Retro Disco Intro

I am the same Angry Badger as on the other Angry Badger page. Unfortunately, I forgot my password that I needed to edit it so I'm starting a new page. This makes me angry and more badger-like (not necessarily a bad thing.) I don't like this page and don't spend much time on it myself. If you decide that it is benificial to your well-being to stay here, don't blame me for any diseases you might contract (Herpes, Ebola, etc.), or any bodily injuries. Don't say you weren't warned.

My old page went something like this: This is my homepage. It's a lot like other hompages you've seen, but this one is probably a lot worse. Why? It's because I could never possibly even dream of having the patience to make a page that I could be proud of. If you want to see nice, attractive web pages, you should go far, far away. You'll never find one around here. I have dedicated this page to anything I feel is "hep" or "happening", anything I enjoy, anything I think is particularly humorous, and a bunch of other crap. I have plenty of things to say (such as: "Ouch, I got my hair stuck in the car door again"), so I will use this page as a means to communicate my opinions, an outlet, if you will, for expressing my inner most feelings and all sorts of other things that I really should tell my therapist about.

The Angry Badger

p.s. I'm not really a badger. Heck, I wouldn't even say I'm all that angry. But I chose this name because it sounds real fine and because I think it will make me more popular. I know I'm an idiot.