NEW Cross Daily A website designed to help believers live their daily lives.
Loving Grace Ministries
Devoted to sharing the love of God through Jesus Christ
Bible Gateway
Online Bible search site where you can search for verses from the NIV, King James, RSV and other Bible translations, as well as Spanish and several other foreign-language translations.
A Directory of Christian businesses, jobs and evangelists.
K-House Interactive
Koinonia House provides excellent Bible study items including various articles related to history and prophecy, plus the useful Blue Letter Bible with concordance helps.
International Fellowship of Christians and Jews
Website of the Christian Research Institute.
Comments From the Friends
Devoted to exposing the false teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses and to leading members of that cult to Jesus Christ.
Home to various Bible study resources.
Featuring links to online Bibles, Christian chat rooms, ministries, businesses, etc.
Speak the Word Church
An anointed, Spirit filled church with an international outreach
Christian search engine

accessible Christian chat rooms.

Global Christian Network
Christian chat for the whole family.
GCN chat is web†v compatible.

Devoted to end time revival and home of International REvival Café Chat

JAVA and IRC chat rooms
NEWChristian Chat UK
A new international Christian chat site based in the UK
NEW711 Christian Chat Network
Chat for families, teens and singles