**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Fifty-seventh verse same as the first . . everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve sex between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Yes, another series.    Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob' and 'Grin'. 'Sigh' by Amirin **************************************************** "Lieutenant.  Hello." "This isn't as easy as I've heard. Especially since you're not saying anything.  You usually find *some* way of getting your point across, though." "You convey annoyance better than anyone I've ever known. Amusement. Martyrdom." "That's one of your best, by the way.  No one else can play the martyr quite like you can.  That's part of the reason I'm here. Other than pulling rank and ordering you to snap out of this, of course." "Your continued . . . absence is putting a heavy strain on a large number of the crew.  In particular, the senior staff.  I'm sure that on some level you're more than aware of this, but I'd thought I'd take a few moments and bring you up to date on the impact your action, or, rather, *in*action is having on all of us." "No one sees Harry off-duty anymore.  For the last five days, he's been in seclusion.  Alone.  And, knowing how much Harry likes to be alone, maybe you have some idea of how bad things have gotten for him.  No one blames Harry for what happened to you.  Except Harry.  Seven can't get through to him, I can't, even the *Captain* can't.  He actually requested to be relieved, for dereliction of duty.  I refused, naming myself as co-actor if official measures needed to be taken and he backed down.  Fortunately.  I'd just as soon not have to remove myself from command." "B'Elanna is working eighteen hour days and making everyone's lives miserable.  She's going to end up at the bottom of the warp core if she doesn't let up on her staff.  I think she knows it, too, she just doesn't care.  She's gone through every part of your accident in simulation.  About fifty times over.  She gave me a report stating how *she* was unfit for duty since her reaction time was slower than usual, slower than acceptable, and led to . . . this.  I've even had numerous apologies from the Engineering staff for everything from hesitation to human error.  If I removed everyone from duty who thought they deserved it, we'd have a crew of about forty active members, right now." "Tom, this can't go on.  And the longer you stay down, the worse it's going to get.  So, please, for once, obey one of my orders without thinking about it and wake up.  It's tearing the crew apart.  Everyone is looking for someone to blame and the last thing this ship needs is a scapegoat.  You, of all people, should be intimately aware of how destructive that can be. All the problems of a hundred and thirty people dumped on the shoulders of one individual?  Sound familiar? I'm well aware that things are not as bad as they used to be, for you.  And I'm happier about that than you can imagine. But, perhaps you've forgotten just how bad it was.  I wouldn't think you'd wish that on anyone else.  Particularly Harry. But, he's setting himself up for it.  And I can't let it continue." "Please, Tom.  Wherever you are.  Hear me. And come back.  Or it's going to get ugly.  Very ugly.  And I don't think you want that to happen. Not to Harry." "It seems that Neelix has taken a page from your book. He's setting the resort up for a party this evening.  The word 'wake' has been flying through the ship at warp ten, but he insists it's just for stress relief. He isn't ready to give up on you.  So, you might want to think about waking up and coming to show your appreciation." "You know, if it interests you at all, I'd be willing to bet that you could have Harry back, if you wanted him. His guilt has all but destroyed whatever he had with Seven.  Just a thought, Tom.  Keep it in mind." "Something else to keep in mind: Your place is here; we need you with us. And in more than just body.  Don't forget that, Lieutenant." ************************end