Chapter 4: The Call

         As I sat in silence, I thought about how it would be like to talk 
    to Taylor on the. I bet it would be cool. Then I remembered that 
    Taylor said he would call me today. I hope he calls soon!
         I musy have been sitting by the phone for an hour. When will he
    call? I got tired of sittig so, I went upstairs to go to the bathroom.
    Of course, when I leave the phone, thats when Taylor calls! I rushed 
    downstairs to take the call when I find my stepdad on the phone 
    talking to him. He was telling Taylor all these REALLY embarrassing
    stuff aboutme when I was younger. I couldn't believe he was doing 
    this. By this time, my face was red. I was so mad. Then I grabbed the 
    phone from him and said "Hi, I'am sorry about that."
    Then he replied "It's no problem."
         As the conversation went on:
         Me: "So, what have you been doing today?"
         Tay: "Not too much,you?"
         Me: "Same here."
         Tay: "Ya know, the reason I called is toask you a question."
         Me: "Oh, really? Whats the question?"
         Tay: "Well um, I was sort of wondering if you wanted to go see a movie 
    tomorrow night or somethin'!"
         Me: "Really, your asking me to go to a movie with you?"
         Tay: "Yep."
         Me: "Wow! I can't believe this."
         Tay: "Well...believe it."
         Me: "So are you asking me on a date?"
         Tay: "Um...yeah, I am. Do you still anna go?"
         Me: "Of course I do! Why wouldn't I?"
         Tay: "I don't know. Well, my mom needs to use the phone now."
         Me: "Okay, wel I'll see yo tomorrow noght then."
         Tay: "Yeah, I'll be looking forward to it."
         Me: "Me too."
         Tay: "Well... I'll see ya then."
         Me: "Yep, bye."
         Tay: "Bye."
         As I hung up the phone, I had to sread the news troughout my
    family and tell them about the big event tomorrow. Now there is only
    one problem, what am I going to wear?!

Go To Chapter 5:


Amanda Dutton