Just got home from the best district convention ever (aren't they all!) and thought I'd share some of the neat stuff we heard. Don't worry, I won't give away any juicy details!
As of the date of our convention (Aug 8-10), 164 had already been held in the US.
One brother giving his personal experience stated that as a craftsman takes care of his tools, so Jehovah cares for us. The scripture about 'iron sharpening iron, so the face of a man sharpens another' .... are we allowing ourselves to be sharpened? The word "incite" used at Hebrews 10:24,25 means literally "to sharpen".
We had brother Leonard Solednik give an experience .. he is a doctor who has helped the Society in many court cases regarding the blood issue. You'd think a brother like that would have it all together (he served at Bethel for 9 years assisting in the legal department, I think) .. but he said that he struggles with not relying on wordly thinking. Shows we all have our tendencies to overcome!
Abraham's faith did not depend on what the details of what he would get in the Prmised Land or HOW SOON he'd get there. He knew Jehovah, and thus he had faith that whatever awaited him would be a blessing.
At Meribah, where the Israelites demanded water, they had just seen Jehovah deliver them from Egypt, they had been provided manna day after day miraculously. Why did they have no faith that Jehovah would provide for them? They were so absorbed in their own needs (and they were reasonable, basic, day-to-day needs, not wants) that they took for granted what Jehovah had done for them. Do we meditate on what he has done for us, or when we pray are we always asking? If we don't appreciate, we will begin to lack faith and will lose out.
An adorable young sister of 11 years of age talked about her witnessing in school. "I view this work as very special," she said, "because I am able to speak to people who would not normally be contacted at the door." What a great attitude.
Another sister has gotten a group of sisters together to do phone territory two afternoons a week. They have kept good records, and found that in just 2 afternoons a week they are reaching an average of 90 people per month (do you talk to that many in a month?). They have started 26 studies in those two months, and 2 of the sisters were so encouraged by their success that they have decided to regular pioneer.
Two statements in one of the talks that I really like:
--Failure to make advancement can put us in grave spiritual danger.
--Faith can enable us to do whatever is asked of us.
If you were trekking through a desert, would you expect water to come to you or would you search dilligently for it? If you knew where it was, would you be eager to get there? The world is a spiritual desert and the Kingdom Hall is our oasis. Are you dying of thirst? Or skipping weeks without water?
Brother James Hinderer from Bethel was so motivating! He is the overseer of the school for branch committee members, with 70+ years in full time service. He said that dedicated Christians are now undergoing a period of severe testing. Back in 1918-1919, those who survived that testing period were refined and acceptable to Jehovah. If we allow our trials to run their course without attempts to end it by unscriptual means, when they are over we will have a precious possession -- a faith tested and refined, and we too will be found acceptable to Jehovah.
A very close friend of mine and her husband were Rebecca and Miguel in the drama. It was so neat! I was standing with her afterwards when a sister came up to her and said, I had to tell you how much I appreciated it, I cried through the whole thing. She had been in Mozambique when all of the horrors described in the 96 yearbook and mentioned in the drama happened! She said that three times she had been down to only the clothes she was wearing and no other possessions, that she saw people she knew slaughtered, and that she continues to have nightmares about it. She was so encouraging! Then I was with her talking to another sister from a hall that is close to hers, (she now lives in the US), and she sounded like any other sister chatting about people and places in common. This impressed upon me that we have No idea what some of our brothers have been through, unless we really get to know them.
That's all for now! I know most of you have probably already had your DC ... I know I can't thank Jehovah enough!! Talk about spiritual food at the proper time! =)
Hang in ther brothers!!
Christian love,
Deanna Scott
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