The First Step

The best place to start is the beginning (of course). Have you accepted Jesus into your heart yet. The stuff I am about to talk about can't happen without him in your life. God loved you so much that he sent his only son to die for all of us. It isn't as hard to have him in your life as you may think. He is standing at the door of your heart knocking right now just waiting for you to let him in. All you need to do is say a pray admitting that you are a sinner (we all are) and that you believe that Jesus Christ died for your sins. Then find a good strong church in your city to go to. If you would like help call the 700 club at 1-800-759-0700, or if you are a teenager and would like to talk to someone who understands call the Hopeline at 1-800-394-HOPE. Let me be the first one to welcome you to the family of God and tell you that the angels in heaven are rejoicing right now because a lost child has come home.

Hope to overcome

Now we can talk about how to overcome the tings mentioned on the last page. If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol Jesus can help. Sometimes he takes that desire from you as soon as you accept him into your heart. I'm not saying that it is always that simple. It may seem like God didn't hear you when you prayed to be delivered. Sometimes the complete healing isn't immediate but rest assured you are on the mend and on the way to overcoming your addiction.

If you are depressed or even suicidal let me first tell you that these are spirits. Don't get me wrong you are not possessed demon spirits are just trying to oppress you. Some people are depressed because they think that nobody loves them. I'm here to tell you that Jesus loves you and so does your church family and a lot of other people. These people can also help you overcome depression. If you are thinking of suicide please don't do it!!! God has a plan for you and will help you through whatever problems you are going through. If you need to talk to someone call the 700 club at 1-800-759-0700 or call the Hopeline at 1-800-394-HOPE. You can also sign my Guestbook and I will get back to you. I check it everyday. God bless and remember I and the rest of the family of God love you.

Sites to go to for more help

Carman Ministries
The official web site of Carman Ministries
Trinity Broadcasting Network
Trinity Broadcasting Network. They have inspirational articles, and many links to other Christian web sites wher you can get help.
Christian Broadcasting Network
Ministry materials that will help
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Please,view this powerful poetic page, JESUS, THE RESCUER

 Hi, I am Trudy, focus on Jesus

This page has helped hurting souls