**************************************************** Disclaimer time once again!   Sixty-first verse same as the first . .everybody *sing*: I don't own these characters, (chorus) Paramount does! I don't own this venue, (chorus) Paramount does! I am making no money off of this, (chorus) Paramount does not either! This story will eventually involve sex between two men, aka: slash.  If that is *not* your cup of tea, sweet as it is, then don't read it! (simple, ain't it??) Feedback is *very* much appreciated, and always answered. Flames will be passed around to friends and chuckled over.  :) Yes, another series.    Sequel to 'Ssst', 'Growl', 'Chuckle', 'Sob', 'Grin', 'Sigh', 'Smile', and 'Yawn'. 'Whisper' by Amirin **************************************************** I don't have the heart to wake him. He needs his rest, yes, he does.  I must admit, it gave me a scare when I came in and found him.  I nearly commed the Doctor in a panic, silly me. I felt like a fool when I realized he was only sleeping.  But, goodness, for a moment, there . . . Well, I don't want to think about it. Lying on his side, almost curled into a ball, facing the door. Like he'd been waiting for me.  I know it's ridiculous, but the very idea was enough to put a smile on my face.  Let me tell you, it was rather reassuring when I covered his shoulder and he mumbled something in his sleep.  Just sleeping.  Not in a coma. He was sleeping with one hand under his cheek, just like Naomi does, and looked much younger than his thirty-three years, he certainly did. I checked his temperature.  It's become a habit, I think.   Anyway, he didn't feel cold, but I pulled the other blanket over him, just in case.  Can't be too careful, now, can I? It's so good to have him back with us, again.  Where he belongs.  It was an opinion shared by everyone I talked to at the party. The party was a resounding success.  And the guest-of-honor was sleeping through it. He was so tired when I left.  I can't imagine he stayed awake for long, after.  I bet he hasn't even eaten yet.  Well, I suppose sleep was just more important than food. That must be it.  I guess I could always stay and wait for him to wake up, then see if he needs anything.   I haven't got a single thing to do, right now.  That's one of the benefits of having a party on the holodeck, nothing to clean up, afterward.   Thank the stars.  That was quite a party.  I believe I could almost feel the stress level dropping, as people ate and drank and talked. It was wonderful.  A job well done, Neelix, if I do say so, myself. Even the Captain said so.  That was a lovely speech she made. And very understanding, asking everyone to please let Tom recover, before they all descended on him to visit.  About how he would certainly appreciate their well-wishes, but needed time to get his strength back.  I couldn't have agreed more. I'm hoping they'll leave him be, for a while.  Give him some peace.  He deserves it. Well, now.  How long have I been here? Goodness, I'm just being silly.  I certainly can't stand here for hours and watch him sleep, now, can I? The chair looks comfortable enough.  It should do, nicely.     *Quite* nice, actually.   Let's see, now.  I doubt he could have stayed awake for more than an hour after I left, which would mean he's been asleep for about . . . umm . . . three hours. Or so.     Goodness, he's a restless sleeper.  Three moves and the covers are off. Can't have that.     Let's try this again, shall we?  Blanket tugged up, arm inside. Shhhhh . . .   "Umm, Neelix?"  "I'm right here, Tom.  Everything's all right.  Go back to sleep." "Do you need anything?"  "Then, sleep.  I'll be right here, if you need anything."    "That's it.  Sleep, Tom.  Just sleep." ***********************end