Fodder-Scala's Year in Review 1996 To me, an
annoying part of being a wrestling fan is sitting
back and watching wrestlers who you really like and
who you know are REALLY good, but who are being
totally wasted. Discussion of underrated
performers therefore becomes the only catharsis for
this pain I feel. And the most pained I got during
1996 was watching Lief "Al Snow" Cassidy whither away
in the WWF. This guy wowed the very tough ECW Arena
crowd in an incredible pure wrestling match against
Chris Benoit.
in early 1995. By mid 1995, his super interview
skills and ring psychology made him a huge star in
the very different Smokey Mountain territory. And in
1996, he finally got a shot with the WWF. First he
was "Avatar," and then he was "Shinobi, the Ninja."
And finally, he helped recreate the Rockers as dorks
stuck in the 70's as "Lief Cassidy." Shoot me, but I
don't think that gimmick should have been the death
of Al Snow... but the New Rockers were jobbed so
badly and so thoroughly that Lief Cassidy is now
light years away from being a marketable
persona. There are signs of light at the end
of the tunnel, as it looks like Cassidy may be
getting to break free of Rocker partner, Marty
Jannetty. But breaking free is only step one of a
multi-step process that will have to take place to
make Al Snow the superstar he deserves to be. The
early signs are there that change is in the air...
here's hoping that 1997 bears out those early signs
and brings this man his due! Rick Scala/Deja
News 12/30/96
Part of a story
writen by Rick Scala Titled...