What The Hell Are The Hansons???

         Recently, on MTV, I have been routinely assalted by a 
    video by the Hansons.  These people really suck rhinocerous 
    balls.  They sing like a bunch of pixies and their song is 
    possible the lamest known to man.  Everyone hates the 
         The reason the video gets played so frequently is 
    because everyone wants to guess the Hansons' genders.  This 
    issue has sparked huge controversy at my school.  Some 
    people think they are all guys but thats not possible 
    because the singer sings like a girl.  Some people think 
    there's two guys and one girl but my friend said that he 
    heard they were all guys on the radio.  Most people are 
    pretty sure the guitarist is a guy and the singer is a girl 
    and are unsure about the drummer.  A lot of people are 
    convinced that the singer is a guy that has the same disease 
    as Michael Jackson so he has to sing like he has no 
    testicles. Or maybe they are all guys and they only have a 
    total of 3 0r 4 testicles so they look like girls. Or maybe 
    they are a bunch girls and the guitarist, who looks like a 
    guy, is ugly (not that the rest of them are beauty queens 
    or anything).The most valid theory I have heard is that they 
    are all either asexuals or hermaphrodites. If you know plesse 
    E-mail me, this is driving me nuts.  

Angry Badger


Planet Arus

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