1. What is Roger's middle name? a. Adam b. Alan c. Malik d. Dodger 2. Which of the following did NOT shoot Roger? a. Alan Spaulding b. Billy Lewis c. Ed Bauer d. Fletcher Reade 3. What country did Roger raise Tangie Hill in? a. Switzerland b. France c. Luxembourg d. West Germany 4. What name did Roger use while disguised as the bearded professor? a. Kissinger b. Marvel c. Schneider d. Bagovich 5. Why did Roger return to Springfield after Holly shot him? a. To kidnap Hart b. To kidnap Christina c. To kill Holly and Ed d. To make amends for his rapes of Holly and Rita 6. Where did Roger take a pregnant Rita to after kidnapping her? a. Eagle Lake b. Indian Lake c. Chicago d. Mohawk Lake 7. What was the name of the drug Roger was slipping to Dinah? a. Tagamet b. Axid c. Lonatrat d. Psillium 8. Who was Bess Lowell? a. The woman who died in Roger's apartment b. Hart's grandmother c. Brandon Spaulding's ex secretary who Roger bribed d. One of Roger's lovers 9. What day was Roger shot in the Country Club's potting shed? a. December 3, 1993 b. April 1, 1971 c. April 1, 1980 d. December 25, 1994 10. What song did Roger and Holly make love to at Cliff House? a. Against All Odds b. Sweet Bitter Love c. Almost Paradise d. Everything I Do 11. Who was John Davis? a. Roger's lawyer who hepled him con Hart's grandad b. The guy who set fire to 5th Street, killing Pops Cooper c. Roger's thug who kidnapped Eleni and hel Lucy at gunpoint d. Roger's superior during his Agency days 12. Who planned to commit suicide after Roger took their stock in a poker game? a. Billy Lewis b. Vanessa Chamberlain c. Henry Chamberlain d. Glynn Taggert 13. At what location did Roger "shoot" Hart? a. Santo Domingo b. Costa Verse c. parking lot at Company d. Laurel Falls 14. Which of the following miscarried one of Roger's children? a. Mindy Lewis b. Holly Lindsay c. Peggy Fletcher d. Jenna Bradshaw e. both a and d f. both b and d g. None of the above 15. What country did Roger locate Eve Guthrie in? a. Cambrai b. Capraia c. Bosnia d. Zaire