My Roommates

Well, I figured that after all I went through with my roommates freshman year, they deserved a page of their own. First, let me tell you the saga of my roommates. I started the year with Diane. But my pushy neighbor Irene decided that she wanted Diane to be her roommate. So Diane switched with Irene's roommate, Melissa. So, there were now two Melissa's in one room... kinda confusing. Over Christmas break, things in the quad got rearranged, and Jen and I decided to live together. So we lived in our teeny tiny room... but then for the next 2 years we lived in a bigger room in a different building... now I live with Michelle in a house! It looks like 2 old women live here, but we love it just the same!

This is Jen and Kim, our adopted roommate.

This is Diane, my first roommate.

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