The whole gang outside Shady's, our second home this summer.

Karen and me with Jacki and Jim (a.k.a. Jack and Jill)--
two of the best people we know.

Me with Mark and Brad, my bosses....
It's always a good sign when your bosses pour beer over your head....

Karen and me with Matt Blank and Ryan Saylor...
Two pitchers that feel the need to cheat at darts... Go figure.

Karen and me with a very drunk Ryan.

Hey Karen... way to mess up a really good picture.

Us with Candice, our little hooch friend. :)

Jamey and Andy take time to pose with the rest of us....
Doesn't that blow up doll in the background add so much to the picture?

Us with Tim Cossins, probably the nicest person I've ever met.

Jeremy Ware, Canada's representative on the Senators, poses with us on the back concourse.

Jason Baker, the biggest cheater at darts there is, tries to make us feel tall.

Mama Baker celebrates with us on the field.

Matt hugs Karen while trying to pretend he doesn't have a beer in each hand...

Go see more picture at Page 2!

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If anyone wants any copies of any pictures, e-mail me at and let me know! ~Melissa

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