These characters and their environs on Sports Night belong to ABC and Aaron Sorkin. No infringement is intended. This is just for fun, no money is being made from this. This story involves a relationship between two men, aka: slash. If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over. :) Small references to 'Dear Louise' and 'Thespis'. Sequel to 'Cleveland', 'Treasure', 'Creaming', 'Things', 'Consideration', 'Elevated', 'Frustration', 'Non-problems', 'Plans', 'Buzzing', 'Sleep', 'Talking' and 'Interruptus'. More to come... Necessities by Amirin #139 *********************** Dan unlocked the door, opened it, stepped into the hotel room he was sharing with Casey, caught the door with his foot, toed it closed, threw the key onto the dresser/desk/TV stand and was in the process of unzipping his jacket when he noticed something. Something...big. Casey. Not that Casey was big. He wasn't. Tall? Yes. Slender? Undoubtedly. Big? You'd get an argument. It wasn't that *Casey* was big. Not at all. It was that Casey was still lying in their bed, in their hotel room, naked. Very naked. As opposed to be only slightly naked. But, he was *naked*. And *that* was big. And what he was currently holding and maddeningly, casually stroking with the tips of his fingers was getting even bigger at the look of stunned hunger on Danny's face. "How did I know you'd be lying...*there*, looking like...*that*, when I got back?" Danny stammered as he tossed his jacket onto the other bed and sat down next to Casey's hip. And congratulated himself on maintaining eye-contact with the man, even though it made his eyes *ache* to ignore that perfect, long, hard... "Because you're a smart man, Danny," Casey answered him, voice rough and soft. Dan blinked and realized Casey had just answered his already- forgotten question. "Yeah," Danny murmured, eyes glazing over at the image of Casey, sprawled with perfect artlessness across their bed, one hand behind his head, the other...Sweet, merciful god, the *other*... "So, the job is done?" Casey smothered a grin at the look of sheer awe and total, wait, shocks were bad, surprises were good, *surprise*, on Danny's face. "Job?" "The job thing, that thing you get paid for." "Oh. Yes. Done." "Good," Casey answered with deliberate and practiced nonchalance as he switched hands and reached for Danny's leg, fingers trailing the inseam of denim until they found that tiny hole at the base of the zipper, just large enough for his fingertip, and burrowed in, following the heat of the man straight through to the reason Danny'd never been embarrassed about being naked in any locker- room throughout the course of his entire life. He was trying to make that tiny hole large enough to accommodate more of his finger when Danny whimpered. "Gotcha," he whispered and watched Danny's eyes, those beautiful, deep, soulful eyes do their damnedest to refocus. "Yeah." "So, if the job's done..." "All done." "...then there's no reason for us to go anywhere any time soon." "None whatsoever," Danny grinned shakily as Casey removed his finger. He sighed at the release of tension, then tensed up again as Casey unzipped his jeans for him. "Speaking of," he choked out, "did you even leave the room today?" "Yes," Casey nodded and started untucking Danny's black t-shirt. "Where did you go?" Dan asked him, hands grabbing the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head, and throwing it onto the other bed. "I went shopping," Casey murmured, reaching out to stroke Danny's chest until the man moved closer, into his touch, so he didn't have to reach so far. "Shopping," Danny repeated as long fingers wrapped around the base of his skull and pulled him downward. He gave in with no struggle to speak of. "For necessities," Casey breathed onto bare skin and grinned when Danny shivered. "The bare necessities?" Danny shot back at Casey's grin, which only got bigger. "I'll have you know, I was fully-clothed at the time," Casey informed him, a little haughtily. "Thank god," Danny snorted. "What did you get? In the way of bare necessities?" Casey eased back and gestured with a quiet, "Check the nightstand." Danny pulled the drawer open and gaped. And not because Casey's hand had gone back to stroking his thigh, either. "I cannot believe we didn't have this base covered," he confessed, shaking his head. "We didn't." "I'm aware of that," he shot Casey a look bordering on glare. "I just can't believe it." "Believe it." "We forgot lube." "Yes." "Bear with me, here, Case." "Okay." "And condoms." "Those, too." "Casey, you're not bearing with me," Danny protested. "I'm trying to." "You are." "Yes. May I point out, however, that you are not *baring* with me?" "That was really bad." "I'm really horny. And," Casey's grin got a little evil, "in case you hadn't noticed, I'm naked..." "Believe me, I noticed," Danny groaned as Casey's hand headed for his neck again. "And you're not..." "That can be fixed." "Never utter the word 'fixed' to a naked man, Danny." "I'll try to remember that," Danny said, struggling to take his jeans off over his shoes, without much success. "Need help?" "No! Umm, no, I...I got it." Danny backed up, kicked his shoes off, and tried again. And it worked much better, that time. "You're nervous again," Casey commented gently. "Yeah...a little." "Relax," Casey whispered. "Relax?" "It's still just us," Casey sighed as he stroked himself. If Danny didn't touch him soon, he'd explode. "Yes, it is." "Danny?" "Hmmmm?" "Quit staring at my cock and get your ass back in this bed." "Right." It didn't take Danny long to send the rest of his clothing sailing onto the spare bed. In fact, it took less time to do it than it would to talk about it. "God, this feels so...decadent," Danny grinned as he slid between the sheets and into Casey's arms with a long, sweet groan of pleasure. "Decadent?" "Yeah, being naked at this hour of the day. And if you start humming 'Afternoon Delight', I'm leaving." "Then you'd be leaving naked, because I don't intend to let you get your clothes back on anytime soon," Casey murmured as he kissed Danny into blissful silence. "What'd you have in mind?" Danny asked, breathless. "Gee, Danny, guess," Casey said with still-unbecoming sarcasm. "Sex?" Casey answered Danny's grin with his own, even more evil, version. "Oh, yeah." "Cool." Danny barely got the word finished before his mouth became otherwise occupied with Casey's. "You...mmm...are so good at this," he murmured, fingers doing their best to tangle in Casey's hair. "You, too," Casey answered against Danny's neck, hand trailing along one of the two strong thighs currently trapping his between them. He groaned when a tentative hand wrapped around his cock and started stroking while the thumb made tiny circles over the head. He shuddered and held Danny closer, tighter, as he thrust into that perfect, *perfect* grasp. "Okay?" Danny asked softly, backs of his fingers caressing Casey's stomach. "Uh, huh," Casey nodded, burying his face into Danny's shoulder. "Good," Danny grinned. "I owe you one from earlier." "I'm not keeping score," Casey protested quietly then sighed as Danny's warm hand went back to driving him out of his mind. "I know," Danny shrugged a little. "I just want to keep things even." "Things are even," Casey assured him with a soft moan. "They are." "Yes. As even as they're likely to get." "Okay then. What *are* you doing?" Danny asked, pausing in his attempt to make Casey redefine the word 'incoherent' when he felt him reaching out for...something. "I'm just getting the lube." "That would be good." "And necessary." "Kind of required." "For male/male sex, yes. Pretty much." "Do you know what you're doing?" Danny frowned as Casey struggled to get the cap off the tube. "If I come across anything I don't recognize, I'll give you a holler, okay?" Casey muttered, finally getting the cap off and placing it on the nightstand. "No, I meant..." "I know what you meant." "Then why...?" "I was trying to lighten the tension with a joke. And we've seen how well that works, haven't we?" "There's no tension," Danny protested. "Really, there isn't," he insisted at Casey incredulous expression. "Fine," Casey humored him. "You're humoring me, I hate that." "Danny, shhh..." "What?" "Come on, lay back, relax, think happy thoughts..." "You're doing it again." Casey growled. "I haven't even done it *once*, okay? And I'd like to. I really would. But, I'm beginning to get the feeling that you don't. Which is fine, actually." "And untrue." "So you say," Casey nodded. "But if it were true..." "Which it isn't." "We've established that, yes. But, if it *were*..." "It *isn't*." "If it *were*...It'd be okay. Okay?" "Yeah," Danny nodded and sighed. "Good. Now..." "Fuck me." "Danny." "Please." Casey sighed, put the tube down and wrapped himself around Danny, who only hesitated a heartbeat before putting his arms around Casey. "I don't want you to do this because you think you have to..." "I'm not." "...or because you think it's the next step and we have to take it, or else." "I don't." "Okay. So, if I pick up that tube, fill my fingers with the contents, lie down between your legs, and start prepping you for anal intercourse, you won't freak?" Danny thought a moment. Then nodded. And shrugged. "Go for it." Casey heaved a heavy, disbelieving sigh. And went for it. And looked at Danny in amazement when the tension just left the man's body and he seemed to sink into the mattress a little more with every slick finger that entered him. "Danny? You okay?" "Uh, huh," Danny said, dreamy-voiced and blissed-out. "Single, double, triple. Bases are loaded and Casey's at bat." "Care to explain to me what just happened here?" "You told me what you were going to do." Casey stared slack-jawed. "And that's *it*?" Danny nodded. "Pretty much." "Why is this necessary?" "I don't like shocks." "Shocks are bad things," Casey reiterated from a much-earlier conversation. "Very bad. Surprises are good things." "I can surprise you," Casey followed along. "Yes, you sure as hell can," Danny grinned then groaned when Casey started thrusting into him, fingers stretching him carefully. "But shocking you is a bad thing." "Very bad," Danny confirmed breathlessly. "I think I'm getting it." "I believe you are, yes," Danny groaned again. "So, if I give you a play-by-play of what I'm going to do..." "I'll be fine. That's what we do." "It's what we do," Casey shook his head in something resembling wonderment. "And very well." "Because..." "We're in sports," they finished together. ~~~end