The Frog Princes (VOY, C/P, G) (a mini fairy tale) by Derora ( January 1998 Warning:  While this is very much a classic fairy tale, it has been enhanced with implied romance between two men. If the notion of consenting male adults being in love disturbs you, then just be on your way.  And if it doesn't disturb you, please read on. Disclaimer:  Paramount is God.  Bend over, grab your ankles, and worship loudly.  (Seriously, no infringement of copyright is intended.) Do not re-post or use this piece of original fiction on your personal FTP or web site without my permission. *** Once upon a time there was a small, green frog who lived at the edge of a pond at the far side of a magical castle.  The frog had a good life, croaking all day and eating flies to his heart's content, but his eyes were always on someone else who seemed to have a much better life. The prince who lived in the castle loved to walk along the edge of the swamp, watching the birds and the frogs. He was tall and blond, with laughing blue eyes.  One day, he noticed a frog sitting right in front of him, and he stopped to talk to him. "Well, who do we have here?" asked the prince. "My name is Prince Chakotay," he replied. "An evil witch put a spell on me and turned me into a frog. I must find a prince to kiss me in order for the spell to be broken." Well, the prince was a kindly man, so he picked up the frog, leaned over, and kissed it on its head. The frog still looked the same.  "What happened?" asked the prince. "Was the spell broken?" "Yes," said the frog. "Come see."   The frog led the prince over to the pond.  As the prince looked at his reflection in the water, he saw himself changing into a frog! "Now we can live happily ever after!" said Prince Chakotay the frog, as he kissed Prince Tom the frog and led him over to his home on a lily pad. And they did, indeed, live happily ever after. The End