The Devil's Playground by Derora ( Written in collaboration with Smaragd, Jana, and Merri-Todd May 1998 Authors' Note: In honor of National Masturbation Month, celebrated annually in May, we post this tribute. The four of us were immersed in slashdom at ConneXions and this was the result!  Feedback is gratefully accepted. Thanks to Stef and her magic red pen for the editing. Disclaimer:  Paramount is God.  Bend over, grab your ankles, and worship loudly.  (Seriously, no infringement of copyright is intended.) Summary: Tom and Harry are bored. The Devil's Playground Tom was bored. Spectacularly, utterly, bored. Better-dead-than-here bored. He was on a shuttle, which should have been good news. Flying a shuttle was never boring. But he wasn't flying this one. Nope, Chakotay was at the helm right now, and Neelix was sitting next to him. And he was stuck with them for the next two days. They were on their way to some godforsaken planet to trade with a race called the G'norp, a people that Neelix knew and whom he swore were friendly and hospitable to travelers. The planet, T'Napmar, was in the middle of a nebula that contained neodymium in concentrations that could take out a warp engine. So there was no reason to take Voyager, which needed some maintenance anyway, so here they were in a shuttlecraft. Problem was, the neodymium concentration meant that they could only fly at half-impulse maximum, which took two days, two pilots... and Neelix. He'd almost rather be back on Voyager helping with maintenance. With Harry... ***** Harry was bored. Can't stand a minute more of this, why-me-gods, *bored*. Voyager was sitting dead in space at the edge of the nebula with all of Engineering working on drive system maintenance. And he was stuck up in Ops. That was a joke, he thought. He wasn't *operating* anything, just occasionally answering a query for Engineering, but mostly playing with the controls at his console to make it look as though he were busy. Captain Janeway had just arrived, breaking up the monotony slightly. She took over from Tuvok, and actually seemed to be paying attention to a PADD, and talking to B'Elanna every few minutes about power availability, or something. Tuvok had been on the bridge most of the shift, but now he was off running drills with the Security team, so the Captain had felt it necessary to leave Engineering and come up here. Like he couldn't handle the bridge right now, he snorted. Like a piece of beryllium composite couldn't handle the bridge right now. And what the hell was Gallagher so happy about at the science console? She was looking way too perky these days, must be thinking about something other than the nebula. Harry didn't think that weird neodymium chemistry was interesting enough to keep anyone awake, let alone fucking *perky*. He sighed, his gaze again finding the empty conn station. Don't need a pilot when you're going nowhere, which was where they already were, smack in the middle of it. And this particular nowhere was life-drainingly dull. He let his head fall back against the bulkhead. Life was always so much more interesting with Tom around... ***** Tom shifted restlessly on the bench seat in the rear of the shuttle. Chakotay was piloting while he was supposed to be on a rest break, but he was distracted by the discussion up front. Neelix was going on and on about a previous trip to this planet during the G'norpian Transvestiture Festival. Tom did *not* even want to know what he meant by that, but Chakotay really seemed to be getting into it. He kept saying how fascinating it all was. Yeah. Tom was so mindblowingly bored he started muttering to himself as he sorted through their supplies, looking for something -- anything -- interesting. ... I can't fucking believe I'm stuck on a shuttle for two days with these nimrods. Shit. Why the hell can't we go to warp? I bet I could figure out some way. At least it could have been Harry instead of one of those two idiots... He paused, lost in thought. ... But if Harry had come, we wouldn't have had that fantastic 'farewell' sex this morning. When Harry *did* come, rather thoroughly, now that I think about it...  He sighed, remembering. What a way to wake up, with his lover's hot tongue and those sweet lips all over him... ***** Harry glanced at the other two people on the bridge before returning his gaze to the chair where Tom should be sitting. Why in three galaxies did Tom have to go with Chakotay and Neelix and leave me here to entertain myself with these stiffs? Harry's mind wandered, thinking about their early morning activities -- waking Tom with his mouth, feeling Tom's skin warm beneath his tongue, tasting the unique variations of his skin, drawing out Tom's moans with his lips. Tom was not really a morning person, and this was the only way to get him going without making him cranky. At least he'd given Tom a good start to this day, considering they were separated by several thousand kilometers for the next few mornings. How was he going to get through this? He wondered hopelessly if there were any possibility of permanent brain damage from extended boredom... ***** Tom was much less bored now. He was busy following a very interesting train of thought... ... Oh, the things Harry could do with his tongue. A tongue like that would probably be illegal on half the planets in this fucking quadrant... Even after all these months, the thought of making love with Harry still made Tom slightly dizzy. He could picture him as clearly as if he were standing in front of him. Better yet, kneeling in front of him, head buried between his thighs, his cock held deep in Harry's throat. Or feeling Harry curled underneath him, crying out as Tom buried himself deep inside his tight ass. Or sneaking a fast and frantic fuck in a dark corner of the cargo bay, praying that no one walked in. Tom closed his eyes and his mind swam with pictures of Harry. He swore he could almost smell him. A portion of Tom's mind recognized the inevitable tightness of his uniform. He reached down to ease some of the constriction, and was lost for a moment in the feel of his hand against his hard cock. Almost as good as if it were Harry's hand. With a quick glance up front, he decided to leave his hand on his crotch, thinking that his pose looked perfectly casual. Except for the sweat which formed on his brow. ... Getting hot in here. Are those environmental controls even working? Chakotay and Neelix don't seem to notice the heat in here. Still jabbering away -- now it's about the G'norpian Autumn Festival Sacrifice. Who the hell cares what bites the dust every year on this backwater world in the Delta Quadrant? Chakotay, of course. He thinks it's fascinating. So fucking annoying... Tom didn't think he could stand another minute of this. He had to find something to do to amuse himself or go stark raving mad. If only Harry were here to distract him. On the other hand, Tom knew he was perfectly capable of distracting himself without Harry. Certainly with thoughts of Harry. Tom loosened the rein that he had been using to try to keep his erection under control, and let the part of his brain that said 'I'm horny' run rampant. Those clueless wooden sticks up front weren't paying the least bit of attention, anyway. ... They probably won't even notice if I were buck naked back here. Probably wouldn't even notice if I pulled my cock out and played with myself back here. That would be a great story to tell Harry later. Lucky guy, still on Voyager, not stuck out here like he was, with the most boring traveling companions in the quadrant... ***** Thinking about how much Tom liked his mouth, how Tom had almost whimpered as he'd come awake, made Harry's blood start to burn. His tongue crept out to lick his suddenly dry lips as his mind was filled with the picture of Tom's nude body tangled among the rumpled bedclothes, squirming with pleasure. ...I can't even remember what sex was like before Tom. Did I even *have* sex before Tom? Nothing I even fantasized about ever came close to this... He caught his breath, picturing Tom as he came. Oh, yes. His own delicious orgasm this morning was something new, as well. And then the two of them lying there, together. Sated, exhausted... ***** Tom leaned back in the corner, after another glance forward to see if the Commander or Neelix were paying any attention at all to him. ...Nope, they were talking about the repairs to Voyager's guidance system, as if that were so fucking fascinating... Looking around for something to hide their view of him, Tom pulled out the shuttle's medkit and placed it on the bench. Not all that big, but with the lid open, it might do the trick. He opened it, and shuffled the contents a bit. Inventory -- yeah, that's what he was doing. He slouched down on the seat a bit, and adjusted the placement of the medkit to make sure he was as hidden as possible. Another check up front -- still no clue from that quarter. He moved his hands back to his crotch and silently opened the fabric of his uniform trousers. He moved the edges apart just enough to slip his hand inside and touch bare, hot skin. Harry hadn't let him wear any underwear this morning. He said he wanted Tom to think of him every time the silky cloth rubbed across his cock. Tom started teasing his fingers up and down a cock that was already hard at the thought of his lover and what he was about to do in front of his commanding officer. Well, technically, it was in *back* of him, he thought recklessly. He casually placed an arm across the back of the bench and moved down slightly behind the scant shield of the medkit. Reaching for a better grip on his cock, Tom moved his hand with short, choppy strokes. In his mind, it was Harry touching him, Harry's hand now grasping the base of his penis and tickling his fingers across his swollen balls. He really could use the slickness of Harry's lips, the moisture of his hot tongue. But he would have to settle for some reasonable facsimile of lube from the medkit. Pretending that he was still taking inventory of the first aid supplies, Tom's fingers identified a small jar of ointment that would do. He had to let go of his dick to open the jar, and took advantage of that to do another check forwards. ...Yeah, the sticks are still gabbing. Talking about the G'norpian Summer Solstice Parade for chrissakes. Yeah right, Chakotay, that sure is fascinating... He picked up small amount of the ointment, and stealthily took his cock out of his uniform and coated it with a thin layer of lube. With one arm back on the top of the bench seat, he crossed the leg closest to the front across his other knee, and reached back down to caress his hungry cock. As he stroked himself a little faster, he let his mind drift to Harry's birthday present to him last week. ***** Harry was breathing heavily, and he noticed his cock was beginning to respond to the visions in his mind. He glanced around to make sure no one was looking at him. The Captain was reading reports, still keeping up a low-voiced dialogue with Engineering. Gallagher was immersed in running a complicated-looking experiment at the sciences station. He reached down to adjust himself. Hmm, that felt really good. A little too good -- maybe he'd better put his hand back up in case someone looks over here to see what he was doing. Harry moved his hands back to the console, tweaking the long-range sensors slightly, then moving them back to the same settings. He tried to ignore it, but Harry's cock refused to settle down, as attuned as it was to his lustful thoughts of Tom. His mind wandered to Tom's birthday celebration last week, when his detailed plan to shock Tom speechless had succeeded beyond his wildest dreams. Apparently, Tom had a major thing for leather -- at least for Harry in leather. Harry could still see his beautiful lover lying beneath him, his hips thrusting in a frantic effort to rub his cock against some part of his body.  That outfit had been worth every replicator credit he'd been able to beg or borrow... ***** His birthday... gods, that had been hot! And he hadn't had a clue until he'd walked into his cabin after dinner... He'd found Harry waiting for him, wearing only boots and a pair of tight black leather chaps that encased his legs and his waist, with only a thin strip on each hip connecting the two. His cock riding high and full above the chaps. Tapping a riding crop lightly, yet insistently, against his thigh. Tom groaned. He had not been able to get that picture out of his mind since then. Harry the naughty leather boy, muscles bulging, leather tight across his thighs, tight butt spilling out over the top of the chaps. Harry truly did have the best ass in the Delta Quadrant. As if it had a mind of its own, Tom's hand began moving faster, and his grip tightened. He almost moaned from the pleasure of it, but remembered just in time that he had to be quiet. ...And wouldn't you know, Neelix picks just that moment to look back here. Oh shit. I must look like a fool, grinning and nodding in agreement with whatever the hell they're talking about... Tom couldn't care less what they were saying, anyway. He was much more interested in his thoughts of Harry and the shocks of pleasure that were running through him. Harry standing over him, leather-clad thighs spread wide. Harry caressing Tom's cock with the riding crop. Harry allowing Tom to worship his plumped-out ass with his lips and tongue. ***** Oh, gods, there it goes again. Every time he pictured Tom that way, it happened. Harry was rock hard now, and desperate to do something to alleviate the strain. Maybe he could rub it a little against the console.  Yeah, that would feel good. Harry pressed his body closer to the Ops station, getting his lower body as far underneath it as possible and still be able to appear as if he were standing normally. Whoa, what the hell was that? The console was actually vibrating against his cock! There was a thrum in the console that alternately increased in vibration, then receded. Harry pressed as close to the console support as he could, wondering why he didn't notice this vibration before. Could be a problem. He should look into it. Oh the hell with it, it felt too good against his aching cock to move away. Harry let his eyes drift closed. He held onto the sides of the console to keep himself upright, and pressed harder against the vibrating metal that seemed to have been created solely for his pleasure. The ebb and flow of the vibration transformed itself in his mind to the thrust and pull of his cock within Tom's lean body. He pictured the two of them on his bed, him leaning over Tom's long back, fucking Tom with deep, slow strokes, seducing him with words as much as with his body. And Tom, his beautiful, sensuous Tom, writhing and moaning beneath him, a flush moving across his body in recurring waves. ***** Tom's pseudo-casual pose went out the airlock in a big hurry. He had to touch more of himself or die. He took his hand off the top of the bench and moved it inside his uniform to cradle his balls. He massaged them gently at first, then squeezed them more roughly, craving the pressure. He was so close. ...Oh shit, I can't get cum over everything... He let go of his cock briefly, and reached over to the medkit, groping frantically for a solution. ...Gauze pads, that'll have to do. Wonder if they'll be able to smell me? Oh, who the fuck cares... ***** Harry's erotic daydreams were interrupted by B'Elanna's voice calling his name. He started, thinking she was behind him. But it was only the intercom, asking if the tests on the engine response times were affecting any bridge systems. So that's what the vibrations are, Harry realized. He assured her that everything was fine, and encouraged her to allow the tests to continue. Why, she could even take them further if she wanted to -- no problem up here. When Harry finished his conversation with B'Elanna, he couldn't resist the urge to lean against the console again. The vibration was stronger now, as B'Elanna fulfilled his unspoken wish. Suddenly, Harry knew that he had to feel more of this delicious sensation, that he needed to take his cock and press his bare flesh full to it. He did another quick survey of the bridge, noting with relief that they were still absorbed in what they were doing. He turned his body ever so slightly away from the rest of the bridge, keeping his right hand on the side of the console to provide a bit more of a shield. With his left hand, he slowly reached under the console and opened the front of his uniform just enough to reach in and pull out his hard cock. ...Oh gods, if anyone saw me doing this on the bridge I would be Crewman Kim, working in the laundry faster than I could beg the Captain for forgiveness... Helplessly, Harry slowly pressed himself against the cold metal, stifling a moan at the sensation of the engine vibration pulsing through his hard and all-too-sensitive flesh. The urge to thrust against the console was irresistible. Bending his knees ever so slightly allowed Harry to glide his full length along the pedestal, before straightening and then bending slightly so that he could repeat the motion. He didn't dare close his eyes again, but he did allow his mind to wander. This time it was to the memory of Tom's mouth on his ass, his tongue lovingly bathing his anus as he anchored himself by holding onto and fondling Harry's thighs in the tight leather chaps. Harry was almost out of control, wanting nothing more than to grab his cock and scream Tom's name as he stroked himself to completion. He had to settle for a harder pressure against the console, not daring to move faster. He stretched his mind to provide the stimulation he needed and felt his cock become impossibly harder, and his balls tighten with the tension of his incipient orgasm. At the last possible moment, he moved slightly and let the forceful spurts of his climax flow into the depths of the open space underneath the Ops platform, trying desperately not to moan, not to let his cum hit any visible parts of the console, and not to stain his uniform. ***** Could they hear the sound of his fingers slipping across his cock? Could they hear the rasping of his breath? No, they were still talking. Neelix seemed to be telling Chakotay some long, complicated joke about a G'norpian official named Evol and some indigenous farm animals. Oh, he was so close. With one last pull on his cock and a finger teasing the hyper-sensitive skin beneath his balls, Tom came with an orgasm so strong it was almost painful. And so sudden that he barely had time to cover himself with the gauze pads. He did manage to turn a moan that he could not stifle into a strangled laugh, then realized that Chakotay and Neelix were also laughing. For one horrified moment, he thought they were laughing at what he was doing, and he began to turn red. But as Tom was frantically trying to clean himself while stuffing his dick back into his uniform, Neelix turned around and beamed at him. Tom could only grin weakly as Neelix said he was glad his humor was appreciated. Then he turned even redder as Neelix thought his flushed face was caused by the hilarious joke he'd told. Tom sagged against the back of the seat in relief and with the lassitude that always followed orgasm. He glanced down briefly to make sure all was in order, and noticed that he was still clutching the sopping handful of gauze pads. ...Yeah, that was a great joke, Neelix. I can't wait to tell Harry that one. He'll get a kick out of it. Yeah, he'll get a big... kick... out of this... ***** Harry blinked wide, astounded to see that no one had noticed any of this intense experience. ...What would Tom think of me now? Probably pleased he'd corrupted me so thoroughly. Not that I'm complaining... The Captain was at the science station now, looking over Gallagher's shoulder at her experiment. Harry silently thanked the gods who watched over horny ensigns as he reached below the console, shook his cock as clean as he could, and tucked it back inside his uniform. He had just stepped back and raised his hand to mop the sweat off his forehead when an alarm sounded on the board in front of him. Oh, shit. What the hell was that? Had something happened when he wasn't paying attention? Harry's fingers raced frantically over the console, trying to solve the problem before the Captain noticed. Shit, she already had, asking if there was a problem. He assured her there wasn't, but she was coming over, anyway, just as Harry noticed a wisp of smoke coming out from beneath the Ops console, and he recognized the smell of burning electrical wire. He grabbed the fire suppresser off the prong on the wall and ducked underneath the console. His face turned beet red as he realized the vibration of the console had loosened a wire, and somehow his cum had shorted it out. Sparks flew as he hurried to cover the evidence with foam before the Captain could look under the console and see what had happened. He straightened, standing at attention, trying to maintain some remnant of professionalism. Just a short, he told the Captain, in his best Bridge Officer's voice. ***** As Neelix turned back around, Tom noticed that some cum had spilled on his hand. He languidly raised it, and licked it off with slow strokes of his tongue. Oh, Harry. ***** Harry leaned against the side of the console in a moment of weak relief. Oh, Tom. ***** -end-