,Ricky hits Al in the face two,three times,Ricky starts to push Al off the scaffold,Al's feet hang off the scaffold but he gets back up! Al stands on Ricky's tummy and then drops down and hits Ricky in the face again,Ricky rakes Al's eyes,they crawl around and Al makes for a get away and starts climbing down the scaffold,Ricky stops Al and hits him in the face again,Al's hanging from the scaffold by one hand! Down below comes Unabom who starts climbing the scaffold,Ricky stands in the middle of the ladder,he is trapped!Al on one side Unabom on the other,Ricky goes to the end of the ladder,Al runs and kicks Ricky in the face,Robert Gibson comes running out,he starts climbing the scaffold to get to Unabom,Robert Gibson drops Unabom and sends Unabom for the ride,Unabom gets slammed into the turn buckle,Rober runs into a big boot by Unabom! Up top Al tries to go for a piledriver but Ricky stops Al with a chop,Ricky beans Al's head on the ladder,Al hangs off the side of the scaffold,Ricky,pushes and pushes,Al hits Ricky in the tummy,Ricky beans Al's head on the ladder again,Ricky pushes Al off the ladder so that Al is hanging by one hand,Ricky hits Al to the head six,seven,eight times,Al falls off the scaffold and onto the mat below! The lights come back on,Ricky crawls his way down the scaffold Unabom gets into the ring to check on Al who is rolling around in the ring in pain,Ricky climbs to the side of the scaffold,jumps off and chops Unabom to the back,Ricky sends Unabom into the steel rail of the scaffold,Unabom and Al start beating on Ricky and Robert,Mark Curtis gets in Al's way so Al tosses him out of the ring! Unabom has a bag which he starts to open,inside the bag is a big rope,Al and Unabom make a Hangman's noose and tie it around Rick's neck,Unabom ties the other end of the rope up high on the scaffold,Unabom pulls on the rope and hangs Ricky,Robert Gibson is tied to the turn buckle,Al runs to the other side of the ring and back and hits Ricky in the tummy,Al slaps Ricky then gives Ricky a chop,Unabom elbows Ricky! Al and Unabom climb out of the ring,Robert runs over and unties the rope and lets Ricky down!Winner:Ricky Morton
Challenge Match:
![]() Thugs beat Al Snow and Unabomb Great clowning this time from Al after working a fine athletic match the night before. The bruise from the bump into the table at Superbowl is still visible on Snow's back. He signals a front row fan that she need to brush her teeth. He takes the house mike and offers to let Thugs leave before the match so they don't get hurt. Thugs appear to enjoy the comedy. Smothers has the advantage early. More faggot calls from fan in first row which are ignored by Snow. Thugs doubleteam. Finally a little wrestling: A savate kick to the face by Al. White Boy uses the DDT, Smother uses the Jawjacker. Al goes for another kick with Unabomb holding Tracy and kicks Unabomb. Smothers covers for the win in 14 minutes. Al crying afterwards in agony "Not again!"
Once upon a time there was this poor West Virginian girl, who finally, after being married for 5 years, got to go on a honeymoon with her husband. Husband had been a wrestling fan for most of his life. The girl had watched wrestling on television for most of her life, but just didn't quite "get it". Husband decided to take the girl to Tennessee for the honeymoon. Just so happened that during that wonderful romantic time in Johnson City the Smokey Mountain Wrestling was in town. With her not having ever been to a live show before, Husband decided to treat the girl to one. At the show the tag team champions came out. This one really huge fella and this smaller, really cute guy. The big man didn't impress me all that much, but you could tell the cute one was really giving it his all. He flew through the air, and had some really impressive moves, and I was hooked. They announced them as Unabomb and Al Snow. And they won the match. From that moment on, the girl was hooked. She loved professional wrestling, and developed a great respect for the performers. So what if it was scripted? To this day, and the girl is still enamoured with Al Snow. credit:Staff member Maggie O
Click here to read about the fall of SMW
In the Summer of 1995 Al joined Camp Cornette with Jim Cornette as manager and the Stable of Al,Stan Lane,Bobby Eaton,Jimmy Delray,Tom Pichard,Unabom,and Bruiser Bedlam....and if I remember right Miss Texas also joined the group