#5: Who Said That?


    1."You can't expect success. You can only hope for it."
    2."There's three brothers that enjoy hanging out with each other who
    love what they're doing. That's just who we are. We're just normal guys
    having fun with it."
    3."We're best friends, only bester."
    4."Our parents are completely behind us and they always have been. They've
    always said, 'You can stop if you want to and we'll be totally behind you.'
    I think their best adcice is 'You have to love it.'"
    5."It would be important for someone to understand how much our music
    means to us. Our music comes first right now and, hopefully, forever."
    6."Music can't be about fame and money or any of that stuff. You have to really
    love it."
    7."We know that the kind of success we're having may not last forever.
    Success can go as fast as it comes. We all realize that. Anyone who
    doesn't realize that is in trouble, because they could lose touch with
    8."Maybe people say, 'Oh, they're just kids. They don't really play.'
    We do play and we write our own music, too. We believe that our music
    speaks for itself."
    9."Maybe people don't hate their parents so much these days."
    10."Everybody has their opinion, that's part of life. It's fine, you know?"
    11."When we first started playing instruments, we weren't doing very 
    much- just simple stuff. Bang, bang, bang!"
    12."We were writing songs about girls when we thought girls had cooties,"
    13."We get our ideas for the songs from what happens to us in our lives
    on a daily basis. If you're creative, anything may inspire you, from
    hanging out with friends to just staring out your window at passing
    14."Actually my voice is pretty much done changing. But it was pretty
    bad when we were making the album."
    15."Omigosh, Sears is having a sale!"
    16."The nice thing about England is they actually speek English."
    17."Sometimes it feels like the girls arn't screaming at us. They're
    screaming at some band called Hanson they saw on TV."
    18."We're allowed to date, but the girlfriend thing probably wouldn't 
    be a good idea. A girl would probably not want to deal with me."
    19."I'm still looking for a girlfriend. I just don't think I've met
    the right one yet. Maybe someday."
    20."Girls are just icing on the cake, or music is like a hot dog and
    girls are the condiments. Life is a Twinkie and girls are the sticky
    white stuff inside."
    21."If somebody's obsessed with you, it would be kind of hard to go out
    with her. You'd take her hand and she'll scream! But if she was nice
    enough, yeah, I'd date a fan."
    22."Let's see, I missed out on getting dumped by about ten million girls, 
    getting beat up by bullies, and peer pressure."
    23."I used to be the goofiest, and then Zzac just kind of took over."
    24."I think it's probably actually that I'm so shy that I just act wacky
    to make up for it."
    25."How much better of a job could you possibly have than to be in a 
    band for the rest of your whole life?"

Answers To Test #5:

Amanda Dutton
