A Kitten Named Precious

When I was a little girl my friend's cat had kittens and she offered me a kitten. The little kitten had clear blue eyes and was gray with black strips. He was rather cute and so tiny. That's when I saw her, she was standing in the threshold of the door. She was quiet, she had a big orange patch over her left eye and a short lame paw. The little lame kitten limped to the door and in her blue green eyes she looked at me and we knew we had a common destiny (sort of like Babe). I had to take that little kitten, so I put down her little brother and asked for the little kitten in the doorway. She didn't meow when I pick her up like her brother. I named the cat Precious right on the spot.

When I took Precious home my mother wasn't please that I brought home a girl cat, she wanted a boy. My mother said girl cats pee the house more (really it is about the same). The weeks went by and I watched Precious tottle and limp until her lame paw grew strong enough to hold her weight. She wasn't very affectionate, she was rather independent; but she loved attention. My mother didn't like having a smart independent cat running around the house, she wanted one of those drooling idiot of a cat. Precious was a very good protector of the house, I learned to trust the cat wisdom about my dates. I wouldn't go out on a date with anyone (dates at that age was going to the pizza hang out down the block) with anyone my cat didn't approve. Precious wouldn't go to anyone who had a quick temper or was very mean, she would go to people who were nice, and had a very pleasing disposition (she never gave my mother the time of day thought despite my mother's good intentions of her).

One day I was watching Wheel Of Fortune when I realized my cat meowed a lot. Then to my astonishment the cat said "Wheels!" I thought I was losing my mind "Wheels! Wheels!" Precious said! I couldn't believe my ears. When I got my mother from the next room and told her my cat just said wheels she didn't believe me. I had the cat to say wheels, Precious did. "Wheels" she screamed in her soft high-pitched voice. (really the cat said "Whee-owls she had difficulty making the l sound.). My mother said the cat had a major gas problem and nothing more. Later I told all my friends, "Hey guess what! Precious can talk!" Ofcourse they thought I was nuts, but they still came to my house to see my little 3-month-old kitten. "Wheels" Precious said "Wheels" she said again when my friend picked her up. My friends couldn't believe it, she actually talked. As the months passed, Precious said other words like "it sucked", "gag me", "food", my nick name and ofcourse "wheels". My friends would call me everyday just to hear my cat say some words. My mother and everyone else's mother thought I was nuts. One day I saw a shrink, she said I wasn't nuts and that I believe my cat was saying something, later she heard Precious say "Wheels" and agreed she does talk.

As the months became nearly 1 year my little kitten was becoming a full grown cat and didn't talk only when I called her to the telephone, she stop saying all the other words only "wheels". Precious loved the attention so she remained talkative on the telephone. My mother still the non-believer was starting to come around and warm up toward the cat. It wasn't until I got home from school one day I saw that my cat didn't come to greet me from school I became worried. I asked my mother where was Precious she told me the cat was hit by a car. I never saw my mother care about Precious until that day, I didn't want to tell my friends, because I liked the attention my cat got for me. One day I told my bestfriend so she could tell the others the bad news. When the bad news hit, my same friend gave me another kitten I named Yoshi. Yoshi looked just like Precious, only her orange patch was at the center of her head and the orange was more golden. Yoshi and Precious had the same parents, so they had the same speaking ability. When Yoshi was three years old she was murder, by my sick twisted neighbor. I stabbed him in the hand with my pen when he committed that terrible deed and just yesterday I hit him in the head with my Spanish book (that is a pretty big text book).

Now when I look back on those years I miss my cat, but I took several pictures of them. I re-live the times when they were alive and laugh at the funny times we shared. Precious and Yoshi are in a far more better place than my house. If you are wondering why I called my cats Kitty Bang, they would run up and down the hall (it was a pretty long hallway) and bang their heads right into the doorway. One day Precious hit her head so hard she bloody her nose, she wasn't hurt pretty bad, yet she loved to hit her head on the door that I won't understand..

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