**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Fifty-fourth verse same as the first . .everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve sex between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Yes, another series.    Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl' and 'Chuckle'. 'Sob' by Amirin **************************************************** "Hey, Tom.  It's me. Harry." "How're you doing?  The Doc says you're a little better, today.  More up to speed, at any rate."   "B'Elanna said I should stop by.  She said it would be good for me." "Like seeing you laid out as still as a corpse could ever be 'good for me'." "Sorry.  I'm sorry.  For more than you know." "Did she tell you it was all my fault?  Huh?  Did she?  Did she just happen to mention that I practically got you *killed*?"  "It was my fault.  *All* my fault.  Chakotay has been trying to tell me that he was equally responsible for distracting me, but we all know better, don't we?" "I seem to have acquired this unique talent for hurting you. But, I bet you noticed, huh? Yeah, of course you did." "Can I tell you how sorry I am?  Would you even believe me? Or would you just look at me and say something like 'Ensign, I think you're needed on the Bridge'." "I hate that, just so you know." "I hate that you can't even force yourself to say my *name*, anymore.  I was always 'Harry' to you.  From the start.  Just Harry.  Now, I feel like I've lost myself, like part of me is missing.  And it's you.  You've got that part.  You know?" "I didn't mean for it to happen. I *swear* I didn't.  And don't blame Seven, it wasn't her fault, either.  It just *happened*. She didn't realize the consequences of her actions and I was totally thrown and only got my brain and my cock back under control after it was too late.  All she did was kiss me and I was up against the wall, peeling her clothes off . . ." "I'm sorry.  I didn't come here to give you a play-by-play of my infidelity.  It was just so . . . *overwhelming*.  She caught me completely off guard and I wasn't thinking . . . I'm so sorry.  I still can't believe you didn't tell everyone.  I would have deserved it.  I still do."  "I didn't mean to hurt you.  Gods, the look on your face when you found out . . . oh, Tom.  Dammit . . ."   "And your voice . . . so soft and gentle when you told me . . . that I should have let you know that I was just *settling* for you, because I couldn't have *her*.  That you wouldn't have let yourself fall in love with me, if you'd known.  That you would've let me fuck you all I wanted to, anyway.  That I didn't need to lie to you, tell you I loved you, just to get into your bed.  That you would have welcomed me there, regardless . . ."     "Dammit, I didn't mean it.  I didn't *mean* to hurt you.  I really didn't."   "I don't *know* what happened.  Dammit, I don't *know*!  I didn't lie to you, I *swear* I didn't.  I know you probably don't believe me, hell, *I* wouldn't believe me. But, it's the truth.  I *loved* you.  I *did*. Really.  Really, Tom.  I did.  Part of me still does.  Still . . ."   "And I need for you to wake up, so I can *tell* you that.  I need for you to believe me. I need you to tell me it's all right, that you can . . . forgive me . . . maybe? I dunno . . ." "*Dammit*, I didn't want this to happen. I saw how you were after B'Elanna got together with Vorik.  I know how much she hurt you and I *swore* to myself that I would never do that to you.  That I loved you more than she ever did or could and I would never do that . . ." "And look what I did to you.  What I've *done* to you.  Gods, *look* at you.  Wake up.  Dammit, Tom, wake up and tell me to shut up, go to hell, something.  *Anything*.  Please.  Oh, gods, *please*." "*Please* . . ." ***************************end