Other Nifty Places

Wolff Tracks Here's my friend Randell's web journal, the one that inspired me to start my ramblings.

Jump The Shark I have spent so much time at this site the past few days. It's a great site covering all those awful sitcoms that you used to watch as a kid. I was just happy to see that someone else remembered a perfectly awful show called "Rocky Road" from the early 80s. As well as Full House, Major Dad, Just the 10 of us...all the other really shitty excuses for television that I used to sit through.

Sara's Fantabulous Page O'Quotes Sara is one of the coolest girls I've ever met...and her site kicks major amounts of ass. Free the West Memphis Three--Please visit this site and show your support. Without it there is an excellent chance that an innocent man will die at the hands of the Arkansas court system, who can't seem to admit that they might be wrong.

It's an interesting look at how we got to where we are.
A Word In Edgewise--It's a poetry-related page that isn't written by a love-sick 14-year old... in other words, it doesn't suck.

My good buddy Starla still has a page...albeit rarely updated.

Sary,my wonderful horsey friend, also has a wonderfully horse-y page.

The web's news source. I want to work here sooo bad.