- 1. Anthony Minghella made his world debut in 6 January 1954.
Born to Edward and Gloria on the Isle of Wight, United Kingdom
- 2. Edward Minghella
is the owner of Minghella
Quality Ice Cream.
Which, btw, is served on
only the finest cruise ships. (So Anthony is not the only awarding
winner in the family)
- 3.Played hookey from school
(not that we're promoting hookey, but we just found this rather
- 4.Had a friend who was a projectionist
at the local cinema (Surprise)!
- 5.Two of his favorite films
are The Magnificent
Seven and The Ipcress File (of course, there's
- 6 .Attempted acting in high
school and at university ('nough said)
- 7. Attempted acting in high
school and at university ('nough said)Never attended the theatre
until college
- 8. Attended University of Hull,
where he met his wife choreographer Carolyn Choa (who, btw, choreographed
the dance scenes in The English Patient). He also lectured
in drama at Hull to until 1981
- 9. 1981 Minghella took up the
pen/typewriter/wordprocessor and begain writing plays for the
- 10. Penned all nine of The
Storyteller stories
- 11. Was once quoted as saying:
"There are people who have great skills at navigating
the waters of Hollywood, but I'm not one of them, and I learned
quickly that it was very unlikely that I was going to flourish
in a mainstream market" (This, he quoted to the Washington
Post after Mr. Wonderful, proved not so wonderful at the
box office. Ah-ha)
- 12. It took Minghella three
years to finish the script for The English Patient
- 13. Was once mistaken for Billy
Bob Thornton (this, according to People Magazine. And there's
a picture to prove it!)
- 14. 1992 British Academy of
Film and Television Arts Award, Truly, Madly, Deeply
- 15. Writer's Guild Award, Truly,
Madly, Deeply
- 1997 Academy Award Best Picture,
- Best Director, The English
Patient (and so on, and...)
- 16. British Academy of Film
& Television Arts Awards: Best Film, Director, The English
- 17. 1997 Golden Globe Awards:
Best Film The English Patient
- 18. Director's Guild of America
Award: Best Director., The English Patient
- 19. Emmy Award, The Storyteller
- 20. BAFTA, The Storyteller
- 21. Gold Medal at the New York
International Film and Television Festival, The Storyteller
- 22. International Emmy Award,
Living With Dinosaurs
- 23. The London Critics: Best
New Play Award1988
- 24. Prix Italia, Hang Up
- 25. Giles Cooper Award, Cigarettes
and Chocolates
