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Friday, March 28, 2025

As a community service, I have added this Amber Alert ticker to my page.

<BGSOUND src="https://members.tripod.com/ATGem/highway.mp3">
Anyone that is only interested in the Online Store Click Here! My Online Superstore

Tips from the Jeweler's bench and Spot prices are now located at the bottom of the page, All others that are interested in mining please read on.

For all your Paranormal Invistigation and Ghost Hunting needs Click on the Shadowlands Ghosthunter's Store

The Shadowlands Ghosthunter Store

Click here to go to my ghost hunting pages and photos.

My Paranormal Ghost hunting Page

We have a paranormal discussion forum.

C.A.P.E. Forum

Click on the above text to go the the forum.

We at C.A.P.E. have a new paranormal WEB PAGE.

C.A.P.E. Web Page

Click on the above text to go the the Web Page.

Listen to this! Did you know that you can screen for your own gems in North Carolina?

Yes! That's right. Rubies, Sapphires, Topaz, Emeralds, Garnet's, and most of the Quartz Family can be found. All for just the price of admission to one of the "screen your own" sites.

That's right! All you have to do is take a little vacation to Franklin, North Carolina. There are still places that one can go and search out there own gems. Digging in streams can be done with permission from the land owner or gaining access from public access areas. You can go to a gem mine and screen your own. The price is cheap. Most of the mines only charge around $10.00 for the day, and around $1.00 a bucket upto $300.00 per drum of gem bearing earth and gravel. Some of the places add items to there buckets, and sometimes getting a good stone can be hard work.

UPDATE Several of the Pay per bucket sites have closed down in the past few years so finding a good non pay site may be the thing to do for the experienced gem hunter.

I have been going there for years and have collected several very nice stones. By the way, you can also find them in most of the stream beds around that area.

I use to have gem cutters in the area of Franklin cut my stone, but as time went by I decided that I could do it cheaper myself. They want someplace about $15.00 to $35.00 per carat. You stop when you have 100 carat of raw stone, just think what the cost will be to cut. It's not hard to get over 500 carat's worth of gems in a day of gem screening.

So I took the time to learn how to cut gem's. I bought the equipment and started cutting. I now have some very nice cut stone. I will cut your stone for a lot less than what they charge and I cut year round, not just during the summer season.

I got so involved that I started my own Jewelry Shop. I now cut for other people along with my stone. I cut and mount stone and do some custom jewelry work.

I keep a full line of mountings in gold and silver, and I have a full line of gemstones that are for sale. Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, Topaz, Quartz, Rutilated Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Garnet, Amethyst, Cabochons, Opals, Peridot, Citrine, Lapis Lazuli, Golden beryl, and to many others to list here. I also keep a line of rough gems for re-sale to other cutters or collectors.

To see some I have made go to My Page 5: My Jewelry Page!

Because I have had so many requests. I have now started listing camping supplies and mining supplies, I also have Watches, Clocks, Knives and lots of other items. See them here in my online store.

Here is my ALL NEW online store.

My Online Superstore

I now have a full line of camping and mining supplies. Along with jewelry and gemstones for the lady or man in your life. You will also find items for the children who make our lives such a joy. Just click on the above link and almost everything a miner needs is there.

If anybody is interested in Rough un-cut and pre-formed stone, I have them for sale. I also sell mountings or can mount your stone in Gold or Silver. Contact me by E-mail for prices.

I also have available upon request. Health & Beauty items, House-wares and kitchen items, Hunting items, Fishing Items, Gift items, Toys, Tools, Knives, Watches & Clocks, Outdoor Apparel, Ladies & Men’s Apparel, Children’s Apparel, Big and Tall Apparel, Etc. Just drop me a note on what your looking for and if I have it available I will inform you via email and tell you when you can see it in my store and what the stock or item number is.

And as always, all items are at discounted prices.

Some other items that are for sale. Sale Items Sales Items

To see some gems I cut My Page 4: Gems I cut

If you would like to know more about mining for gems or would just like to get one of my stones E-Mail me. I will answer all questions you might have as quick as possible.

To see my gem screen kits go to My Page 2: Gold Panning & Gem Kits

Thank you for visiting my page AL

Al T.

Click above on the Blue text to E-Mail Me
Four Points Gem Illuminations
Kissimmee, Florida

This page has been visited times.

My Snazzy List of Links

My Book Store : Get all your Rockhound, Gem Mining, & Treasure hunting books here.
My Sales Page: My Jewelry Sales Page!
My Page 2: Gold Panning
Some Silver Jewelry I have made: See my other items, click on the black & white bar at the top of the page.
Some Gold items I have made: Rings and stuff
Other Items For Sale: Nice Stuff
Ganoksin Online: Information for Jewelers
Bob's Rock Shop: Look at some nice Gemstone
Tyler Adams Jewelry: Good Jewelry and Good Tidbits Info
R&S Gems and More: Gem Mining Kits
The William Holland School of Lapidary Arts

The Shadowlands Ghosthunter Store

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Word of the Day


Definition: A newborn infant, especially one less than four weeks old.
Synonyms: newborn, newborn baby

Article of the Day

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Today's Birthday

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Quote of the Day
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Oscar Wilde

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