I figured that since you're here, you would want to know some more about me... so here is a copy of that e-mail thing that all of my friends sent me... enjoy!

Full Name: Melissa Golden (no, no middle name)
Nickname(plus screen name): Goldenangel23 (screen name), missy, Molson, golden, bitch
Parent(s): Betty Ann and John
Siblings: Jilda and Theresa
School: Towson University (in Maryland) Go Tigers!!
Future School: none!
Best Friends: at school: Kim, Diane, Irene
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: um.. no
Pets & Their Names: Tiger, my cat
Jobs: i work as a receptionist-type person at the College of Business and Economics Student Center and I am the group sales assistant for the Wilmington Blue Rocks
Things you like to do: watch GH, e-mail, sleep, shop
Things You Collect: frogs, Marlon Brando stuff, Cary Grant movies, sports cards, pictures, angel stuff, tigger, cat stuff
Best Advice Ever Given to you: Strive to please yourself... when you're happy with yourself, everyone around you will be pleased too.
Words Or Phrases You Overuse: could ya..., for the love..., ew, oh jeez
A Non-Sport Game At Which You Excel: spades, asshole
A Non-Sport Game Which You Enjoy: DARTS!!!!!
Dream Car: xterra
Coolest Experience In Life: Working for the Senators... I got to meet wonderful people and see the best baseball game ever!!!
Scariest Thing You've Ever Done: coming to college, where I didn't know a single person
Fave Thing To Do in the Summer: try to get tan, but burn in the process
Fave Thing To Do in the Fall: go to football games
Fave Thing To Do in the Winter: snowball fight
Fave Thing To Do in the Spring: look at pretty flowers
Little-known Talent You Possess: can quote from Casablanca
Special Skills Or Talents: can sing any song off key
Song That Couldn't Be Improved Upon: Again by Lenny Kravitz
Special Awards You've Won: That yearbook thing, softball awards, a buncha stuff at the senior awards banquet
Character Traits You Look For Most In A Person: FUN!!! need to be able to make me laugh...not that that's hard!
What You Want To Be: general manager for a minor league baseball team.
Future Goals: Graduate
Political Affiliation: none-sorry to all you politic-y people, but it doesn't interest me at all!
Denomination (if any): Catholic
Church (if any): Holy Name of Jesus
Fave Music: Rap, R&B, country, pretty much anything
Groups/Singers You Enjoy: Jay-Z, Dave Matthews, Macy Gray, Dixie Chicks, and many many more
Fave Colors: navy blue, dark green
Fave Food: grilled chicken
Least Fave Food: the kind I have to make for myself...
Funniest People You Know: (in no particular order) Kim, Irene, Diane, Kim, Jules
Fave Class: Sport in Film
Fave Sport: softball and tennis(playing), baseball(watching)
Other Sport Games You Enjoy: swimming
In And Around The CD Player: The Doors
Fave "Toy": the computer
Fave Book: While my pretty one sleeps by Mary Higgins Clark.
Fave Cartoon Characters: Tigger
Fave Actor/Actress: Marlon Brando, Taye Diggs, Julia Roberts
Fave Movie: Dull Durham
Fave Animal: frog
Fave TV Show: GH, Ally McBeal, Felicity, Dawson's Creek
Fave Day: Saturday
Fave Month: August (my b-day!)
Fave Holiday: Christmas
Fave Part Of Newspaper: sports, comics
Fave Toothpaste: Mentadent!
Always remember: BE SAFE!!!!!!, MUM, and stay away from guys in red fleece or in red yankee hats.....

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