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Die AILAFCIS (R) - Multimedia-Praesentation auf CD-ROM
vom 22. Juni 1995
ist gewidmet:
Helga Moravec
Sie hat bedeutendst an der Weiterentwicklung,
Markteinführung (18.
Nov. 1992)
und der erfolgreichen Erstinstallation am 11. Juni 1993
von (TM) Ailafcis (R) - Daten auf Draht - mitgewirkt.
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Helga Moravec
Ihr Leitsatz war:
Option 1-Regular Kat.1 ATS 1.980,-- Option 2-Gold Kat.2 ATS 2.310,--
Option 3-Golden Star Kat.3 ATS 3.510,--
Zustellung erfolgt per Post (Vorauszahlung/Nachnahmezahlung zuz. Nachnahmegebuehr).
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From : BRUCE KNIFFEN Number : 2412 of 2423
To : ALL Date : 02/21/93 2:24a
Subject : The White House Reference : NONE
Read : [N/A] Private : NO
Conf : 024 - Sysop369 (Sysop Only)
The following is something I thought everyone
might find interesting.
->> Someone may find this address useful?
>> Subject: FYI - E-mail to White House
>> Date: Sun, 31 Jan 1993 12:48:51 -0600 (CST)
>> Subject: Re: Email Connection to the White
House (fwd)
>> From: The White House <75300.3115@CompuServe.COM>
>> .......... As you know, this is the first
time in history that the
>> White House has been connected to the public
through electronic
>> mail. We welcome your comments and suggestions
for ways to improve
>> your Public Access E-mail program.
>> Jock Gill
>> Electronic Publishing
>> Public Access E-mail
>> The White House
>> Washington, D.C.
>> 75300.3115@Compuserve.com
>> CLINTON PZ on America Online
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And heres how to send it out;
It's easy:
1) Address the message TO: UUCP at node 1:1:31
(The Internet/Fido
2) Enter Subject as normal
3) On the first line of the message before you
start typing, add the
Internet address.
For President Clinton it would be:
to: 75300.3115@Compuserve.com
4) Make sure to add a blank line after the above
address, and then
type in your message.
It's that simple!
I urge you to write him, and write often.
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- - - - - - - -
AILAFCIS (R) - Markteintritt 18. November 1992