Does the fragment of hieroglyphics above shows an ancient "Light-bulb"?

Probably Yes! As unbelievable as it might seem to sound, but there's the strong suspicion that the ancient inhabitants of Egypt were capable of building a source of electrical light, resembling what we know as lightbulbs in our time. The fragment of the hieroglyphics shown above depict such a device. Unfortunaly this picture doesn't show the entire drawing. But we promise you we try to obtain the entire version of it.

On this ancient artwork we can see some people and they're standing close to an enormous object that is leaning on some strange device (ground-isolation?). From underneeth this object that looks like a giant lightbulb, complete with the large glowing wire inside, a cable seems to lead to another strange device. It's some kind of jar, reminding us of the Bagdad-battery quite a lot. Could this be the energy-source for the bulb? (see drawing below)

If we take a closer look at the drawing we could conclude that the ancient egyptians knew what they were doing quite well. The details of this 'light-device' are well-formed and even finnished with pieces of artwork. If something is new, you're glad to get the darned thing working and probably won't think about it's design too much. Look at the first telephones, wich were ugly boxes with wires all around, now somewhat later in history look at the beatiful designs phones can have. This we can see through all history, so it would tell us the following about the hieroglyphics above. Since the 'lightbulb' seems to be crafted with art used in its design, we can conclude the egyptians very well knew what they were buiding and did so before.

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