
The Keystone Division after WW3

"The Bloody Bucket" was a nickname given to members of the 28th Division by their German adversaries, after the division's admirable performance against great odds in the Battle of the Bulge, and the Colmar Pocket...

This campaign is based on TWILIGHT 2000, by Game Designers Workshop. No challenge to, or infringement of, copyrights is implied or intended.

I respect our veterans and our military organizations. This document is not intended to offend any persons associated with these organizations, past, present, or future. It's sole purpose is to suppose WHAT IF?...

Twilight Time...


The game takes place in devastated Pennsylvania after the short but destructive Third World War. Currently, there are 9 players in the game. Turns are every 3-4 days or more frequently as needed.

Knowledge of the system is helpful, but not necessary; I can provide assistance as needed. A Meta-Combat system will be used, in order to speed through battles without losing detail. Can you really tell the difference between being shot with a M16 and an AK47 anyway? (OHHHH! OW!!! That felt like a 5.56NATO round, manufactured in Belgium in the late 1980's...) I'm sure they both hurt...

The Focus of the Game will be equal parts of warfare, problem solving, and REBUILDING...

Currently, all openings in the game are spoken for.
I do not maintain a waiting list. Please check the Irony Games Page for openings in the future. Thanks for your interest!


BG, character generation, maps, rules, reference... ADMIN STUFF

Character Information CHARACTER STUFF

The Current Stories... CURRENT STORIES

The Stories Leading up to the present... OLDER STORIES

Hell on Wheels?!?

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