The Voice
by James Elliot

Last night I tossed and turned in my bed,
Because of the strange things in my head.
And so I got up to pace the floor,
When a voice I heard in the cell next door.
And when I heard what it was saying,
I realized that it was praying.
It said, “Dear Lord, I knew you are there, and if you care, please hear my prayer.”
The voice was soft, and full of pain,
With great emotion, went of praying.
“About myself Lord, I don’t care, but there’s a special girl out there.
She’s warm Lord, tender, soft and caring, strong, bold, and some what daring.
Her laugh, her smile, her angels charms, it’s magic Lord, when I’m in her arms.
She’s every thing Lord, can’t you see, and the letters that she writes to me,
Are my escape to fantasy, from this cold, dark, reality.
She’s my dreams, hopes, my inspiration, Lord, she’s love, with all sensation.
So I ask Thee Lord, if you will please, {As you see me bent, down on my knee,}
Keep her safe, ‘till my release.”

Then things got quiet for quite some time,
And the strangest thought, entered into my mind.
I brushed a tear before it fell,
‘Cause there’s no one in the other cell.
And realizing there and then,
Silently, I said, “Amen.”