************************************************* Disclaimer time once again! One-hundred-and-fifty-third verse same as the first...everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, (well, mostly) aka: slash. If that is *not* your cup of...tea, sweet as it is , then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over. :) Many thanks once again to Ally Lanart for the anatomy lessons. Yummy! Sequel to Consanguinity and Exsanguination. Third (and possibly the last) in the Bound In Blood series. 'Sanguinary' by Amirin ************************************************* The look on the captain's face as I turn around is a study in contradiction. Open horror, shock...fascination. That surprises me. Truly. I thought Tom would be the only one able to look at me with that particular expression gracing his features. Anyway, I feel Tom's hand on my shoulder, trying to urge me back around toward him, but I ignore it. He gives up after a futile moment of attempting to move me forcibly and just takes my hand in his as he slides along the biobed, closer to me. I appreciate the support but now have to somehow keep from clenching my fingers or I'll grind his to powder. I gaze past the Captain to find Tuvok looking at me, even more inscrutable than usual. The slightest twitch of the eyebrow, anyone else would have missed it completely, a faint nod, and he sighs, his hands clasped behind his back, away from the phaser he's carrying. And that's when it hits me. He knows. Or remembers. Whatever. His sharp eyes see the recognition of that fact in mine and he acknowledges my realization by accepting it in silence. And he is accepting it. If I were any less terrified, tears would be filling my eyes right now. Don't you see? His stance, though formal as ever, is relaxed. His hands are as far away from his weapon as they can be. He knows I'm no threat. To anyone. And that small amount of faith means everything to me. The Chief of Security has a vampire on his ship, loose among the people he's sworn to protect, and he knows he has nothing to fear from me. I find myself hoping with everything I am that my captain knows it, too. I can't even speak, to reassure her that the man she knows and trusts still exists inside the creature with the fangs and the blood-red eyes. Which are currently looking at the floor until her softly incredulous voice brings them up again to meet hers. "Harry?" Strong as ever. Why did I imagine it wouldn't be? The woman has faced the Borg, Vidiians, Kazon, and Hirogen without hardly a flinch. Why would a vampire give her any pause? "Captain," I murmur around the teeth filling my mouth and thickening my voice and her eyes widen slightly. "I didn't know how to tell you..." "And I wouldn't have let him," Tom chimes in strongly. "Not yet, anyway," he adds wryly and sighs, fingers chafing warmth into mine. Now, her attention is focused on him. "We were trying to find a cure, hoping it would make telling you... unnecessary," he explains and her glare pins the doctor as I step forward. To her credit, she doesn't move away from me. "The Doc didn't know, Captain," I say quietly. "We were working on it privately, on the holodeck." "And what have you found out?" she asks, the grim look in her eyes indicating her reluctance to hear that there isn't a cure to be found. "It's completely rewritten Harry's DNA," Tom tells her. "I don't think we can cure it, anymore than we could cure you of being human." She nods slowly, frowning, thinking. I don't need enhanced hearing to hear the wheels turning. I know they are. And I cringe inwardly as the gears slip into place and remind her of where she is and why she's here and why Tom's here and then they grind to a halt the instant she figures out what really happened to Tom. And those shrewd eyes meet mine, measuring, probing, and it's all I can do not to flinch from the intensity of her regard. "Tom's accident?" Quietly asked, voice deeper than usual with concern and dread. "Was no accident," I admit, taking full responsibility. "He felt he had to do it, to keep me alive." "Like there was a choice, Har?" his voice grates softly in my ear, made harsh with remembered fear. "The only other option was watching you slowly starve to death," and he launches into rapid speech, full warp, to defend his action. And my inaction. "Captain, I had no choice, *none*. I'd do it again in a heartbeat, if necessary, to keep him alive. I'd do *anything* for Harry. Anything." Rarely have I heard him speak with so much passion. Wonderful. *Now* my eyes are filling... "He's been feeding on your...blood," the captain murmurs, swallowing her natural distaste. "Which gives us *both* life, Captain. And I've got plenty of it," Tom tells her in that tone of quiet appeal that's so damned hard to resist. Add that to the fear-filled blue eyes pleading for understanding and it's practically impossible. "As long as the hemoglobin regenerators are functioning," the doctor reminds us all just a little too acerbically. "You don't have a portable unit?" she asks us, brows knitting together. I could almost laugh. I've become yet another challenge for her to overcome. A problem to solve. It's so...perfect. "We're still a few rations short, Captain," Tom admits. "We didn't realize how soon the need for one would become urgent," I say quietly around retracting fangs and blink quickly to clear my eyes. It's no longer necessary but it *was* the easiest way to tell her, to have her see for herself what I've become. "What else do you need?" she asks with some trepidation, like she's none too sure she actually wants to hear the answer. "Nothing, really, Captain," I say after a moment's thought. "You don't need to find a cure?" Tom's quick inhalation at her challenging tone seems much louder than it is, I'm sure. I try to smile gently at her, the fangs back where they belong, for the moment. "I'm growing used to being what I am," I admit to her and to myself for the first time, aloud. It doesn't hurt nearly as much as I thought it would. "Tom's support and acceptance have played a major part in that." I smile as his head rests against my arm and my fingers move to caress his hair of their own volition, his warm smile emerging to further encourage mine. "I am no longer human, Captain," I tell her softly, the words only stinging a little bit. Maybe stinging the tiny part that *is* still human, after all. "The hell you're not," Tom growls insistently, turning my face toward him. "You're just as human as you ever were, Har. I saw what you went through when you tried to deal with this by yourself. Where do you think I've *been*? I've watched the agonizing, the guilt, the despair, all of it, these last few weeks." And when I would interrupt, he cuts me off and goes on, persuading, cajoling. "Your heart is human, Harry. I've heard it, beating as strongly as ever, when my blood roars through your veins. It's human. Believe me." I don't even want to see the look on the captain's face at that. I know she's trying to deal with this as best she can. Being slapped in the face with my dietary habits won't make it any easier for her. But the worry ebbs out of me when warm, strong arms wrap around me and pull me near and I sigh as the sound of the heart that keeps us both alive fills my hearing. Silence and comfort for a moment, fingers carding through the hair at the nape of my neck, a soft kiss at my temple, and he's releasing me slowly, keeping hold of my hand. The captain's voice is a cautious intrusion. "Harry, I'd like the doctor to give you a complete examination." And my eyes widen with fear and shock, meeting hers. I can almost hear Tom snarling. But then her hand comes to my shoulder and her smile is hesitant, wry, yet genuine. "He's going to need some baseline studies, to determine what's normal for you, now. In case of injury or illness." She's right and I acknowledge it with a grateful nod. "I also want you coming in daily, until you're completely recovered. About a week, or so..." I'm not sure if she's asking me or telling me, but I nod again. "Aye, Captain." "Tom, I need you to give the doctor all the research you've done, so far. Should there ever be a problem, in future. He'll keep it completely confidential." Tom replies with a "Yes, Ma'am," after checking with me and my nod of permission does not go unnoticed. We're all aware that if I hadn't given it, that research would have been destroyed. Have I mentioned what this man's loyalty does to me? "I also want you to let him know what you need. *All* of it," she says firmly. "Doctor, you are to make sure they get it." I can almost see her inwardly nodding with satisfaction, problem solved, challenge answered and won. Until the final difficulty rears its ugly head. "Harry, what do you want to do about the crew?" Shit. My breathing speeds up and I try to remain calm. Frightened eyes seek out Tom's and his total acceptance of whatever my decision will be slows my thundering heart somewhat. "The senior staff need to be told," I answer slowly. "Chakotay, B'Elanna. Seven and Neelix. I just don't know how to tell the others without it sounding like a joke. Or a nightmare." I think it's enough. For now. "We'll work on it, Harry." She allows me this. I feel ridiculously grateful. My sigh does little to ease the tightening in my chest, but Tom's hand rubbing small circles on my back does wonders. How I love this man. "Can Mr. Paris be released from sickbay?" she asks the doctor for us. "Certainly, with strict instructions to rest. Two days off duty. Get plenty to eat..." he answers by rote. "I know the drill, Doc," Tom interrupts with a grin and the captain's looks almost normal in response. Not quite, but almost. "Both of you, get some rest. Doctor, I want the regenerator beamed to their quarters as soon as possible. We'll inform the senior staff whenever you're ready, Harry." "Soon, Captain. After we get some sleep," I promise her. "Let me know," she replies softly and I'm struck once again by her mercy and understanding. Not to mention her courage. "Captain?" I call after her as she turns to leave and she whips back around. I smile to put her as much at ease as I can. "Thank you. For everything." "You're welcome, Harry," she answers and looks curious. I try not to laugh out loud. I wondered when that scientific mind would wake up, now that the immediate danger's gone, the initial shock's worn off. "I'd like to speak to you sometime, privately. There are questions..." Finishing seems beyond her and I rush to let her off the hook. "Anything you want to know. Anytime." Her grin is slightly mischievous and her eyes are warm again when she turns to go, Tuvok following after her with an incline of his head. I bet I'll be hearing from him, later, too. She's not the only one with questions that need answering. And it's fine. Better than I hoped; the hardest part's over and relaxing doesn't feel quite so impossible anymore. "Okay?" I ask Tom and he nods and slides off the bio-bed. "Stay in touch, gentlemen," the Doc warns us, frowning smile on his face. "Bet on it," Tom answers, before leading me out of sickbay and down the corridor to our quarters. ~~~ I can't deny how much it bothers me. Not just what Harry has endured, what he's become, but how *easily* he lied about it. To all of us. And he wasn't the only one. Tom knew. And said nothing. I never really realized, before, the extent of his devotion to Ensign Kim. It appears to be total. For heavens' sake, how could it be any more total? Harry *feeds* off of him. Only him, I know. And Tom is more than willing to let him. Let him, hell, he's been doing everything in his power to ensure that it continues. I don't know how I feel about that. I saw the way the two of them were. Connected. Together. The reassurances, the little touches, the looks that conveyed so much... I just don't know... And Tuvok. He murmured to me just before Harry turned around that he knew what had happened. And advised me to remain calm, of all things. I wonder when his memory returned. How long he's been aware of Harry's...transformation. How long *he* intended to keep me in the dark. The dark. Yet *another* thing. Nighttime away missions only, for Harry now. Not that we have to deal with *that* any time soon, given our present circumstances. Still...I recall the extreme measures taken by the alien creatures to protect themselves from sunlight... This time, Harry really *is* an alien. Accommodating the...limitations of someone of his...species will be a challenge. But what about the areas in which he excels, beyond all explanation? What do I do about those? How many new gifts has he been forced to adjust to having, now? Strength? Speed? How much of the ancient legend and lore now applies to my favorite ensign? How much of the legend and lore *comes* from these very beings, a race of creatures of which Harry now finds himself an unwilling member? My head hurts, just thinking about it. Harry is no horror, but I just don't know how some of the crew will react to finding out what he's become. A few of their reactions will be predictable. Dismay. Fear. Curiosity. In all honesty, these are *my* reactions. How *I* handle this will show the crew how *they* should. The question is...how do I do that? ~~~ We head back to our quarters under more of Harry's steam than my own. I'm trying not to just let him carry me; I don't want to seem that weak, even though I could curl up on the floor right here in the turbolift and nap and be perfectly content about it. But I also don't want to have to deal with the guilt that I know would cross his face when he saw how bad off I was. I did what I had to do. I know it. He knows it; he might not like it, but he knows it. Hell, even the *captain* knows it. And I'd do it again. Fortunately, I don't think I'll have to. I would, though. In an instant. Janeway knows. I keep turning that over and over in my head and I'm kind of surprised that I'm not under restraints in sickbay pending a psych eval, with Harry in the brig for assault. I know that seems harsh but it was the worst case scenario, the one I dreaded, the one I would've grabbed Harry, the Flyer, and taken off for parts unknown to avoid if I'd thought it had a chance in hell of happening. It didn't. Thank god. I don't know what she's thinking, right now. I don't care. I don't want to know what's going through Tuvok's mind, either, or how much of a threat he thinks Harry is to the people on this ship. I can't deal with that, their fear, paranoia, suspicion, prejudice, whatever. I mean, it *looks* like they're giving Har the benefit of the doubt, right now, but still. I don't want anything to upset the balance, you know? Seriously, though, I'm leaving an escape hatch open, just in case things get ugly. Chakotay, the crew, B'Elanna, I don't care where it comes from. Hey, I've seen the vids, all right? Anyone who gets anywhere near Harry with anything resembling a pitchfork or a torch will find it shoved up his ass before I grab my vampire and head for the galactic hills. If that makes me Renfield, so be it. I hope we have nothing to worry about. I really do. But just in case, I'm going to be ready. I'm going to be keeping an eye on this crew. I owe it to Harry. And I'm more than willing to do whatever the hell it takes to keep him safe. ~~~ We make it to our quarters, or what we think of as our quarters, and Tom sighs with relief. God, I'm glad we're here. And I'm glad the hiding is over. A sigh of my own attracts a frown from Tom. Blue eyes brimming with concern meet mine. "You look so exhausted," he murmurs, hand stroking my cheek. Like he's one to talk. "It's been a hell of a few days," I whisper back and his grin lights the room even brighter. His hands move slowly to get me out of my uniform and I catch them, stilling the protest on his lips with a kiss. I can feel his body thrumming with exhaustion, pushed almost to its limits, and my face flames with renewed shame at what he was forced to do for me. "Stop it, Har," he orders, his tone brooks no argument. "Right now." "Tom..." "I mean it. It isn't your fault. I did this. And I'd do it again, without hesitation, if I had to." "Don't you think I know that?" My question reassures him and damns me all over again. "That's part of the problem. I *let* this happen. I knew damned well that something was wrong and I ignored the signs because it was easier to just let you do it." "It was a question of your *survival*, Harry," his soft protest, so logical. It doesn't help. At all. "And I put my survival before yours," I murmur sadly. I pull him towards me and wrap my hands around his shoulders as lightly as I can. "That will *never* happen again," a promise, carved in stone. One, I swear, I'll die before breaking. "Never." He flinches at my whisper, drops his eyes, and swallows heavily. And my heart breaks. "You mean everything to me, Har." "You mean even more to me." "Harry..." "No. Listen to me. Without you, I'm dead. So when I tell you that you are my life, please don't argue with me." He looks stunned for a moment and then he nods, slowly, hearing everything that I need him to know. "Take better care of yourself, in future. Okay?" He smiles slightly, eyes warm and beautiful, and his hand touches my face like I'm something fragile. "We'll be fine. Both of us." I nod and hear a faint hum as the transporter beams the regenerator into our quarters. He looks faintly surprised at it, then sighs his relief and draws me into the warm haven of his arms. "Hungry?" he asks me, equal parts mischief and genuine inquiry, and I shake my head with a grin on my face. It's about all I can do to keep it there, though, with everything that's happened. His hands move once more to my uniform and I don't fight him this time. Soft words of reassurance and tenderness are traded for sighs and kisses and it's hard to tell who ends up with the better part of the deal. His touch is infinitely gentle and I'll never understand why he's so careful with me. It's not like he could hurt me, even if he tried. We end up naked quickly and in bed soon after and he slides into my arms much the same way that his blood slides down my throat. Smooth, warm. Sweet. I find myself wondering if we ever would have come together, if none of this had happened. And I still have a hard time figuring out what he's getting from all this, aside from having a kink stroked and satisfied. I mean, really, what are the odds? I become a vampire and my best friend, the man I love most in the universe, has a fang fetish. And it's not like he could have known about this ahead of time; we haven't encountered any other vampires out here that he could have realized his need with. "What *are* you thinking?" he whispers, frowning. "When did you know?" I wonder aloud and explain further at his puzzled look. "That you had a...thing for vampires?" He seems almost surprised. "It's not vampires in general, Harry. It's just you. Believe me." I guess I don't exactly look like I do, so he sighs and goes on. "If it had been Chakotay, or Tuvok, or anyone else, I'd have taken care of getting them the hemoglobin regenerator, but that's about it. They'd have been on their own." I think it's my turn to look surprised. "The fangs excite me because you've got them," he shrugs, then grins evilly. "It's like you've got two miniature cocks to fuck me with, in addition to the full-sized one I've grown so fond of." And then, his hand is on me, his point, made, as I rise up hard and hot to meet his touch. I know he's not up for this. Or, at least, I *should*. But he feels so good, as always, and it's more than I can bear when his scent changes from playful to aroused, the heavy musk of his body growing heavier and turning red and liquid and salt and sweet and I know I'm gone before I even move to roll him under me, hand on his cock, as it twitches and pulses and fills with blood beneath my fingers. It occurs to me that I've never fed from him there. I don't know if he could take the pain, though, and I don't want to ask him. He'd be far too willing to accommodate me, in all likelihood. His hand touches my face as the other continues to stroke me, coax me, like I'm protesting the rush of heat within me as my body aches to possess him. I turn my head to kiss his wrist and taste it, hear it, the blood traveling just under the fragile skin, and I am lost. I look at him, grab his wrist to hold it still, and run my tongue over it from thumb to forearm. Tom's eyes widen slightly as he watches the fangs descend. His hand falters for a moment, then resumes its original rhythm, every stroke bringing me closer to completion. And that's when I realize that I'll never be complete without him. And I wonder when he figured it out. And why he didn't tell me. His only reaction to my teeth sinking into his wrist is a sharp hiss and his body arches under mine as I draw from him that which was replaced only hours ago. I'm not really hungry but it completes the circuit between us and I know now, as he does, that it's not quite right unless I'm feeding off of him, taking both his blood and his love deep inside me. Both are so unbelievably warm and I know that nothing will ever quench my desire for either one. I never knew that love had a color. But it does. Red. Rich, thick, vibrant red. And a flavor. Salty-sweet. And a name. Tom. I never knew. God, he loves me. I can see it in his eyes just before they roll back in his head, I can taste it in his blood, I can smell it in the sweat on his skin. I can hear it in the tiny whimpers and moans that escape his lips and I can feel it in his touch as his hand speeds up, carrying me closer to the ecstasy currently overtaking him. He's gone before I am with a short, sharp wail that makes my ears ring and the sound moves through me on a wave of blood and fire and then I'm right there with him, my turn, thrusting into his hand, filling it with a harsh groan and a breathless gasp. I fall at his side and we lie quietly, breathing growing calm and quiet. He grins tiredly at me and I roll toward him, making sure he's okay as I lick the small holes on his wrist closed. His color hasn't changed, I didn't take that much, but his eyes are glowing. Happy. The fangs retreat leisurely as he kisses me with a soft, sated hunger, pulling me down on top of him, holding me to him, arms and legs wrapping around me as I nuzzle his neck, his ear, and claim his mouth again. We part with sighs and smiles and he brushes my hair out of my eyes then burrows into me, holding me close, his body slick and cooling. But his embrace is warm, and the light shining from his eyes is nothing short of incendiary. He loves me. And I, him. A gentle hand runs down my arm to take my hand, fingers lacing through fingers as he kisses my shoulder after a playful nip. He squeezes carefully and I squeeze back, even more carefully, then settle in his arms. He's got me. Completely. And he will never let me go. Nor will I ever release him, this side of death. He is mine and I am his. And so we will remain, if the universe is willing. Joined in love. And bound in blood. ~~~end