”Uncle Sam Wants You”

”DECEMBER 7, 1941”

The significance of this date in the archives of not only our American history, but in World history as well, is known to the masses as being the date Pearl Harbor was bombed.
On a more personal note, it was also the target date for my birth.... which I showed up late for....

It was after this date that thousands of young couples, just like my parents, received that dreaded telegram from Uncle Sam, with the opening statement


World War II was in full swing when daddy went into the Navy in 1943.

During a short furlough from his ship, in 1944. Mother ventured to California to spend a few short days with her beloved husband before he was shipped out again.
While there, they had these few pictured taken as a memento of the occasion.

During the time daddy was gone, Mother, Annie and I lived with Grandma Pfeifer (my maternal grandmother.)
I had a black dog, who had a white ring marking around his neck. I named him “Sailor”.. because he reminded me of daddies Navy uniform.. He was a pretty good dog, except for the time I tormented him until he bit me... But I got even, ‘cause I bit him back.

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