**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Eighty-ninth verse same as the first . .everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve love and sex and affection between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered.  Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Thirty-sixth story in the Stage Direction series.  Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob', 'Grin', 'Sigh', 'Smile', 'Yawn', 'Whisper', 'Groan', 'Hover', 'Waffle', 'Comfort', 'Fidget', 'Grimace', 'Sizzle', 'Glare', 'Shrug', 'Doze', 'Snort', 'Whack', 'Stretch', 'Snicker', 'Pace', 'Hug', 'Clink', 'Wonder', 'Kiss', 'Doubt', 'Surprise', 'Cuddle', 'Ahem', 'Confer', 'Recover', and 'Rant'. 'Soothe' by Amirin ****************************************************   Well, Neelix should be happy. At least I didn't hit him. Damn Chakotay, anyway.  Shit, where does he get off? Maybe that's part of the problem.  He *doesn't*.  Not with any regularity, I mean. Giving me advice on my lovelife.  Where the hell was he when B'Elanna was throwing me aside, huh? Answer me that.  Or Harry.  Yeah, what about then? Where were the Commander's precious words of wisdom when Harry was screwing around on me? I'm really beginning to wonder if I hit it on the head, back there.  If he just can't stand to see me happy.  If he knows I could have something glorious and wonderful with Neelix and he can't handle the universe deciding to finally let me enjoy my life for a change.     "Oh, dear.  I was hoping it would go better than that."  "Am I that easy to read?"  "Easy?  Your color's up, your breathing's rapid."  "Your hands are in fists and you're stalking around like you're trying to injure the carpet."  "Okay, Neelix, maybe it is easy."  "I'm not done."    "Oookay.  Go on."  "Your eyes are snapping and not in a good way. They're angry and hard. You're clenching your jaw so tightly your temples are throbbing. And the smile I've so enjoyed seeing on your face for these last few days has disappeared entirely."  "Neelix?"    "I don't like the way your voice sounds, right now."  "And how does it sound?"        "Defeated."    "I don't want you to be unhappy.  I hate the thought of people being unkind to you because of me . . ."  "That's *them*, Neelix.  Not you."   "Listen to me. Please.  Yes, the crap makes me angry.  It does.  I can't deny it.  But . . . how you make me feel is *worth* all the crap.  Neelix, I've had to deal with stuff like this before and I didn't have you in my life, then.  I didn't have *anyone* to make it bearable.  Now, I do.  The trade-off is worth it.  I swear it is."    "At least, it is for me . . ."  "And for me.  You're worth fighting for. And if I have to fight their lack of tolerance and sensitivity tooth and nail, I will.  I will, Tom.  I promise you."    "I wish it wasn't necessary.  But if it is, I'll deal with it."  "Without decking anyone."  "Without decking anyone.  No matter how tempting . . ."    "Thank you."     "Neelix?  How long til we have to leave to set up for lunch?"      "We have a couple of hours, yet."       "Spend them with me."    "I'd love to."       "Be with me?"       "Tom?"     "Please?"       "Yes.  Ohh, yes . . ." ************************end