*************************************************** Disclaimer time once again! Fourteenth verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story involves sex between two men, a.k.a slash. If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over. :) This story comes about as a result of Kya's challenge on the CPSG about a comment Robin Lawrie made on the ASCEML, regarding costumes you could see the Trek characters in, specifically Tom's. Are we inbred, or what? ;) This involves some mild b&d and a slight spanking. Tom wasn't cooperating in another story, so I paid him back in this one. I get to do that. I'm the author. 'Interrogation' by Amirin (VOY, C/P, NC-17) groh@iquest.net *************************************************** Tom sighed, heavily. The beefy cop just wasn't listening to him. He squirmed uncomfortably, the tight collar and tie of his costume chafing his throat, but with his wrists locked behind him in handcuffs, he couldn't do a thing about it. He was supposed to be *solving* the damned case, not being accused of committing it. He looked up when another officer came into the room, one who filled out the dark blue uniform rather nicely. Not to mention familiarly. Oh, my. "Detective, let me take over, here, a minute, would you?" "Sure. I'll be right outside if you need anything, Sir." And with a disgusted look in Tom's direction, the policeman left the room. "Chakotay, what the hell are you doing here?" Tom whispered fiercely, as the older man came over and perched lightly on the table in front of him, leaning forward so that his arms rested on his knees. "I'm interviewing a suspect in a homicide investigation, Mr . . . Paris, isn't it?" Chakotay grinned at him. Tom sighed. This wasn't part of the program, but neither was his being arrested. He could call for the arch and end it, but wanted to play it through. He guessed it was his own fault for requesting unpredictable variables. His present situation certainly qualified. "You got any keys for these things?" he asked, shifting slightly so Chakotay could see his wrists cuffed behind him, before turning back around. Why did the other man's dark eyes suddenly look so . . . strange? "You could be a cold-blooded killer, for all I know, and you think I'm just going to release you? For no reason at all?" Chakotay asked quietly, reaching forward to stroke a tanned finger along Tom's twitching jaw. Tom swallowed heavily, as Chakotay's hand brushed his hair back, fingers softly tracing his ear, before moving to his neck. Suddenly, the old-fashioned propeller fan on the corner desk just wasn't enough. Heat rushed through him, hardening his cock, and he exhaled quietly, the other man's hand resting on his throat. Damn, he'd missed this. Work and incompatible schedules had kept them apart for too long. Chakotay had either been dismissed early, or was playing hooky. Whatever the explanation, Tom didn't give a damn. After too many days of dealing with Chakotay as just his commanding officer, he needed his lover now, badly, and it was time to show him how much. Tom turned his head, kissing Chakotay's wrist, dimly aware of another hand unbuttoning the stifling collar, loosening the silken noose around his neck. His suit coat was being slid off his shoulders, pushed down his arms, further imprisoning them, and all he could do was sigh in relief. Dark hands made swift work of the tie, wrapping the length around them, as brown eyes watched him thoughtfully. "Chakotay?" Tom asked hesitantly, wishing his voice hadn't cracked on the word. The Commander no longer looked like his usual calm self. The dark eyes were crackling, sparks igniting a faint flame which whispered along Tom's body, making him quiver. He'd never seen the man like this. Chakotay was shaking his head at him and Tom had to keep perfectly still to catch the words so softly spoken. "Not a sound. I'll ensure it if I have to," Chakotay said, a quiet darkness coloring his voice. "But," Tom started to protest, abruptly silenced as Chakotay drew the tie across his mouth and between his lips, before knotting the ends behind his head. "Apparently, I have to," Chakotay said softly, watching as Tom's blue eyes grew enormous, then dilated to near-black. He calmly continued unbuttoning the other man's shirt, pulling it out of his slacks, then sliding it off shoulders that glowed like ivory lit from within, in the harsh light of the naked bulb swinging slowly overhead. His hand drifted to Tom's heaving chest, fingers idly running through the red-gold curls there. Tom's teeth bit into the improvised gag and he moaned, eyes closing, feeling the strength underlying the gentleness of the hand touching him. He was startled to find himself suddenly in motion, Chakotay's hand around his belt, pulling him up onto his feet, tugging him to stand between uniformed legs. The slight grin at the corners of the other man's mouth offered no reassurance at all, as his belt was quickly undone, pulled from its loops and tossed onto the table behind them. One hand resumed a maddeningly slow caress of his stomach, while the other made short work of the button and zipper on his slacks, before dropping them to his ankles. The only time Chakotay faltered was the moment he realized Tom wasn't wearing any underwear. His briefly startled look was met by amusedly aroused blue eyes and he knew that if that perfect mouth wasn't gagged, it would be smirking at him. Tom wasn't exactly sure when he had lost his advantage, but he suspected it was the moment Chakotay's warm hand closed around his aching cock. He groaned, the sound seeming louder in the near-silent room, drowning out the muted whir of the fan. Steady, even strokes, designed to drive him out of his mind, moved along his hardness, until he was groaning continuously. He leaned forward, resting his head against Chakotay's shoulder, desperately needing to touch him the only way he could, and nuzzled the man's tanned throat with his nose. He was roughly moved back, as Chakotay slid off the table, and moved behind him, never letting go of him. Tom took the initiative and toed off his shoes, then used his heels to step on the toes of the socks to pull them off, as well. Chakotay stepped on the fabric between Tom's feet, allowing him to lift them out of the dark grey wool puddled around his ankles, before the slacks were kicked under the table. Tom leaned back against Chakotay, as warm lips settled on his neck and a second hand began stroking his chest, fingers playing with his nipples. He arched backward and a muted cry escaped his gagged mouth, sending a faint tremor down the pathways of Chakotay's body, as he stroked Tom faster, pushing him forward until the tops of his naked thighs were resting against the table. "Don't move," Chakotay leaned forward to whisper and Tom stood stock still, hearing the faint snick of a cuff being undone, before a firm hand drew his clothing down his arm, pulling the shirt cuff off carefully. His wrist was shackled again, gently, and the process was repeated on his other side, until he was totally naked, save for the unyielding metal encircling both wrists behind his back. Chakotay tossed the clothes onto the table in front of him, and pushed him forward, bending him over until he lay quietly on top of them. The ends of the tie tickled his back a little and his shoulders shrugged, until a light slap on his ass shocked him back to stillness. "I said don't move," Chakotay whispered into his ear and Tom nodded, thoughtlessly, prompting a slightly harder slap. He yelped into the gag and struggled, trying to turn over, which only provoked another smack, even sharper, causing him to freeze. That's when he realized he was harder than ever, the soft cotton of the shirt on which he lay caressing his cock every time Chakotay swatted him. Tom wiggled experimentally, and was rewarded with another stinging slap, followed by several in rapid succession. He groaned, unable to keep from moving, as Chakotay spanked him, bringing him closer to what had to be the most unusual orgasm he'd ever experienced. He slid against the hard, cloth-covered surface of the table, thrusting into the shirt under him. His toes cracked as they clenched, the climax seeming to build from there before rapidly shooting up his body. Wailing into the gag, he came hard into the clothing beneath him, body trembling even as it relaxed and calmed. "That was different," Chakotay remarked casually, running his hands soothingly over the reddened flesh of Tom's ass, dropping his head to lick at the sheen of sweat on his lover's shoulders. Tom rested his forehead on the table, trying to regain feeling in his tingling legs. He knew Chakotay wouldn't let him fall, if they buckled beneath him, as he fought to get air into his lungs. He could feel Chakotay's rapid breathing behind him and knew the other man wasn't as indifferent as he seemed. Slow hands stroked his back and legs, rubbing his shoulders on occasion, until he was sighing with delight at the sensual overload. A booted foot tapped his ankle gently, and he moved his feet further apart, opening himself wider. Chakotay caressed Tom's arms, down to the cuffs, making sure they were still bearable, if not comfortable, around his lover's wrists. He reached into the pocket of the dark blue uniform pants and set the small tube he'd brought with him onto the table next to Tom's hip. Tom's eyes had closed under the tender ministrations and they quickly reopened in slight surprise as a cooly gelled finger began trailing its way down the cleft of his ass, stopping just outside the entrance to his body. He turned his face to the side, breathing heavily, as it slowly slid inside him, just the very tip, teasing him. Moving didn't seem to be an offense anymore, so he lunged backward, impaling himself a little more on Chakotay's finger. It was removed and he let out a soft sound of loss until it returned, with another. Two quickly led to three and he was whimpering, knowing he'd be begging by now if not for the silk stretched across his mouth. He heard the rasp of a zipper being undone behind him and melted into the tabletop. Finally. Chakotay felt Tom shivering under him and knew it wasn't from cold. He covered his hardness with the gel and moved forward a little until he was stroking his cockhead across the opening, teasing him. Tom reacted by surging backwards and Chakotay knew he couldn't wait any longer. He eased himself into Tom, firmly holding his hips to prevent him from moving backward again and pulled back, smiling tenderly at Tom's muffled protest. With careful movements, he worked his way into his lover until he was all the way inside. Oh, how he had missed this. Tom groaned, feeling Chakotay within him, nearly sobbing in relief as his lover began thrusting into him, gently at first, then with greater force. Dark fingers were biting into his arm, hard enough to leave bruises, but he didn't care. As hard as Chakotay was moving inside him, his other hand was still caressing Tom's hair, carding it gently. Tom felt a slight tug and suddenly found the gag loose. He spat it out, licking his lips as Chakotay continued to silently take him. He could do quiet, if the man wanted quiet. The hand in his hair twisted his head around and his lips were crushed under his lover's before he could draw a breath. An insistent tongue was pressing him for entrance, and he let it, unable to deny Chakotay anything. The slow strokes were in direct contrast to the powerful thrusts into him, and he whimpered slightly when Chakotay pulled away. A dark head rested on his shoulder, kissing him across his back, lightly biting him in places and he squirmed, trying to get Chakotay to go faster. Chakotay began moving with greater speed and heard Tom breathing the word 'yes', over and over, making it sound like a litany. He answered with his own. "Love you, love you, love you," softly said, even as he took Tom harder, every surge forward met by Tom's going backward until they collided in the middle. Tom's fists were clenched, shaking, his eyes tightly closed, his legs trembling as Chakotay rode him hard. Teeth bit sharply into his earlobe and he cried out, arching into his lover, who soothed the slight hurt with his tongue. Chakotay felt the rush flow through him, like energy, and knew it had to come out somehow, before he burst with the pressure of it. He sped up even faster, moaning, hearing Tom under him, responding in kind. Heat hit him from behind, radiating through him and he cried out, between gritted teeth, as it tore him apart. He thrust once, twice, again before he was coming, harsh sounds reaching Tom's ears as Chakotay shuddered and filled him, again and again. Tom lay gasping, all of Chakotay's weight on him, hot breath in his ear as his lover regained his balance and lifted himself off of Tom with shaking arms. Tom felt a warm, wet tongue slide over his shoulder, licking off the hard-earned sweat before a faint metal jingling came from behind him. He looked back to see Chakotay fumbling for the keys to get the handcuffs undone. At last, they were off and he stretched forward, working the kinks out. He grinned at the thought. They'd worked out their fair share in this room, that was for sure. Sighing, he straightened up, leaning into Chakotay, who'd gotten himself back into his clothes and was fully dressed, again. Except for the fading light in his eyes and the flushed look to his skin, you'd never know what he'd been doing. Tom shoved the clothing on the table out of the way and sat down on it, wincing a little. He met Chakotay's apologetic look with a wry glance and intended to put his rumpled and somewhat damp shirt back on, until Chakotay took it from his hands and replicated him a new one. Chakotay's command uniform was waiting for him inside a holographic police locker and Tom had changed out of his at the sleazy holo-hotel he'd been in before coming here. Both would be able to get their clothes back when the simulation ended. But the clean shirt was still a nice gesture. Chakotay brushed Tom's hands away from the shirtfront and took them in his own, kissing them, before doing the buttons up for him. He pulled Tom close, enjoying the heat and scent of him and sighed to feel warm, wonderful arms wrap themselves around him. "Damn, I needed this. It's been so long," Tom said softly, running a hand through Chakotay's short hair. "I know. I needed it too," Chakotay admitted, before pulling away from Tom, kissing him softly, lingeringly, reacquainting himself with the taste. "Spirits, I have *missed* you," he said, tracing Tom's tender smile with his thumb, before using his foot to draw the slacks out from under the table and hand them to Tom. Tom hopped down from his perch and used his old shirt to clean himself up a bit, then slid the dark wool trousers back on. He bent over to grab his socks off the cold floor and leaned against Chakotay to pull them on, before slipping his feet into the shoes. Chakotay grabbed the suit coat and helped Tom back into it, before pulling him into his arms again. "I know I've been neglecting you, recently, and I'm sorry," Tom said with real regret, touching the backs of his fingers to his lover's tattoo. "We just keep missing each other. I'm tired of only seeing you when you're asleep," he playfully whined, grinning. Chakotay chuckled. "Yeah, that's a real familiar feeling," he said quietly. "But we're both off for a whole day, after your duty shift tomorrow," he reminded Tom, who nodded. "Oh, I am looking forward to *that*," Tom whispered, kissing Chakotay with tender passion. "How I love you," he murmured, before claiming his lover's mouth again. Chakotay backed off after a moment, breathing heavily again. "Oh, so you admit it," he groused. "Of course I admit it," Tom shot back, grinning at his lover's attempt at a pout. "When have I ever denied it, since we've been together?" he challenged. "I am cray about you, head over heels in love with you and you know it," he laughed, drawing gentle fingers down Chakotay's face. "Damn, do you ever know it!" His lover nodded. "I love you, too. I hate the thought that I'm taking you for granted . ." he trailed off as his lover interrupted. "You may be taking me," Tom grinned wickedly, prompting a laugh, "but never for granted." Chakotay sobered suddenly, picking up the cuffs. "Are you okay? With this, I mean. I didn't want . ." Tom's hand over his mouth halted his words. "Loved it. And you know that, too. Pushed a few buttons I didn't know I had," he admitted quietly, marveling at how far they'd come, that he could actually admit it to this man. "We'll have to replicate a pair. I want to do this again, some time," Chakotay said quietly, looking at Tom for reassurance. Tom noticed he still looked troubled. "What is it?" he asked, sitting down on the table again. It made them almost exactly the same height, Chakotay just a bit taller for once. "My hitting you," Chakotay began, hesitantly, as Tom started shaking his head. "I really got off on it," Tom admitted quietly, feeling his face flush a little in remembered heat. "Besides," he smirked, "I've been a bad, bad boy, not telling you I love you for so long, practically *ignoring* you," he stated melodramatically. "You liked it?" Chakotay asked, just making sure. "I *loved* it," Tom stated firmly. "You deserved it," Chakotay countered, grinning. "Making me do without you for so long." "It's an absolute crime, and one I admit I'm guilty of," Tom said, huskily, stroking Chakotay's cheek. "You'll have to punish me, soon*." He was about to lean in for another kiss, when the door opened. Damn, the other 'policeman'. He'd forgotten about him. "I see you've already let him out of the cuffs," the officer said. "We've gotta let him go. There's no direct evidence linking him to the crime, so we can't hold him any longer," he finished regretfully, glaring at Tom. Chakotay reached out a gentle hand to caress Tom's softly-grinning face. "I'm never letting him go, Detective. He confessed to everything." ********************************end