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Hello, Welcome to my Angel page, use all of my Angels
that you want to but "DOWN LOAD" them
to your computer I will be taking these pictures off
and putting new one up every week
if you don't down load them you will lose them!!
These are all new pictures on the web.

I hope you enjoy the pretty angels here.

The door to the heart of a friend is always open.

There is no joy greater than the joy of the heart.

Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in
looking together in the same direction.

The most beautiful action in the world is to love.
The second most beautiful is to give.

God writes the gospel not in the Bible alone,
But on trees, and flowers, and clouds, and stars.

Look for a lovely thing and you will find it.
My heart is like a singing bird.

We can do no great things;
only small things with great love.

The song that we hear with our ears
is the song that is sung in our hearts.

Write it on your heart that every day
is the best day in the year.


Whoever loves true life will love true love.

The most I can do for my friend is simply to be his friend.

My Pages


Close your eyes, my sweet son...
for an Angel cradles your gentle spirit,
this night...

Listen closely, my son, my life...
for an Angel whispers to your heart
of heavenly promise as we part...

Lie gently, my love, my sweet son...
for an Angel bears your sorrows
upon gossamer wings in flight...

Close your eyes, sweet son tonight...
for an Angel takes you to a new beginnings,
and an ethereal light...

Speak softly, my son, my love...
for an Angel listens to the hopes you left behind...

Touch our dreams, my love, my son, my life...
for an Angel you have become this night...

my love eternal......

Linda Lane
20 Lock Seven Ln.
Carthage, TN 37030

United States

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