This a nice little poem written about the evil Angel. Enjoy!

"We Miss You"

We miss you Angelus,
More than you know.
You won't believe how sad,
We were to see you go.

You brightened up our day,
With your beautiful evil grin.
Oh, how we took you for granted,
When you were with us then.

You looked so fine in leather,
Your eyes shone with that wicked glare.
You called Spike "Roller Boy,"
Every time you saw him there.

Oh, how we miss you Angelus,
We didn't have you long.
Your love for destroying the world,
Now didn't that go wrong.

You see our dearest Angelus,
How your hobbies did no good.
Driving young girls insane,
Eating the boys in the hood.

You made your ex real mad,
Which would have been ok.
Except she was the Slayer,
And then you were her prey.

You went and killed old Jenny,
And though she was stupid and a bore,
That was definitly a bad idea,
Since that made Buffy hate you more.

Then you decided to awaken Acathla,
The demon who would suck us into Hell.
But Willow preformed the curse,
And the rest of the story didn't go so well.

And oh, my dearest Angelus,
If only your soul had not been returned,
You would have ruled the world,
And possibly not have been burned.

And so, we miss you Angelus,
More than you know.
You won't believe how sad,
We were to see you go.

by Lindsay June
