What is Glenraven?

Glenraven is a magical fantasy world that lies just beyond the Standing Stones in Scotland. Glenraven has two main lands. The Bright Lands and the Shadow Lands.

This is a place where Humans, Paladins, Knights, Wizards and Necromancers roam freely to search and discover the hidden portals sealed by the ancient Magi. These portals can be anywhere ...under boulders, in the trees, in the far reaches of hidden crystal caves. SEEK AND YOU SHALL FIND!

SHADOWLANDS: The Shadowlands is ruled by Ivy Randall Moonwell. This is her domain. In the Shadowlands it is always night time, never will you see the light of day in the Shadowlands.

DEMON PASS: A place where the undead roam. You must pass this before you reach the Realm of the Bean Sidhe.

FIELD OF GLORY: This is where the dead heroes go before passing onto the Underworld. Here they are judged by those who have already departed.

THE WATCHERS: Also known as the "Shadow People" for they linger in the shadows and watch those who pass. They can be found in either the Shadow Lands or Bright Lands. If you hear whispers in the darkness or daylight know that the watchers linger near!

BRIGHT LANDS: The Bright Lands are ruled by Sophie Durer. In the Bright Lands it is always shrouded in daylight and the dawning of the sun -- but never will you see Nightfall.

GILENSHIRE: The Bean Sidhe were the founders of the now sprawling city of Gilenshire. Most Bean Sidhe now live as bards or have become druids themselves in the hopes of one day repairing the destruction caused by Resonance. Some, however; insist that they should forget the past and live out their lives as merchants or even in some cases as soldiers. There have even been rumors of a Bean Sidhe army lying deep within the reaches of the mountainous north.

ASPEN WILDERNESS: This is a very important part of Glenraven, for it separates the Shadow Lands from the Bright Lands, and the darkness from the light. Right on the border of the Aspen Wilderness you will find the SLAUGHTERED LAMB INN!

Other Places in Glenraven

RUINS OF MANJA: This was a temple of the Manja from long ago and was destroyed during the battle between the Magi and the Paladins of Taranis. Recently, it was resurrected by the Great Mage, Suhrim, who was killed by Sorsha, The Huntress (past ruler of the Shadowlands) and his spirit still lingers through the ruins.

CRYDEE: Crydee is full of cutthroats, pirates, prostitutes and any other derelict you can think of. Need to hire an assassin? The Assassins Guild is located in the 'underground' of Crydee. If you have enough gold anything can be bought in Crydee! Here also is the home of the MERRY WIDOW INN!

LOST KINGDOMS: There were 4 kingdoms of the 4 elements (earth, air, fire, and water) after the battle with the Magi the kingdoms were separated and are said to float upon the water and drift through Glenraven.

"Come near or go you far,
Light from candle or flick'ring star?
< But is water sweet before you drink?
Who can know of truth and lies?
When can a man believe his eyes?
Suspect what's known to mortal senses,
Four our nature known vaults all mystic fences,
That stand between that which is and seems,
And bank we are to truth...or dreams?"

Raymond Feist - "Faerie Tale"