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I am working at Cedar Point this Summer on a ride called thunder Canyon so everyone better come visit me!!!!!!

Rest in Peace "Ravishing" Rick Rude 1958-1999

The Rabbi's thoughts!!!

HEY YO!!!!!!!

Ok I have to say a few things first. Thank you to the WWF and WCW for keeping me entertained and for Kamikaze and The Iceman for being good friends and letting me be part of this page.

Ok, it happened again. In Denver, there was another school shooting. This is getting way out of hand people. I am sick of hearing about a bunch of hood rats going into a school and just killing people at random. THIS IS STUPID!!!! I am not a huge fan of violence if you couldnt tell. I think violence between people, as in fist fighting or guns or bombs or whatever is very stupid. We need to do something before this gets out of control!! STOP THE VIOLENCE!!!

WRESTLEMAINA XV was one of the greatest PPVs I have ever seen in my life proving once again that nobody does pay per view like the WWF. Not only was there a new Hardcore champion, Bob "Don't call me Sparky Plug" Holly, but "Stone Cold" Steve Austin regained his WWF title (Eat that goldberg). The only down side is when X-pac Pinned shane the ref was distracted by Chyna(originally thought to be back with dx when she helped HHH beat kane) and HHH turned his back on X-Pac and put the pedigree on him to give Shane the victory. I hope Kane joins DX now which could happen. Recent firings in the WWF include Gillberg. This saddens me. However, with the Light heavyweight title now vacant, look for a one night tournament at the next PPV.

Some things I would like to see happen...

Hey Bart Gunn. Leave The WWF. I'm sure you could get a better thing going with a different organization. Shamrock, Leave the WWF and go back to your roots with the UFC. Ric Flair, one word RETIRE!!! You are way to old and you jiggle to much to be wearing Underware to wrestle in. Hey Nature Boy get used to the fact that you will soon be fertilizing nature.

Well here are the results of the last survey and thanks to all who voted. The question was Which page on this web site do you like the best? 50 People voted so thatn you all.

With 2% of the votes was The Iceman's ring.

With 4% of the votes was REBioweapon's arcade.

With 6% of the votes was The links.

With 8% of the votes was The Home page.

With 20% of the votes was Kamikaze's Theatre.

And the winner with 60% of the votes, Was the Rabbi's thought's.

Thank you to all who voted and keep voting!!!!!!! Just to let you all know I did not vote for any pager and neither did the rest of us so this was all you people!! Have a good day and keep voting!!

In WCW news, Finally a smart move, putting Flair in the nut house. This is a great thing in my opinion. DDP became champ at the last PPV but Kevin Nash is slated to win the title at Slamboree. sorry DDPP fans. I am also looking forward to seeing sting beat Goldberg and Pipper beating Flair.

Now, another thing I love is Music. My all time favorite band is Stone Temple Pilots. They have recently went back into the studio and have now started work on their 4th album!! The release date is tenatively Late July Early August!! They might be the headliners at Lalapalooza but That might also be Bush so that is still up in the air.If you have the chance, see Bare Naked Ladies Live. They put on a great stage show and I have never been dissapointed in the 3 times I have seen them. Another Band that I like is the Dave Matthews Band. I have liked them for a long time but unfortunately I have never got to see them in Concert. Hopefully I will someday.

Now for the last few things. Write to your local congressmen and tell them to Free Tibet from China. Every letter helps. If you would like more Info on Tibet look at Sean's page. He know's more about the situation than I do.

Well, as I have been saying, the OSU buckeyes have a good Basketball team this year. They have made it to the FINAL FOUR in their first NCAA tournament appearance since 1992. They played a UConn team that eventually won the National title with a three point win over Duke. Congratulations Buckeyes, You had a great run and it is nothing to be ashamed of. Not bad for a team who was dead last in the Big Ten last year huh?

I have to say on last thing. Hello everyone!!! I am not gonna put everybody's name on here in case I forget someone but now you all can say someone on the web put me on their web page!!!!

This has been The Rabbi speaking his mind. Talk to y'all later!!!

you can e-mail The Rabbi with any rumors you hear at rab8698@hotmail.com

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