How Others See Roger Thorpe

"Who is Roger Thorpe? Well, he's a snake according to some people, he's a desporado. He lives outside society, hes not socialized and never will be, I guess. He's a manof great appetites, great passion, he sees something, he wants it, he goes after it. But he's his own worst enemy, he is not able to take responsibility for the things that go wrong in his life and, hence, he loses control over his life. Though he's not gratuitously evil, he winds up doing a lot of very bad things, he behaves badly." (Michael Zaslow describing Roger in the intro to the 1994 video, Roger Thorpe: the Scandal Years)

"At the end of the world there will be roaches and Roger." (Lenore Kasdorf, former Rita Stapleton on GL describing Roger in GL's 60th Anniversary Book)

"You're a man drawn to high stakes, adventure, living life above the rules." (Vaughn, Roger's CIA superior talking to "Adam Malik" on the island, 1989)

"It seems no matter how bad people thought Roger was, they never doubted he was a force, someone to be reckoned with." (Adam Thorpe, Roger's father describing his son, 1989)

"What is it about Roger? Whenever he's involved, logic and decency just fly out the window. He leads you over the edge and into the darkness. He makes you think the unthinkable." (Holly talking about Roger after she learns he survived the fall 15 years ago in Santo Domingo, 1989)

"This is Roger's real power, it's not just that he's evil, he brings out evil in everybody else." (Holly talking about Roger after she tries to smother him with a pillow in his hospital bed, 1989)

"They said my father was a hero." (Hart when first confronting Roger about his paternity, 1991)

"He lies to his family, he'd steal from anyone weaker than him." (Billy talking about Roger, 1991)

"Everytime I think you've hit bottom, you always sink lower." (Ross to Roger while Roger blackmails him into being his stooge in Washington, 1992)

"I'm a poison man, I'll die of you." (Hart resenting he has Roger's blood in his veins, 1993)

"The one thing I have always admired about Roger is that he is absolutley fearless." (Former Roger stooge, Davis to Holly while trying to extort money from Roger, 1993)

"You're just a thug in a gray flannel suit. It's demeaning to work for you, it got to the point where the person staring back at me in the mirror made me sick."

"Nobody as hated as you are can go on trampling over people forever." (Both from Gilly Grant when Roger discovers she's been plotting against him, 1993)

"No father would be better than you." (Jenna telling Roger he would never lay his hands on their unborn child, 1993)

"There is a judgement day and it's right here on earth, not somewhere out there in the great beyond. So may you go to Hell tomorrow Roger. (Alexandra after he interrupts an engagement party right before being shot, December 3, 1993)

"Roger is a user, he uses people up and spits them out like a bad taste in his mouth." (Gilly to Holly while Roger is missing, 1994)

"Roger is like a drug, he gets inside people, he infects them, changes them, makes them paranoid." (Dylan telling Bridget what Roger is like, 1994)

"Roger isn't human either, man's laws aren't a code to him, they're just a taunt." (Billy explaining why he shot Roger, 1994)

"Roger Thorpe, he's too mean to die." (Fletcher admitting Roger probably wasn't dead after his faked car wreak, 1995)

"That's the way he functions, he finds your weaknesses, then he zeroes in on them and uses you to his own gain."

"Roger is an evil man." (Both are from Henry trying to dissuade Dinah from seeing Roger, 1995)

"If everyone that Roger hurt slept together, everything would have to stop for the world's biggest orgy." (Ross complaining that Dinah slept with Hart because they were both hurt by Roger, 1996)

"Vlad the Impaler has a better reputation than you." (Gilly to Roger during an office squabble, 1996)

"He can be cold blooded and ruthless and nothing in his life has ever happened to change that."

"You may think that you have the key to understanding how to handle him, but Roger is like a coiled snake, he never sleeps and he never stops thinking. (Both are from Holly warning Hart to steer clear of Roger after he returns to town, 1996)

"That poor defenseless creature you saw strapped to the bed is a killer in every sense of the word. If he doesn't kill the body, he kills the soul." (Dinah trying to keep Hart in line about their gaslighting Roger after Roger drugged her, 1996)

"Sometimes, I think he's the Devil himself." (Vanessa telling a nun about Roger after he blackmails her, 1997)

How Roger Thorpe Sees Himself

"I've thrown away so much in my life, wasted what I haven't squandered." (Soul bearing to Alexandra on the island of Adam Malik, 1989)

"In my eyes, I'm always the hero." (To Holly while hiding out after being shot by Billy, 1993)

"I would kill for my children, I would lay down my life for my children."

"How could one father make so many mistakes?" (Both to Blake in two separate but closely related conversations, 1996)

"I served my country, I helped to keep you people free and that's the thanks I get. I'm still the yard dog who's not good enough to be let into the house. Her grandfather, Henry Chamberlain called me that twenty years ago and it it still exists today. Still the yard dog. Never give the yard dog his due. You all hate me. Look at you, you hate me. You want to see me dead, you want to see me put away, you just hate me. You want me dead, dead, dead!" (On the witness stand trying to prove his sanity after being gaslighted by Dinah and Hart, 1996)

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