Showjumping is the only sport that I'm really serious in competing in.
I mean apart from eventing...showjumping is one sport I'm crazy about.
The thrill of jumping fences with speed chills right down my spine..
the feeling I love. As you all should know...horses are my life and I
bet you that even when I'm old and can't get on a horse anymore...I 
will still keep horses in the fields and push my wheelchair out to 
watch them graze....
I hope to someday...reach my dreams to get into the World Games and
the Olympics...but I guess that will take sometime...:)
Anyways....I wish all of you in the showjumping field good luck and all!
My instructor is currently Damian Guthrie from Sydney, Australia..
Now he is one man goin to the Olympics! 
I will one day....get my best showjumper and win and reach my goals.