**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Seventy-first verse same as the first . .everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve love and sex and affection between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Nineteenth story in the Stage Direction series.  Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob', 'Grin', 'Sigh', 'Smile', 'Yawn', 'Whisper', 'Groan', 'Hover', 'Waffle', 'Comfort', 'Fidget', 'Grimace', 'Glare', and 'Shrug'. 'Doze' by Amirin **************************************************** He's moving restlessly, but he hasn't woken up, yet.  I bet he's still exhausted from not eating.  He's got to learn to take better care of himself.  And if he won't . . . well, I *will*. I could sit here for hours, just rubbing his back.  Enjoying the faint smile on his face.  It's rather difficult for me to believe that I ever looked at him with anything less than friendship in my eyes.  Well, silly me, I *know* I did, but it seems so long ago.  So very long ago.   It took me a while to see him as my Sweeting did.  She could see the good in anyone, my Kes.  I saw it, too, but it was hidden behind all sorts of defenses.  Of course, I understand why he needed them, now.  Yes, indeed I do. Sometimes, I wonder . . .   "Shhhh . . ."   Where was I?  Oh, yes.  About Kes . . .  The time she took to make me see Tom through her eyes.  All those cryptic comments about how she wouldn't be around long and I would need a friend, afterward.  Someone whose companionship I would cherish in the years to come.  I wonder . . .  Why Tom?  Why not Samantha?  Or Harry?  Or one of the other kind and decent people on this ship?  Why did she make a point of pushing me toward Tom? Did she know how much I need to be needed?  And did she know what Tom needs? Of course, she did.  Empathic, my Kes.  Although, she didn't stay 'my Kes', now, did she?  I often find myself wondering if that was part of the reason she broke up with me. She wanted me to find someone who needed me. Since she'd grown up and didn't, really, any more. And all that time, I thought her remarks and observations about Tom were simply to get me used to the idea of the two of *them* together.  What a fool I was.  For goodness sake . . .     Gracious, I'm starting to doze off.  Mustn't do that. A friend. And a good one.  A good man. Such a strong person.  Yet, so . . . *careful* with people.  He would never hurt anyone as he was hurt. Never.  He deserved so much better than he got. Goodness, me. Maybe I should go take a nap.  But, I don't want to leave him. He might wake up unable to move, again. Or worse. I won't think about that.  I just . . . . . . won't.  For heavens' sake, this is ridiculous.  I wonder if he'd mind . . .  Well, I won't be asleep that long.  He won't even know, most likely.       Ahhh, that's much better. Oh, my. I'm beginning to think his tiredness is contagious. I wonder what Tom needs . . .  I wonder if he told Kes, or if she just knew, the way she knew so many things.  I wish I could thank her, for showing me what he was really like. She found him beautiful, Kes did.   She loved beauty.  And saw it everywhere, in so many things.  Flowers. Music.  Poetry.  Rain.  Laughter. Tom.  Yes, indeed, she found him beautiful . . . . . . beautiful . . . *******************end