
The Keystone Division after WW3

The First Fight...

Bloody Treeline

A short time later Tyler's wedge caught up with Harper at the treeline where the two had shot two men at close range earlier that afternoon. It was here that the group caught their first glimpse of those they would shortly do violence upon.

The M163 was 80m away from the treeline, and was facing the river, which would give a side shot should that become necessary, as per Tyler's instructions. Harper gestured, indicating three men lying prone in some brush, 60m NORTH of the treeline. Tyler had seen them too, but from the expressions on their faces, the others in the wedge had not.

Another 3-man team was easy to spot. They were 120m NORTH WEST of Tyler's position. They faced NW, and seemed to be covering RT 15.

The RTO tapped Tyler on the shoulder, and handed him the earpiece. It was Clark.

(crackle) "Sir -- Three man team in blindspot NORTH of M163. Final three man team not in your LOS, below riverbank, just NORTH EAST of M163. Valdez says 'You're welcome. Heh!'..."

[GM: Here's the link for the tactical map:] FIRST FIGHT MAP

[GM:The Battle Begins]

At the previous ambush site

Teams of infantrymen could be seen advancing towards the woods. The two 5- man wedges got into postion, and opened fire a millisecond after Tyler did so.

Tyler's burst, aimed at the southernmost 3-man team, caught all 3 men somewhat, and caused them to drop.

Jones sprayed M16 fire into the group by the river. His weapon became caught up on his equipment, and the burst went wild.

The fire from the two wedges of Tyler's squad was highly effective in eliminating enemy personell.

The M163 fired another burst out onto the island.


"Throw out smoke grenades. I want our front covered all the way to the APC. Second squad, give cover fire. First squad we take the APC on my command."

"Understood, Cappy!"

Some distance away from the action, Petey and Tim see a firefight break out. There is a group of perhaps 10-15 in the woods, firing on the 3 vehicles and 12 infantry in the field, and 20-odd infantry along RT 15. Both saw this action, but only Petey can respond for now. Also, Tyler can respond. Petey and Tim remain unseen to Tyler and his Merry Men, as well as the group in the field...

To recap:
The southernmost 3-man is down.
The 3-man near the M163 is down.
The 3-man along the river is down.
The 3-man near the M125A3 is active.
The 20-man around the M3A1 is active, 2 probable, 1 possible casualties.

The M163 just fired on the island.
The M125A3 is active.
The Bradley and 3 trucks are all active.

Anyway, on with the show...


First squad(Harper, Tyler, Bates, Cooper, and Sneed) gets set to move. Second squad fires.

Jones throws two smoke grenades out to his front (toward the M163), one at about 25m, the other about 50m. He tells Scott and Yarmouth to each pitch one out, if they have them. Both smokers go more or less where Jones wanted them.

The team then puts suppressive fire on the group of infantry near the Bradley, with Yarmouth and Appleby alternating fire with Jones and Scott.

Valdez tries to pick off inf. near M125 mtr. carrier and misses. McFee duels with inf. near M3 Bradley. A few inf. go to ground.

Two infantry near the M125 return fire. It gets abit hot around Yarmouth and Appleby. Yarmouth takes a scratch to the arm.

The inf near the M3 that can act, return fire. Branches snap, dirt flies, but no one is hit.

M163 again fires on helicopter on island. Due to spreading HC smoke, result not visible.

M3 fires MAG MG and 25mm A/C on treeline. Sadly, Bates is KIA.

30Apr03/1808:15, I=1
First squad is in position, ready to move on Tyler's signal. Second squad continues to fire.

Jones fires at inf near M3. Another goes to ground.
Jones's wedge follow suit, pinning down more of the infantry.

The few inf near the M3 that can act, return fire. Again, branches snap, dirt flies, no one is hit.

M163 again fires on helicopter on island. Due to spreading HC smoke, result not visible.

M3 fires MAG MG and 25mm A/C on treeline. The MG fire goes wild, but the A/C rounds find their mark. Scott is KIA, and McFee takes a light wound to the abdomen, and some fragments to the arm...

30Apr03/1808:20, I=6
Ryan waits until the smoke provides adequate concealment.

30Apr03/1808:25, near treeline
The smoke issues forth from the grenades, and begins to swirl around in the field.

Second squad alternates with coverfire, reloading, aiming etc. thru these phases...

30Apr03/1808:30, near M125
In a fast zig-zag maneuver, Petey sprinted toward the M125, shooting at the infantry. He racked off three rounds from the pump shotgun, yelling, "Come on, Tim, let's help those guys out!"

Petey's sudden appearance no doubt surprised the infantry and mortar crew around the M125. His fire did little damage in the physical sense, but...


30Apr03/1808:35, treeline

Seeing that the smoke had provided good concealment, Tyler rose and shouted, "First squad, follow me!"

Shadow charges 80 m toward the APC running a zigzag pattern. Harper is right on Tyler's heels, screaming all the way, and would probably pass him...[GM: PSU center?!?]

McFee is busy bleeding for the moment... Valdez fires on inf near M125. He popped one's cork... The other two scramble for cover behind the M125.

The M3 books it through the field, closing the distance to the treeline to about 200m.

30Apr03/1808:35, near M125
"Been nice working with you Sarge." He then jumped up and followed Petey. Tim aimed his Thompson SMG at the infantry group as Petey began his advance, firing a burst at the infantry who stare in disbelief at Petey.
"Hope it's the goodguys that we're helping..."

The burst richocheted off of the hull of the vehicle, missing the infantry. One of the crew screamed something, and turned the pintle-mounted MG Tim and Pete's direction...

Sarge just shook his head in the negative, and opened up on the mtr carrier with his M16. He plastered a long burst directly at the machinegunner, nearly taking his head clean off...

Petey ran closer to the infantry and M125. He fired once at the infantry, missing.

30Apr03/1808:40, near the M163

The rest of 1st squad(Cooper and Sneed) sprinted it 1/2 way to the M163.

Second squad gave cover fire.
Jones fires on fired on inf near M3. Hit several.
The rest of the wedge fired at surrounding infantry and/or trucks. The tire blew out on one, and several rounds whacked into the hood of another.

Appleby fired a long burst on M3 with M60, hoping and praying... The rounds walked their way from the hull, up the turret, and down the suspension. The M3 ground to a halt unexpectedly.

M163 switched fire, and tore up the ground Harper and Tyler just vacated. Unfortunately, the rest of 1st squad(Sneed and Cooper) was there. Sneed was scratched, Cooper was shredded. [GM: 3 direct hits from 20mm API. ouch!]

McFee was wounded earlier, but was tired of bleeding and decided to put a hurtin' on someone. McFee swungs from the right wing of second squad, over past Yarmouth and Appleby. He would soon be the new Left wing...

continued running and reached the M163...

The inf. near the trucks (the M3 moved), having suffered nearly 40% KIA, broke and ran for their trucks.

30Apr03/1808:40, near M125

Another M125 crewperson attempted to man the MG. Sarge fired at the M125 crew, wounding one. The two infantry were pinned in somewhat of a crossfire by Tyler and Jones's squads, and Petey and Tim.

Tim fired as he advanced. Unfortunately, he slipped and dropped his prized Tommy Gun in the grass.

Petey closed the distance from himself to the M125 now to 35m. Tim was about 5m behind him, charging and firing like a maniac, until he slipped. Petey felt this was a good place to hit the dirt, so he went down along with Tim. He then fired another shot from the 12-gauge pump, but missed.

30Apr03/1808:45, near M163

Sneed made it to the M163, and set up.

Clark shot at another truck, and picked off a few retreating inf. Jones fired at trucks/inf. 2 more retreating inf went down. Yarmouth fired at trucks/inf. The rearmost truck exploded.

Climbed the back of the APC, (good handholds on an M113) and popped the gunner with a 10rnd burst. He prepared to drop inside.

Harper covered Shadow and stayed sharp for trouble elsewhere. Valdez fired at the one untouched truck. He picked off another inf in the process.

The M3 fired on the treeline. The fire was very innaccurate.

30Apr03/1808:45, near M125

The infantry were still pinned down. The two infantry still do not seem to want to expose themselves to anymore fire, being held down pretty well by at least four seperate firing points.

Tim picked up his Tommy Gun, and dusted it off, fondly...

Petey took careful aim at an infantryman.

Sarge hammered away at the vehicle.

A few vital seconds were lost to hesitation, reloading, aiming, etc...

30Apr03/1809:00, near M125

Petey fired at an infantryman, clipping him.

30Apr03/1809:05, I=3
Shadow dropped inside the M163 with thoughts of turning the 20mm on the M3. The two men inside would like to have persuaded him otherwise...

Valdez aimed carefully at an exposed area on the M3... Harper noticed movement on the middle island out in the river... McFee completed his maneuver, and aimed with the M203...

30Apr03/1809:05, near M125
Tim ripped off a burst at the infantry, missing them. Tim's SMG was running on empty. He will reload next round.

Petey fired his shotgun at the exposed feet and legs of an infantryman. The man took the brunt of the blast in the legs.

Sarge fired at the vehicle, keeping the MG occupied.

30Apr03/1809:10, I=2

[M163 crew&Tyler]

The two men tried to wrestle with Tyler. The first elbowed Tyler hard to the throat. Tyler put a burst into that one, who dropped dead. The other put his hands high in the air. Tyler, gasping, headed for the autocannon...

Harper climbed into the M163, as did Sneed.

Jones fired on the gaggle of inf near the trucks. He hit one man. Appleby hammered away at the M3, but was caught up on his equipment, and the fire went wild.

Valdez fired at the M3. Clark could see the ironic smile spread on his face. Clark fired on inf near trucks. He hit another man.

The M3 fired at the treeline. The MG fire misses, the 25mm A/C misses narrowly, but caused some concussion damage to each of Jones, Yarmouth, and Appleby. Jones's head pinged! when a fragment popped off the helmet. He prayed to the almighty god Kevlaro, and thanked Him for being spared a greater headache. [GM: his head still does hurt from the crash, about 90 minutes ago...]

30Apr03/1809:10, near m125
Tim reloaded. Petey fired, hitting the wounded man again. Sarge kept the MG man busy... The MG man dueled it out with Sarge, now. His burst mostly missed, but one round entered Sarge's left leg. The leg that was once just broken, now was severed at the thigh. [GM: .50 M2HB -- ouch!]

30Apr03/1809:15, I=1
Sneed stepped over a body and jammed his M249 in the prisoner's belly.
Jones and Yarmouth hugged the earth.
Yarmouth opens up with the m60, and misses.
Clark calls on the radio. Bates is KIA, so only Harper heard.

Valdez reloaded.

Harper vaulted into the driver's seat, and yelled "Ready, Cappy!"

Tyler manned the autocannon and brought the weapon to bear on the M3 for a side shot.
McFee fired the 40mm HEDP grenade at the M3. He hit the turret, and the shell exploded.

(15 seconds of hesitation, reloading, etc. for Tyler and Jones)

30Apr03/1809:15, near M125
Tim fired his TommyGun, stitching the wounded man even further... it was ugly!
Petey fired his shotgun once more. He missed, and now the weapon was empty.

30Apr03/1809:20, I=6
hesitation... Pete looked around to see Sarge spouting blood about 1 meter in the air from a leg wound. He appeared to be blacked out...

30Apr03/1809:25, I=5
hesitation... Tim noticed the Sarge was wounded and was not firing...

30Apr03/1809:30, I=4
Petey reloads three rounds into his pump shotgun...

30Apr03/1809:35, I=3

Tyler opened up on the M3... The range was about 175m. He hit! Rounds sliced thru the side of the turret, into the MG mount, and into the A/C mount.

30Apr03/1809:35, I=2

Like a man posessed, Tyler kept firing. He hit vision equipment, the hull, and finally found the fuel tanks. The M3 caught fire. Two seconds later it exploded. No one bailed out.

30Apr03/1809:35, I=3
Tim fired, hitting the other infantryman in the arm. Petey fired twice at the machine gunner, ripping him apart... Down at the end of the field, the firefights continue, and suddenly the M3 Bradley Recon Vehicle burst into flames and exploded!...


[GM:] So to recap:

The M163 was captured with one prisoner.
The M3 was destroyed.
The M125 is under attack by 2 "unidentified figures"(Petey&Tim)

The 20-man inf contingent originally by the M3 was pretty badly torn up. 1st 10 KIA, 10 grounded. Then 7 of the grounded men were KIA. One truck destroyed, two disabled.

12 inf KIA on the field. No other enemy infantry can be seen on the field.

Your casualties: Bates, Scott & Cooper KIA. Light wounds to Jones, Tyler, Appleby, Yarmouth, and Sneed.

Clark is calling on the radio. Harper noticed some movement on the island.

[GM:back to the story]


In the s**t(edge of woods)

"Yarmouth, Bates is down in the treeline. Go grab the squawkbox."

"Gotcha, EL-TEE!" Yarmouth kept low and sprinted off.

"Sergeant Appleby, keep fire on that '125."

Jones will help keep fire on the '125 until Yarmouth brings back the radio. Then he'll see what Clark wants.

near M125

Tim fired, keeping the man pinned down. Petey fired, catching him right in the face as he exposed his head. Another man in the M125 turned an M16 on Tim and Petey. He fired, hitting Tim in the left arm for a light wound.

In the APC

"Harper! Hop in the driver's seat. We have to get that M125, and fast! Let's go!" Scanning the field for a moment, Tyler made out the form of the M125 through the smoke. Realizing the M163 needn't move, he countermanded the order.

Ryan doublechecked the gun's system. He let the barrels spin for a few moments to cool down after the hosing he poured out of them. He prepared to cut loose on the M125 with the rapidfire gun...

near treeline
Appleby trained the M60 onto the two men taking cover behind the mortar carrier.

inside M163

Thinks to himself, "400 meters is nothing to a minigun". He swings it around and is about to cut loose on the mortar carrier, when he sees that vehicle taking fire from two people, a mere 35m West of the M125...

near M125

McCain scanned the area looking for targets around the M125.
"I gotcha back while you reload Petey" Tim covers Petey as he reloaded, and once Petey finished, Tim exchanged the half empty clip with a fresh one.

By this time, it became apparent to all, that the M125 (and previously, the surrounding infantry) were taking fire from another unidentified team just east of RT 15, and less than 40m from the M125.

It is a fair assumption now to consider them friendlies, seeing them cut down the infantry, and taking fire from the vehicle...

Both infantry near the M125 have been eliminated. At least one crewman was hit from the M125.

Sarge is spouting blood from a nasty legwound.

Petey's shotgun is empty. He has 72 more shells in a mag pouch.

Tim has about 7-8 rounds in the Tommy Gun, another 20-rnd clip handy, and 2- 50rnd boxes in his mag pouches.

back to the action...


"Top, you okay to help Shadow take out that vehicle?"

"Yessir!" McFee used the wrecked Bradley and abandoned trucks for cover, and worked his way forward.


Helped keep fire on the M-125 and two infantry until Yarmouth brought back the radio.

inside M163

Tyler, wondering if the two figures downrange are aircrew, company mates, partisans, or what, calls a shift fire and have Harper drop a smoke on top of the carrier to give the two "friendlies" cover.

Valdez tried to pick off M125 crew, but missed. Harper is happy to comply. He readies the M79.

near M125

Tim, having mustered his nerve, rose to a low crouch, and sprinted toward the M125.

"Cover me, Petey!..."

"I got your back TIM!!!"

Slade covered Tim briefly, then considered reloading...

near M125

Pete reloaded 3 shells as quickly as possible. Tim is running toward the M125...

outside M163

Sneed opened up on the M125 with his M249. Harper popped the smoke round in to give cover to the two supposed friendlies.

Tyler grabbed an M-16 from one of the bad guy corpses and prepared to give cover fire to the 2 friendlies. Valdez fired and plugged one of the M125 crew right in the head.

near M125

Was there someone near the M125? As Tim fired at some movement near the M125, rounds skated across the skin of the AFV, and peppered the crew of the vehicle. Without any warning, the thing suddenly exploded in a huge fireball. Tim was about 25m from the vehicle, and Petey was about 35m away.

[GM: Tim, you did a critical on the fuel, and... POOF! Be glad you weren't much closer. And YES everyone on the field sees the M125 go up, as well as Tim and Petey take a tumble. Enjoy!]

The concussion from the explosion knocked Tim several meters thru the air. Petey has fragments of God-knows-what flung at him. At least it wasn't THROUGH him...

The battlefield

Yarmouth returned the radio to LT. Jones.

Ryan barks out, "Chuck, how are you doing? Get with Top and give me a status report on the unit."

[response Jones]

The smoke from the M79 and M203 rounds began spreading out, and swirled around in the light breeze.

Tim just didn't move. He now faced down, against the ground. He midsection enlarged every now and again, a sign that at least he was breathing. Petey was stunned from the shock -- awake, but not in much of a condition to respond...

[Slade] Takes the defensive, and reloaded while watching Tim's back.

"Tim are you ok?"

He then looks at the APC.

"Harper, put someone on driving this thing and get some people to grab those trucks over there. We have rides now."

Harper is obviously taking the deaths of Bates, Scott, and Cooper pretty hard. "Affirmative, Shadow... Listen up, Yarmouth, you drive the M163. Check it over and report back to me".

Pete watched the other people, shotgun at the ready, wondering if they were friendly? Apparently there was an officer, barking orders, several non-coms, and a handful of grunts. All told, about 10 total...

Ryan went to Bate's body and took the radio.

"Shadow to Valdez. Can you see who they were firing at on the island?"

"Negative Shadow. Clark's checking it out as we speak. Will inform you when we find out anything".

After getting his reply he walked over to where the two newcomers were. His hand was on the grip of his slung SMG.

"I don't know you. You're not from my unit. I'm Captain Ryan Tyler. Thanks for the help. I don't think you are going to be too popular in these parts, you'd better come with us."

Tim had begun to stir abit...

"Shadow, this is Guardian. Clark reports one Blackhawk on the middle island. At least 4 probable KIA. No survivors noted.... Orders?..."

The Battlefield

Ryan barks out, "Chuck, how are you doing? Get with Top and give me a status report on the unit."

He then looks at the APC.

"Harper, put someone on driving this thing and get some people to grab those trucks over there. We have rides now."

Ryan goes to Bate's body and takes the radio,

"Shadow to Valdez. Can you see who they were firing at on the island?"

After gettng his reply he walks over to where the two newcomers are. His hand is on the grip of his slung SMG.

"I don't know you. You're not from my unit. I'm Captain Ryan Tyler. Thanks for the help. I don't think you are going to be too popular in these parts, you'd better come with us."

The concussion from the explosion knocked Tim several meters thru the air. Petey has fragments of God-knows-what flung at him. At least it wasn't THROUGH him...

The battlefield

Yarmouth returned the radio to LT. Jones.

Ryan barks out, "Chuck, how are you doing? Get with Top and give me a status report on the unit."

The smoke from the M79 and M203 rounds began spreading out, and swirled around in the light breeze.

Tim just didn't move. He now faced down, against the ground. He midsection enlarged every now and again, a sign that at least he was breathing. Petey was stunned from the shock -- awake, but not in much of a condition to respond...

Sarge lay very still some 50m from the M125.

Takes the defensive, and reloaded while watching Tim's back.

"Tim are you ok?"

He then looked at the APC.

"Harper, put someone on driving this thing. We have rides now."

Harper is obviously taking the deaths of Bates, Scott, and Cooper pretty hard.

"Affirmative, Shadow... Listen up, Yarmouth, you drive the M163. Check it over and report back to me".

One of the squad members checked out the trucks that had accompanied the Bradley in the assault. One was utterly destroyed, the other two were disabled. (Blown tires, shotup radiators, leaking fuel, etc... unusable)

Pete watched the other people, shotgun at the ready, wondering if they were friendly? Apparently there was an officer, barking orders, several non-coms, and a handful of grunts. All told, about 10 total...

Ryan went to Bate's body and took the radio.

"Shadow to Valdez. Can you see who they were firing at on the island?"

"Negative Shadow. Clark's checking it out as we speak. Will inform you when we find out anything".

After getting his reply he walked over to where the two newcomers are. His hand was on the grip of his slung SMG.

"I don't know you. You're not from my unit. I'm Captain Ryan Tyler. Thanks for the help. I don't think you are going to be too popular in these parts, you'd better come with us."

Tim had begun to stir abit...

"Shadow, this is Guardian. Clark reports one Blackhawk on the middle island. At least 4 probable KIA. No survivors noted.... Orders?..."


"Guardian, this is Shadow. Keep an eye on them. If they are alive and smart, they are faking or hiding. Also keep a lookout for other unfriendlies. Send Clark after the Humvee and have him bring it here."

He then turns to the newcomers.

"Do any of you have medical training? I have wounded and my medic is dead. If you do go to the treeline and help out. If any of you are too wounded to help for now, go to the treeline for treatment. If any of you know vehicles, start stripping useable parts off the trucks. Fuel, oil, tires, anything that we can salvage."

"Harper, man the minigun and have Yarmouth drive you to the Island. The APC is amphibeous. We need to know if anyone there is alive."

Ryan then grabbed Appleby and Sneed and put them in the treeline as overwatch for the clean up. He himself unlimbered his SMG and kept his eyes open.

"Jones, you are in charge of the recovery operation. Get everything back into order."

"Gotcha skipper. That fire's gonna tell everybody within 10 miles exactly where we are. We should probly make this quick."

Jones and Top tend to the wounded (including Top) and gather all the friendly wounded and dead in the treeline.

Jones instructs Yarmouth to gather up weapons ammo from the dead enemy, and any other equipment that looks like it might be useful.

Once this is accomplished, Yarmouth and Jones go search the trucks, leaving Top behind with the wounded.

Well, leave him. Chuck will help with the wounded first and then help Yarmouth police up the weapons.

outside Perdix

Got up and went to Tim to check his wounds. He pulled out a Personal med kit, and began working on Tim.

In reference to the supposed sighting on the island, "Guardian, this is Shadow. Keep an eye on them. If they are alive and smart, they are faking or hiding. Also keep a lookout for other unfriendlies. Send Clark after the Humvee and have him bring it here."

He then turns to the newcomers.

"I don't have time to be polite. Sitrep: We are in enemy territory and you are looking at the only friendlies around. Some of you look like civilians so pardon what may seem like bossiness. I'm fighting to keep all of us alive, and cooperation is the best chance you got."

Tim slowly regained consciousness, and was mumbling.

"Owww, Anybody get the number of that bus...Owww... What's this about enema territory... you ain't doin' THAT to me Petey... are ya?...."

Tim did look to be in some pain, with some burns on his upper body, and what appeared to be cracked ribs from the tumble he took when the M125 blew...

[Slade] Finally satisfied with his work on Tim, he moved to Sarge. It was then that Petey noticed the large wound to Sarge's already broken leg. It would appear that a large-caliber round went clean thru, again smashing the legbone. Sarge was a not-so-good grey color... Slade shouted out to anybody, or nobody...

"Hey! Can I get some help here!..."

"Pete... PETE! How's Tim?... Did he make it? Damn fool thing you guys did... you know better... Pete!... I've about had it. Friggin' look at me... two broken legs, a hole big as Montana in one, leakin' oil like the blasted Exxon Valdez... dammit! Pete, I don't plan on cashin' in yet, but... if it comes down to it, and I'm slowin' you guys down, you know what you hafta do. You KNOW... PETE!..."

[response Pete]

He looks to see how well his previous statement was received and continues.

"Do any of you have medical training? I have wounded and my medic is dead. If you do go to the treeline and help out. If any of you are too wounded to help for now, go to the treeline for treatment. If any of you know vehicles, start stripping useable parts off the trucks. Fuel, oil, tires, anything that we can salvage."

[response Petey]

"Harper, man the minigun and have Yarmouth drive you to the Island. The APC is amphibious. We need to know if anyone there is alive."

"Jones, you are in charge of the recovery operation. Get everything back into order."

"Gotcha skipper. That fire's gonna tell everybody within 10 miles exactly where we are. We should probly make this quick."

Jones and Top tended to the wounded (including Top) and gathered all the friendly wounded and dead in the treeline.

Jones instructed Appleby to gather up weapons and ammo from the dead enemy, and any other equipment that looked like it might be useful.

Harper and Yarmouth take the M163 out into the river. The island is a 5 minute trip out, and another 5 minutes back. Harper reports.

"Saw nothing alive out there, Shadow, but there were 4 KIA out there... Aviation Brigade men, from Van Horn's squad. Gathered up some stuff quick -- it's in the '163"

Once this was accomplished, Jones went to search the trucks, leaving Top behind with the wounded.

Ryan then grabbed Appleby and Sneed and put them in the treeline as overwatch for the clean up. He himself unlimbered his SMG and kept his eyes open.

Clark arrived with the HUMVEE.

Tim felt somewhat better. He was lightly wounded and Slade's actions helped him some.

Sarge is on the critical list... I rolled and Jones reports the following:

"Shadow, just a bit of intel -- these guys had very little to throw at us... less the vehicle crews, I counted 28 KIA, and there were probably a few more wounded. They were short on everything -- food, ammo, no medical supplies... Their ID says their from 1/109th Arty... That's a 28th Division unit, man..."

[response Tyler]


[GM: Here's y'all's current levels of ammo. If I gave you a level before, use THIS #... you often miscount/DONT-count during the heat of the moment, I would suppose... And I'm assuming you reloaded any empty magazines if you had extra ammo in boxes, stashed in your backpack, etc...]

Tyler now has 7 mags full for the H&K MP45SDA3, and 3 mags full for the Mk23. Taking account for what he (and Harper) fired, this leaves 438 rounds in his "stash". You don't use alot when you hit what you aim at...

Jones plugged away like a Trooper. He was to provide coverfire, and that he did. He started with 180 rnds in 6- 30rnd mags, and by my count, he dumped nearly five full mags in 3 minutes... not unheard of, but, well, you were busy! Jones and Appleby pretty much kept the 20-man team from ruining y'all's day... Jones scrounged enough 5.56N from Cooper, Bates, and Scott to refill all 6 mags. Jones still has a .38 Special, loaded with 6 rnds JHP, and a box of 50 more rnds in his pack.

Slade racked off a good bit of buckshot. His weapon now holds 7 rnds, and he has 2- 50rnd boxes untouched, and 6 loose rnds in his jacket pockets. His .357 Magnum holds 6 rnds.

McCain reloaded his 3- 20 rnd clips, has an untouched 50rnd box, and another with 12 rnds left in it. And his M1911 still has 2- 7 rnd mags untouched.

The other members of the squad picked up ammo from fallen comrades or foes to replentish what they had expended. Assume they now carry what they did before the fight, except for things like smoke grenades, 40mm HEAT, etc...

[GM: OK here's the laundry list of stuff garnered from the field. These #'s are "spares" after the amounts that the squad replaced in their pouches. I have determined that it will take 15 minutes to gather this amount of stuff... More stuff certainly remains, but do you want to spend more time... or less... Depending on your preference, I will amend the list. But as it is...]

from the field and the island:
19- M16's with total 840- rnds 5.56N (28- 30rnd mags). This includes weapons and ammo from the dudes you whacked in the HUMVEE, guys on the field, as well as your 3 squad casualties.

there are other assorted non-military rifles on the scene...

1- M249 SAW with a belt of 170- rnds 5.56N. (Low milage)

from the island:
40- MREs *** see note below

inside M163:
cupola-mounted 20mm Gatling gun with total 360- rnds 20mm(HE/AP mix) (it has a 1000-rnd drum, and a ROF of 20)

pintle-mounted M60 with total 200- rnds 7.62N

see *** below. There is "civilized" but mostly unpreserved food, 76Kg total, which gives roughly 38 "man-meals" (1 man for 38 meals, or 19 men for 2 meals, etc...)

2- 50 gallon drums purified drinking water. Marked as such.

the M163 has a 360 liter max capacity (that's 95 gallons +/- for us non-metric types) out of that, it's at about 20%, or 18 gallons. The M163 runs on gasoline.

from the 3 trucks:
between them, the trucks have 20 gallons of gas. 2 batteries are salvaged. A "tow cable" (such as is used to pull another vehicle out from a snowbank) is found, as well as basic camping gear (a set for 4 persons-utensils, pots pans plates...)


Your next turns will be:

Helped get Tim and Sarge to the treeline, where the casualties were assembling. Petey saw four bodies, four lightly wounded men, and five others.

I still have Valdez at his LP / OP... he would make SIX others.

Helped strip some equipment off vehicles, and went thru the vehicles components for anything useful. All the while, he never took his eyes off the others.

"Hey, Tim told you we shouldn't have run in so quick", as he rolls his eyes and smirked at his friend.

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