**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Sixty-third verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve sex between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Yes, another series.    Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob', 'Grin', 'Sigh', 'Smile', 'Yawn', 'Whisper' and 'Groan'. 'Hover' by Amirin **************************************************** I know I'm practically watching every bite he takes, but I can't help it. Thank the heavens the hypospray seems to be helping.  His motion is . . . freer, I guess? more natural.  And he's not wincing every time he lifts a fork or shrugs his shoulders. I think he heard that.  Look at that smile.  Goodness, how I've missed it. "Neelix, you're hovering." Well, now.  Even his eyes are smiling. "Not all of us can fly at warp ten, Tom.  Some of us are *supposed* to hover." Oh, that laugh.  I've missed that, too.  Awful thought, that I might never have heard it again.  If he wasn't so incredibly lucky . . . "Neelix, what is it?" Oh, dear.  He's not only frowning, he's also stopped eating. "I was just . . . thinking." Another grin.   "About what?" I give the half-full bowl a frown of my own and he continues eating with that delightful smile on his face.  What was it he asked me . . .?  Oh, yes. "Well, now, I was thinking about how lucky you were." Oh, dear.  What happened to the smile? "I mean, it's just so good to see you up and around, again. Awake and talking." That's a little better.  I think.  It seems to be coming back, now. "I didn't realize how much . . . I mean, I look forward to seeing you every day.  Well, not just seeing you, of course, but talking to you.  And I still talked to you, every day you were in Sickbay.  But, you weren't exactly talking back.  Not when you were . . . well, in the, uh, coma.  You see." He's stopped eating, again.   "You were there, every day?" He moves to put the almost-empty bowl up, but I just take it from him.  I can't stand seeing the grimace on his face when he moves a bit further than the pain medicine can handle. "Every day." He leans back against the pillows and looks . . . amazed. For heaven's sake, why? "Thank you." I try to brush it aside, but he won't let me. "It means a lot to me, Neelix.  *Thank you*." Well, now.  That's about as serious as I've ever heard him speak. Goodness, he seems so sad . . . "You're very welcome, Tom.  I enjoyed doing it." Hmm, he's so skeptical.  I guess I can understand that. "I won every argument, and I always had the last word." Ahh, laughter, again.  Well done, Neelix. "How many arguments did you win, anyway?"  I don't believe that scowl for a minute. I know him too well. That's a nice thought, now, isn't it?  Yes, indeed. *Quite* nice. "I'll make it up to you.  I'll let you win the next one."  It's wonderful that he can laugh like that without it hurting him. So wonderful. "Is there anything else I can get for you?" Really, now, why on Talaxia would that make him look guilty? "No, Neelix.  I'm fine. You're done more than enough.  I'm sorry, I know you've got a lot of things to do . . ." Oh, goodness.  I certainly put my foot in it, now, haven't I? "No, Tom, no.  Not at all.  Right now, you're my top priority." "Neelix . . ." Why is he protesting?  Unless . . . he doesn't want me here. Oh, I feel like a fool. "I'm sorry, Tom.  I should've realized. I'll just be going . . ." Gracious, he moves fast. Extraordinary reflexes.  My, his hand is warm . . . and strong . . . "No, Neelix.  *I'm* sorry.  I'd like you to stay, really.  I just don't want to keep you from anything else you'd *rather* be doing than babysitting me, that's all." "Now, Tom, this isn't babysitting.  I don't want you to see it that way. I'm just . . . spending some time with a good friend. And I'm enjoying myself. Truly." Oh, that smile again.    I tug the covers up around him a bit more and he grins tolerantly.  If he says one word about it, I'll . . . tell him to hush. Yes, I will. "Soooo, Neelix.  Did you tell me all the gossip when I was . . . out of it?" "Well, now, actually, yes.  Yes, I did." "Would you mind telling me all over again?" "Not at all, Tom.  Not at all." ***********************end