Last updated: April 18, 1998
Bright Blessings!! Welcome to my personal information page. My craft
name is Lunah, and the reason why I didn't name this page Lunah's
Enchanted Realm is because as I mentioned previously, I already have
another web page and it is called "Lunah's Mystical Forest". Hence, my
love for faeries and angels led me to pick the name AngelPixie for this
page dedicated to the Good Folk. I chose Lunah as my craft name
because it represents my love for the moon. I love to stare out the window
on a beautiful starfilled night and look up at the glorious light of the moon
and just bask in her silver rays...I think she is the most beautiful aspect of
the goddess, and worship her wholeheartedly. My one of my favorite
colors is also silver, which is the color representative of the moon.
Okay...Do you recognize the midi playing in the background? You don't?! I
am so disappointed in you...why it's none other than "When You Wish Upon a
Star". Oh now you recognize it huh? Well, there's one more thing I forgot to add
on this page and that was the fact that I Love MICKEY MOUSE and
anything and everything Disney...Before I started collecting faeries and angels,
I used to and still do, collect Mickey Mouse items...Enjoy your journey through the Magickal Kingdom,err...I mean Realm...*smile*
For some brief information about my being a witch...yes that's right I am
a witch. And no, that does not make me a satan worshipper or evil. Witch
craft has nothing to do with Satan, he was manifested by the Christians to
scare away all the pagans and force them to convert to Christianity. For
more info about the truth of this beautiful religion visit my other web page
at Wicca/FAQ.
I also belong to a coven that my friends and I formed called
"Daughters of the Elements." We get together to have fun of course, and
also to celebrate the Sabbats and Esbats. I am also a student at Cal Poly
Pomona and I am a psychology major. In addition to loving faeries and angels,
I also love children. Because of this, I have decided to go into child
psychology. I want to help children who are mentally ill or who just have any
type of psychological problems. I also like to learn how the mind works and
how we as humans develop, so that's why I am into Psychology.
Now for some faves: I love the colors purple, blue and silver. I love
faeries and angels, and have a collection of both, I like listening to pagan,
scottish and celtic music, as well as alternative music. My fave actor is
Leonardo DiCaprio and David Boreanaz("Angel" from "Buffy the Vampire
Slayer). From this you can deduce that one of my fave t.v. shows is BTVS
and of course "Friends", which I never miss. My fave actress is Sara
Michelle Gellar and Helen Hunt. The most important people in my life are
my parents, siblings, friends, and of course my beautiful grey and white
tabby cat, "Angel". (*hmm, I wonder where I got that name from *smile*) My
fave author is Anne Rice and my fave trilogy is The Mayfair Witches trilogy,
and of course the Vampire Chronicles. On that note, I would also like to
mention that I am very interested in vampires and the gothic scene. Mind
you, I do not dress all in black, in fact I would say I dress normally, but I do
like gothic objects and paraphernelia, so one of my favorite stores is Hot
Well, I guess I bored you enough. If there is anything else you would
like to know about me, just email me, I am a very open person about these
sorts of things.
Copyright (c) May 08, 1998 by AngelFae. Please do not remove any of these graphics from my page...respect copy right laws.
I apologize for not giving credit to the creator of these images and the background but I don't recall where I got it from. If these are your images or you know who the proper owner is please email me and let me know so that I may give them proper credit.