Cross Daily
A website designed to help believers live their daily lives.
- Loving Grace Ministries
- Devoted to sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ
- Bible Gateway
- Online Bible search site where you can search for verses from the NIV, King James, RSV and other Bible
translations, as well as Spanish and several other foreign-language translations.
- Christianet
- A Directory of Christian businesses, jobs and evangelists.
- K-House Interactive
- Koinonia House provides excellent Bible study items including various articles related to history and prophecy, plus the useful Blue Letter Bible with concordance helps.
- International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
- Equip.org
- Website of the Christian Research Institute.
- Comments From the Friends
- Devoted to exposing the false teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses and to leading members of that cult to Jesus Christ.
- Joshuanet
- Home to various Bible study resources.
- Servehim.com
- Featuring links to online Bibles, Christian chat rooms, ministries, businesses, etc.
- Speak the Word Church
- An anointed, Spirit filled church with an international outreach
- Christian search engine

accessible Christian chat rooms.
- Global Christian Network
- Christian chat for the whole family.
GCN chat is web†v compatible.
- ReaperNET
- Devoted to end time revival and home of International REvival Café Chat
JAVA and IRC chat rooms
- NEWChristian Chat UK
- A new international Christian chat site based in the UK
- NEW711 Christian Chat Network
- Chat for families, teens and singles